I have a low self esteem

I have a low self esteem....

Sometimes if I watch porn, I can fall down a rabbit hole and get into sissy stuff...

If I do nofap and focus on meditating exercise and hitting on women, I will get out of this hole... But it's so easy to settle into this hole and get into sissy hypno....

It's an easier option....

I just want to leave that stuff behind me and never think about it again, but I'f I'm down and anxious, I might look at porn and then feel that dopamine rush and that craving and get into it. Then it makes me want to act on this gross shit..."

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Will probably regret asking this but what the fuck is sissy hypno.

Basically low test homosexual nigger cock worship videos

i dont like the race stuff

i think a lot of 'alternative' lifestyles are basically easy options. you think it's easy to live the corporate life & be an 'upstanding member of society'? it's harder than you think. being a fucking loser gay ass weirdo is just what you do when you stop trying.

let's be honest - a lot of gay people wouldn't get girls anyways. that explains at least some of this behavior.

What the fuck is wrong with you. Is this what you wanted to be when you grew up? News flash: everyone masturbates. But now you've made it into some weird thing it doesn't need to be. I don't even know what sissy porn is but I can tell your just having a pity party for yourself so fuck off. You chose to fuck up your life and you didn't even do it in a fun way. I guarantee you're some vanilla office cuck. Fucking pathetic. There are hundreds of thousands of guys EXACTLY like you and it's just fucking annoying at this point for you to even exist. You living fucking cliche. Stop posting here and learn to be remotely self aware of yourself.

I was like this a few months back but now I'm back to a healthy sexdrive. Stop watching porn immediately, do some kinda ritual if you want to but just stop it. Then don't fap for at least a month to get a clear system by then just fap to your imagination but make sure you imagine you're the dominate one when fapping. My theory behind this is that porn makes the viewer the undominate one by its design while in real life the male should be the dominate one in sex, women should be fingering themselves begging for your cum not the other way around. Theres nothing wrong with you, just leave all this crap and continue on,

Back to /lgbt/ with (You) OP

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I see people I know who are "trans" and I literally see it as them not wanting to cope with the responsibility of being men.

OP here. I see that way as well. I want to leave this shit behind.

And this isn't even against you wanting to be a tranny or whatever the fuck it is your trying to vaguely convey to us. Just don't sit there and try to sell me on your life story like it's fucking interesting. You don't get to just decide it is important without actually doing anything mentionable. That's not how it works and it never will be how it works. If you wanna be something go fucking be it. You're like a YouTuber trying to get the fans before actually having a talent. Like FUCKKKKKKKKK Off with this Jake Paul tier shit. Now. Go. Leave. You can't just keep posting entire threads like this shit even matters. Unfuckingacceptable.

talk to a psychologist, not Jow Forums

And lastly, don't get all fucking sad either having now read all this. I wouldn't be telling you any of this if I didn't love you on some level, so fuck off with that shit before you even start. If I didn't care about you I wouldn't post one word in this thread.

just do, you should enjoy being a man and get high of being a man, how you can dominate women, lift heavy in the gym, have fun talk with people, laugh, and think of this tranny shit as gay fagot crap(which it is) that is just for the lowest filth, people that you can laugh at not be. Willing to bet that after a year of no porn you will barely remember all this and just laugh at what you were doing a year ago

Dude you think every dude doesn't get that way? The sooner you realize you're not abnormal the sooner you'll stop being a sissy faggot.

Men don't talk or express openly sexuality, and we live with the responsibilities of being the alpha provider. Mentally it's easier to be submissive.

Now if you want to get on steroids and get huge as fuck, I can help out.

I appreciate it. I just have this fear man. A creeping anxiety when I'm alone sometimes. It makes me focus on faults and I feel down. It doesnt even always come.

I've been doing well lately. Have a girl, working on a big project, been nofaping it... just drinking more coffeee than id like.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Sissy Hypno Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

The more you focus on sexuality the more it will become a crutch for your failures in every other way, leading you to faggotry. Start lifting heavy and get into bigger shit.

ive thought about steroids, but i dont want to be dependent on them. I heard that if you cycle one time, you're metabolism will be forever improved.

