Eating raw onions

Does high raw onion consumption really lower estrogen in men?

I’m turning 30 next month and I’m starting to worry about my testosterone levels.

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>turning 30
Just go to the morgue already grandpa

>that 30 year old that falls for Jow Forums memes to try and salvage his already sunken ship of a life

>that 30y old who eats raw onions at the gym

Kek, i love this place sometimes

I’m married, I’m only trying to keep my sperm counts high for the wife.

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>take estrogen
>take a little less each day

you have now lowered estrogen without bad breath

Yes. Hell yes. I’m on day 45 of OROAD (one raw onion a day) and I have never felt better. It does however make nofap almost impossible, so make sure the wife wants to fuck, a lot.

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You could eat (raw):
Brazil Nuts
Olive Oil

For dat test boost and not choke while eating it like with onions

Also eat Hard boiled/poached eggs, fish, red meat.

Is this for real? Or just a meme-_- I can't tell sometimes with you peps in Jow Forums

My testicles have become big and firm since I started with onions, before they were much softer

Okay wait so can I incorporate the onion with a meal or does it have to be just an onion raw alone? You have my attention

There's no difference if its with a meal or alone

Onions was a fucking meme to trick newfags into eating raw uncooked onion, anyone who says otherwise is trolling

None of this shit is even funny.

No it is legit. Do not expect miracles though.
Also do not bite in onions like those autists, look up italian dishes that make use of raw onions and you're golden.

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Well I read there are health benefits. Idk about the estrogen part but at the end if the day wearing raw veggies is better then cooked for the most part. Unless you're a bitch with a bitch gut that's can't take raw materials

Like this for example

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it was a meme. All the old posts from back around thanksgiving emphasized eating them uncooked because cooking the onions somehow neutralizes the effects. it was a troll to get people to eat raw onions like apples.

But cooking veggies does kill some of the vitamins, so maybe it wasn't a meme

Like anything in this site started as a joke and fags take it seriously now.

It is not a meme. Do not listen to this friendly merchant here
and look up dishes with raw onions

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"In male Wister rats, onion juice administered over a 20-day period significantly increased testosterone levels – by a whopping 300%.

Not only that, but the 4 g per kg of body weight of juice also improved luteinizing hormone levels – a hormone responsible for stimulating testosterone production in the testes.

These improvements helped to boost sperm motility and concentration too.

Also a research paper published in a 1967 found that when rats were fed onion juice, the size of their testes increased by 25%. Their semen levels rose too – in both old and young rats."

We aren't rats but our systems are very close to theirs (which is why they're always used)

So most likely the answer is, yes.
And even if it doesn't, theres a shitload of benefits that have been proven.

So eat your onion.
Make pico de gallo or some shit, or onion/tomato/cucumber salad which is what i do.

If you can't tell probably a good idea not to lurk honestly. People have died from being too gullible

if you're that desperate to stop being a soyboy just take very low dose arimidex twice weekly

its 5usd for a package and you wont end up rating life