>not using toe shoes

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Now that's a high-test leg

Are those a meme ?

Those beginners should run with them or just let it for more advanced times ?

Beginners should start with them, run with normal running shoes and you will develop bad for which will fuck you up

whats the point of these?

Toe shoes are for fags. Are you a fag?


Hi uncle Joe

Am poorfag, they are too expensive.

Not even expensive though

man I hope joe posts here. Hi joe!

This is going to sound crazy but...
I just run in socks
Not to mention those toe shoes are unnatural and don't mimic barefoot the way they intended

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Thinner sole/shoe design helps assist you in developing more natural running patterns (e.g. not slamming your heel down first on every step) which in turn develops the muscles in your legs and feet better, more particularly the latter.

>I just run in socks

>not slapping duct tape to the bottom of your bare foot every day
Never going to make it. Not sure why you even try.

honestly sick calves bro

christ that's even more autistic than running barefoot

About to go squat in these

Those are manlet shoes
They don't even make those shoes big enough for me.

All thanks to running properly!

>being a fucking homo

Mirin Calf vascularity

lmao what the fuck dawg

They're only 50 quid, buy a pair from my superior country

Yes my friend

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Fuck off

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These were cool for like a month in 2011

>sacrificing that extra inch that comes with ordinary sneakers

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It's Joe Rogan

I wear these for stream trout fishing and that's about it. Better than heavy waders. Toe shoes and swim shorts. Those old fuckers with $5K in gear who aren't catching shit... Ha

why though?

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They look pretty dumb.

Post leg routine

Hi Joe!
Shot any elks with your bow today?

>not running in minimalist running sandals
>Not running and training just like the romans and greeks did

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This. You know what the romans and greeks all had? Fucking calves and arched feet.

why wouldn't you just go barefoot?

Who in face are you?!

Do you also wear them while bow hunting you poser faggot

Joe, I'm sorry, but I don't have enough time in the day to listen to all of the episodes of your podcast. I really enjoy the episodes where your guest is some sort of expert in their field and they explain the crazy shit they're working on. Please do more episodes with those kinds of people.

only listen to the MMA ones pleb

or the really interesting non-MMA ones like when he had mel gibson on not too long ago

just listen to them when you do cardio, not in your free time

I listen to podcasts mainly when driving, showering, cooking, and cleaning. Not enough hours in the day to listen to everything. And yeah, the one with Mel and the stem cell guy was fantastic.


interesting, never thought to do this

Actually, I should've said "getting ready in the morning" instead of showering, since I listen while brushing my teeth, making/eating breakfast, shaving, etc.

>not building necessary foot strength by running barefoot outside as a kid
Fucking wipipo

Why do you hate socks, user? What did they do to deserve that?

>using toe shoes

I just run with bare feet, I have flat feet and I can't find a shoe that works for me. I have crazy callouses on the balls of my feet, and my feet were bloody as fuck the first few weeks.

They're too expensive for a poor faggit like me, plus they don't seem to be made for every kind of feet, so it's more of the same.
Running on socks fucked up my feet more than running barefoot.
I ran for about 6 months barefoot, first month on recovery after the first time. The next 5 months were at a really slow pace, 4 times a week, it's quite a pleasent feeling after the first 10mins. Didn't keep it up cause it tired me visually, having to be on constant look out for sharp rocks, thorns and glass. Enjoyed it tho'.
Whenever I ran with my father I did with trainers and it felt like I could really try my endurance, plus my calves didn't get as tired as quickly...And my dad told me that I ran like a fag while barefoot, which is kind of true.
I'm thinking of making sandals out of leather, but the material has got to be JUST right so the front part doesn't "flop" with every step.
I'm fat now and haven't run for 2 years, thus on Jow Forums

Hi Joe!

Can't out lifts to make me 6'2 pass

offers at least some protection against sharp objects in the ground.

You should shower everyday you sick fuck

Actually they don't, they only numb the sensation of harsh surface, the initial lets call it "skin pain" it's not indicative of real harm, and the abrasion from the friction as your foot turns and tries to get traction on the ground chaffes and hurts your feet, socks also retain moisture which only exacerbates it.
This could somewhat be helped by really tight socks, which is not what people who look for barefoot running are after. (Toe constriction)
Oversize socks affect they way you run.
I think that guy is trolling, even if you carefully run on grass those socks are not gonna last more than 15k.
Tho' he could be running on synthetic tracks, in which case, disregard my life I suck cocks.

What about a treadmill?

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Still better then barefoot.

they teach you proper running form without as many risks as running full barefoot, since they offer some protection, I definitely wouldn't go on a rigorous intense trail run with them or anything but they do have their uses in teaching proper form.

could you run barefoot OR with socks on a treadmill?

that sounds painful

mirin' jojo

Get back to your podcast, Joe.

Your father would be disappointed.

idiots buy these just get some $5 walmart flat shoes and rip the soles out ta da you just made minimalist shoes