I think most men probably have conflict somewhere, but I still feel abnormal. The abnormal feeling makes me delve into this poison.

From somebody who's had similar feelings to another, get the fuck into a better hobby. Lift two hours a day. Get on 500mg test.

I wouldn't do drugs, maybe pick up an instrument or do something creative like writing or composing to express your angst. But you have to stop with this selfpity bullshit, yeah you probably are abnormal now stop bitching about it and act like a man

I lift at my home every other day. 50 lbs dumbbell curls each arm

5 sets of 23 reps, 100 lbs bench

5 sets of 9 reps, 100 lbs standing shoulder press

5 sets of 7 reps, 40 lbs each arm... those one lisfte where you have dumbbells at your sides and lift your arms up straight to shoulder level... forgot what theyre called.

I also do burpies, play basketball, do suicides at my court twice a week, etc.
I know my regimen can be better. Im nervous about going to a gym, I have never been. I know little to nothing.

fuck of faggot just kill yourself

Exposure therapy works, doing shit you're afraid of build confidence. Get a gym membership. I'm one of those huge guys you think makes fun of you or judges you, we don't. When dudes see dudes trying to make it at the gym, we want them to succeed. I notice the skinny dude who won't make eye contact, I get where that dude comes from and why he feels uncomfortable because 90% of people in the gym have been in a place where they hate themselves, hate their bodies and hate their lives.

Do shit you're afraid of, go out of your comfort zone. Fixing your life means not only doing that, but sticking to it. You'll feel like giving up 2 or 3 times, it's right after you push through it that shit starts changing for you.

lol, definitely don't do any drugs, do a program pic related and get your bench up to 2plates first. Go to the gym if you don't have the equipment, skinny guys come in everyday to my gym as weak a you and no one cares, after a few months when you're hitting higher numbers they'll be impressed and you'll be so much happier with yourself. Also don't be worried about being 'nervous' you're probably never going to see these people outside the gym its just going to make stronger getting out of your comfort zone

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How should I go about choosing weight?

Watch YouTube videos on correct form, find the heaviest weight that let's you do a full range of motion with no pain and perfect form. If you try weight and it's too light, go get more. If it's too heavy, get less. Literally nobody cares what weight you're lifting.

Op has autogynephilia. Basically he faps and self inserts into this to a point where he warped his mind.

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I can't really tell you, just decide on a weight where you can do the reps and sets required with good form, pick a lighter weight rather than a heavier one, you have to start of making sure you get the form correct, always do controlled reps with good form. For example in bench I might do 100pounds for you first day, do 5 reps for you first 2 sets and then as many reps as possible with good form on your third set, if you get 10+reps on the last set add 5 pounds next workout, continue this each time you bench and eventually you'll be challenging yourself and making gains

Cool out on the caffeine. It exacerbates whatever you have going on mentally, good or bad. Have oneitis for a girl? Congratulations, on 1 G of caffeine a day that infatuation had turned into mental illness severely affecting your day to day life. Everything going good and making gains? Good you'll probably stay positive though eventually burn out from tolerance. Drugs are drugs FRIENDOOOOOOO

this happens to literally everyone who watches porn excessively. wank addict (you)'s incoming

As a matter of fact I guarantee most of this goes away if you quit the caffeine altogether and took life slow for a week.

about to leave now, take care friend, stop this faggot shit, stop watching porn, make gains in the gym and in a few months you'll be feeling better than ever, let this just be a warning to yourself of the dangers of porn and going to far with addictions, good luck!

>When dudes see dudes trying to make it at the gym
Quoted for truth!

I had such a hard time getting comfortable in the gym I make it a point to be that annoying guy who goes up and introduces himself and says:
>"You don't want to use the machines, come over and work in with me over here at the free weights. "
>invariably its 'b-b-but I c-cant lift as much as you...'
>"Well then it's a good thing the plates are removable then isn't it?"

