>got friend started lifting 6 months ago >he didn’t like results >he starts roiding >after first blast he is already bigger and leaner than me >literally gained 30lbs if pure lean tissue in literally 12 weeks blasting (how the actual fuck?) >talks down to me like he knows best >he still doesn’t even know how to perform most exercises properly and is still weak >hes planning on starting a online coaching business with his transformation pics
Just keep training. In a few years your friend is probably injured and fu ked up
Zachary Hill
if he's your legit friend use him as a source and start blasting
Cooper Evans
Dude, the fitness "industry " is just one giant con. Your friend is a fag, there are to many people like this nowadays. The instagram generation is lost. Hang in there and make gains bro. I see this shit far to often, pissed me off.
Blake Ward
That’s what a lot of guys do. The steroids actually cause physiological changes in the body that dramatically increase ego, so the user actually thinks their results are from their hard work and dedication, and that they’re better than everyone else, when in reality it’s the drugs that got them all of their gains.
Jerry Ward is a perfect example of this, the guy literally shrinks to DYEL mode when he goes off cycle.
Jordan Clark
That's literally the only reason I dislike /fraud/. A bunch of average roiders with 0 clue of training or anything, just blasting and being convinced that what they do is "more dedicated" because they take the "extra step". I have no issues with people that roid to compete, but people that roid to compare themselves to natties while being the most average roider are just obnoxious.
Adam Hill
>so the user actually thinks their results are from their hard work and dedication
this explains garagebro
Brandon Phillips
Lmao you just summarized 90% of the fitness community in one post.
Brayden Wood
>hah your routines are shit guy! >where’s your 500 isolations bro >why are you doing squats and bench and chins on the same day bro! >man you guys just don’t know how to train haha >haha weighted dips? Whata joke! >I do chest press machine with 100lbs and SQUEEZE the muscle >hah it’s all about the SQUEEZE bro >strength doesn’t do shit haha! >see look at me!
These are the guys that shrink everytime they come off gear, they cannot comprehend the fact that their gains are being hold onto due to synthetic hormones in their body, they don’t understand that a natural body only gains size with strength and that the natural body running normal levels of hormones has no other way to grow besides from gaining strength.
But instead they will spread misinformation to natties who take their word for it because they look good.
Blake Martinez
>Friend gets me into lifting >Guy has been lifting for a year >Dosen't count cal, lifts 5-7 days a week doing splits >He gains some size but stays fat >I start off doing SS >Over six months i put on a good amount of size and gain strength >calls me out for roiding, becomes angry cunt >wont listen to any of my advise because he has a year of lifting experience >starts going to another gym, ignores me >starts roiding a few months later >Leans out and puts on size >starts coming to my gym again >acts like he's Arnold >starts asking me about my cycle >still disbelief that in natty >Still not 1/2/3/4 at this point >keep on lifting and ignore him >he gets laid off for work, cant find a good job >see him almost a year later, back to being skinny fat
Just keep lifting.
Charles Reed
normaltext is the new greentext
Gabriel Moore
If he ever stops he's going to deflate like a balloon and injure himself thinking he can still perform on the same level as when he was roiding and end up becoming a lardass during recovery.
Adam Gray
Believe it or not, picrelated is also a steroid user that posts here
Doesn't look roided at all, delts look very normal, not popping at all. Just looks like a manlet that trained a lot of arms.
Lucas Garcia
He posts on /fraud/
Daniel Hall
Well maybe he is planning to start a cycle. Or that is a bad pic and he actually looks bigger, idk
Charles Brown
realistically speaking what's the effect of a single cycle on hairloss?
i've been on finasteride for 3 years and it almost stopped my hairloss, i've considered hopping on 1 cycle for a good boost (been lifting for 4 years) but i'd hate to become a baldlet over this.
Cooper Lewis
Doesn't fin completely cuck your DHT levels? Why would someone doing strength training what that? DHT is probably the most important hormone in your body to build muscle with. Fuck your hair
Parker Perez
>Yeah, steroids really don’t do much huh? Nobody says that
Michael Diaz
i've been progressing just fine, both strength and mass. never had any libido issues or any of that shit. and i hate to break it to you but when it comes to aesthetics having hair is more important.
Lincoln Sanders
And why the fuck do you care? Let him downregulate his t production and turn into a whimpering little faggot once he goes off it, or he'll eventually have a heart attack. Being a fraud will always come back to get you in the end, one way or another.
Josiah Green
Nah steroids are harmless just godda do your blood tests ez pz
Jace Morales
Mostly harmless, so long as you do the research and know wtf you're doing. Some have some serious side effects... Tren may speed neuron degradation, cheque drops make you nuts, 1-test crystallize in the muscle and damages it, boldenone is great so long as your blood doesn't get so thick you stroke out...
Evan Flores
>Nah steroids are harmless Keep telling yourself that, fact is that it's strongly linked to cardiac morbidity and mortality. Have fun.