I've had probably 30 guys tell me they'd tried for years to stick to the gym but always got too self conscious to keep at it.

thanks gentlemen

I get the hypnosex thing user but holy fuck how does it get so bad that you wanna be a trap?

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You can kick it OP. I used to watch that shit too, and I hated myself for it. I just watched the porn though, never actually felt like or wanted to be a woman, think I was just kinda bi curious and went down a weird rabbit hole. Then I saw some pictures of old, pathetic, disgusting trannies and saw how sad and fucked up that was and thought deeply about my life and where I could end up if I kept living like that. Stopped watching porn, started lifting weights, got my diet in order, slowly learning to be more confident. I'd slip up every now and then and watch some of it, but got ahold of myself and would slip up less and less, now it's been over a year and whenever I see that shit or think about it my reaction is just pure disgust. I'm pretty sure I'm just mildly bisexual, but now I just jerk it to my imagination thinking about fucking girls in real life situations.
What helps me is to think about the best version of myself in the future, what I could be like in 5 years if I did my absolute best, thinking about what my future self would say to me, how he would help me to become him. And just be that, get into that mindset, you already are that person if you try, think how he would think. Of course you'll slip up sometimes and feel down and shitty, but you need to internalize that dominant, confident core to yourself that can face anything so that you can bring yourself out of self doubt and depression. And get out of your head. You're probably like me and a lot of other anons here in that you overanalyze everything and are too in your head. Realize that most everything you think and doubt in yourself is bullshit, it's that part of you that wants to be sad and give up because that's easy. Just live in reality and in the moment and pay no mind to those thoughts, just let them pass by you and focus on your core confidence.
Don't be a sadcunt, be a fucking sickcunt
We're all gonna make it

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You'll look like shit and get bone cancer in your 40s

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I'd like to report as someone who was semi affected by this phenomenon. I believe it has to do with several factors being societal, environmental and nutrituonal. Societal: you like me probably live in a western country and of typical Jow Forums demographic (age 15-30, white male). Western countries are undergoing what I've personally termed a 'cuckening' where being a man is seen as bad, single mom's and their groupthink are prevalent and the media constantly chastises white men leading to an inferiority complex. Combined with the utter corruption and infiltration of our gov and money system by (((them))), white men, who are the only ones capable of realizing this criminality, become broken and mentally castrated in the face of the criminal MIC/finance octopus, with which the common man is virtually helpless. This leads to a loss of confidence, hope and drive.

Next, being coming of age, and the explosive prevalence of porn has affected male development. In the information really and the destruction of the family, proper role models are none to be found. This also plays into the breakdown of gender relations and courtship due to promiscuity, blending genders in education and loss of religion make most young men utterly lost when it comes to mating. So they turn to porn, the easy rush that has no removed most of the drive for men to search for a mate, thier cummies can be had at the easy touch of a button. Knowing the power of porn (((they))) have then begun a massive campaign to push degenerate porn such as trannys, cuckold and racial smut to further divide and castrate people. 4ch itself being a prime battleground for this (see spamming on /b and pol) Being helpless, many men give in as a way to maintain thier psyche in the face of a nearly unstoppable conspiracy.

Finally, all this relies upon the chemically feminizing fluoride in the water, fatty carbs, sedentary living and lack of sunshine that is nearly required in the modern rat race.


Seeing the benefits given to women, their allowed sexuality, and terrible economic conditions where only the top 10% can live with relative dignity, men then think 'I will become a woman' and then give in. This extreme despair is expressed via homosexuality, cross dressing and addictive eating. I believe the explosion of homosexuality is due to many men 'checking out' due to the modern 80/20 rule. So save your psyche and turn gay.

This will be studied in years to come and I will say it now, it's part of a deliberate psychological warfare campaign.


still makes me kek

So you justify your wagecuckery for some jew by telling others it's harder than their life. You sound like a literal plebeian that follows whatever dogmatic rules your overseer makes.

It's the 'I got mine' mentality.

>not even porn addicted and don't watch sissy porn
>still want to be a woman
It's too late for me. I've felt this way my whole life, even pre-porn/fapping, and it's only getting worse. I've never wanted to be a man or be big, even though god made me tall with a chad chin. I know I could easily be a chad if I put forth even the slightest effort since my fake personality is already fairly charismatic and I'm not socially retarded, but being chad doesn't interest me in the slightest. I can't handle faking it until I make it much longer. I'm going to either start transitioning or an hero this year.

Get off city water, I swear when I moved outside the city and got on well water, my masculinity noticeably increased. Your mind is being fucked with. Keep lifting bro, we need more white male chads.

Why don't you just transition instead of killing yourself? Who are we going to shitpost with if you Anne Hiro?

>Anyone who works hard and gets ahead is just a compliant cuck who sucks up to THE MAN and just rationalizes away all of *my* TRUE struggle and oppression

Have you considered just not being a loser, faggot?

OK stop being a faggot just because your trying to be female doesn't mean life's going to be easier, your probably going to turn out to be one of those ugly ass trannys, why don't you instead of spending all that money put that towards a personal trainer or something more productive

I fell down that hole last yeat and Im out. However I did like sucking dick. HOW THE FUCK do I stop having semis in the Gym showers? Sometimes I just wanna suck some dick fuck

If your success doesn't impact the company and impact your place in the company and personal wealth.
If you don't have at least some flexibility when it comes to hours and work that you can do
If you don't like your job and are doing it to earn a check
Then you're a wage slave.

The only way to think about your job after that is to see yourself as a self employed independent contractor who invests in himself, his life, and is always on the look out for a better deal or a hustle.

If you see your greatest amibtion as to get and keep a job so that you can barely earn enough to stay in debt just to get shit you don't need, then...well....you're in the matrix.

>Keep lifting bro
>implying I'm lifting
I've never seen the value in getting big muscles. Just looks uncomfortable and I'd probably just hate looking in the mirror even more than I already do.
Shame and fears of being an unlovable hon mostly. My whole life I've pretended to be okay. I don't want to disappoint my family by saying that all they've known was a lie, even though they'd probably be accepting.

Holy fucking projection, that is an absolute doozy.

Literally everything on that list is pretty straightforward to come by as long as you're not an absolute brainlet and apply yourself with some modicum of initiative. Pointing out that the average whiner living a responsibility-free "alternative lifestyle" generally isn't even doing that minimum doesn't exactly imply that the "radical" things you're suggesting are somehow a mystery to someone, user.

You should go back to posting pink wojacks on Jow Forums while another shitcoin tanks. You fit in better there.

At no point did you directly address a single thing in my post.
You simply rattled off nonsense that had nothing to do with anything and threw in a few "meme's" for spice

I addressed your list totally bluntly and directly, you brainlet.

>Success that impacts the company, your place in it, and your personal wealth
>At least some flexibility in work/hours
>Likable and engaging

That's what you listed. That's what I referred to. Can you read?

"You didn't address muh post" is an especially rich criticism, given that all of that projection about miserable, presumably cubicle-dwelling wageslaves came flooding out prompted by almost nothing that suggested any relevance of anything you're trying to talk about. You're projecting out of control.

i was in the same shit last year. I fixed it a couple months ago by just quitting porn and continuing masturbation. since i already liked sissy stuff i just jerked off into my mouth every time i felt an urge. eventually my brain forgot about porn and i'm all healthy now. i recommend you trying it. I still swallow every load to this day and my confidence is through the roof

They're just fags or autists who get told this will make them ""happy""

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OP we are the same.
Today I actually got high and used a vibrating razor-blade handle as a vibrator. The orgasm was fucking insane, but at that moment I realised that this sissy stuff wasn't for me.
Do you also have problems with your father/do you have a male role model?

>even though god made me tall with a chad chin
Posts results if you do it. i need a laugh

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>Literally everything on that list is pretty straightforward to come by as long as you're not an absolute brainlet and apply yourself with some modicum of initiative.

user, you litterally reiterated what I stated then added an MUH IQ and MUH BOOSTRAPS addendum.

Also what I posted can be applied to every single fucking job and place of employment you can even concieve of. YOU got all offended about the mere insinuation that you're a CUBICLE DWELLING DILBERT.
Not me.

I stand by my post. You added nothing, you even agreed with me while trying to eek out a gracious "win"

Sounds like you're mostly just addicted to porn but honestly man, just accept being bisexual or at the very least bicurious. Sexuality isn't as set in stone or as important as the retards here would lead you to believe.

If everything goes badly, as it likely will, I'll be sure to post my story so it can be memed to those who might make use of its lessons.

You're the one who started calling people wagecucks for pointing out that being a gay weird loser is a lot less effort than going corporate, user. Backpedaling and saying, "lol what makes you think I was insinuating anybody was a wagecuck? Haha why are you even trying to argue?" isn't clever. It just reveals how short your brainlet attention span is, because you couldn't even be cognizant anymore of how the conversation even got here.

you don't even need to "accept" anything. Just acknowledge that sexuality is fluid.
I don't care how "straight" a man claims to be. Starve him of sex for a long time and give him gloryhole.

Sexuality is majorly based on conditioning. I'd say genes do play a part in some individuals, however it's mainly environmental

This is why I come to Jow Forums. People are nice sometimes

Sexuality isn't fluid in men.
It can be manipulated with drugs and conditioning, like excessive porn constant posting of trannies and lying about basic sexuality like you just did.
But removed from negative chemical media and social influences and everyone will quickly revert to their normal sexuality.

We're two different people user.
I'm the guy who started in with the wage slave thing.
The other...PERSON was the one you were arguing with before.

As for women, the same thing is true.
Women are just physically turned on by a lot of things
Queers and certain interests sucker women into thinking this very normal thing means that they want to fuck women and all sorts of fucking things. Rather then tell them that their bodies are just wired that way...unless their bodies are absolutely fucked by hormonal BC.

>Sexuality isn't flud in men
>It can be manipulated with drugs and conditioning

You immediately fucked up your first claim. Sexuality is based almost entirely on early experiences, it is random and chaotic to a huge extent and can either be repressed or appreciated

Retarded gay agenda push
Get off the porn and CHOOSE to stay straight

>sexuality isn't fluid
>it can be manipulated

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So fucking repress it
>b-but unhappy
I HIGHLY doubt the sissy shit op gets off to has anything to do with warly childhood. It's just whag porn does, lure you into sicker and sicker shit.
Fetishes you get very early (like 15 and earlier) stick, the rest is just added through porn, and can be eliminated

even though I could say you're being a fucking religious-meme right now, you're actually right in 99% of cases.
We literally should get off porn and CHOOSE to be straight.

>You immediately fucked up your first claim.
You're legit fucking retarded aren't you?
Brute forcing someone into another sexuality doesn't work for long.
You'll get psychosis, self destruction, and lashing out.
Every single queer transgender self proclaimed lesbian girl who was "convinced" of their sexuality by a creep media or had a chemical fuck up are all of a pounding and a few nice words from going full 1950's housewife and 1970' free love cockslut.

You are in fact legit stating that people can naturally breathe under water because they have scuba diving equipment.

I'm not arguing with you by any means, I agree. But op also sounds like too much of a pussy little hedonist to quit porn. He might as well roll with it if he's limited to purely keeping it a fantasy.

desu that's not even me, but
>Brute forcing someone into another sexuality doesn't work for long
Last time I checked, operant conditioning can be as permanent as you want it to be

So do you think that there are people who aren't just naturally gay? I'm genuinely curious why some people think these bizarre fetishes like sissy shit are always blamed on porn addiction when most porn addicts stick strictly with porn that fits their normal orientation. Why do some people get off on the sissy stuff then? Maybe they are just a bit gay.

If you're already considering fucking up your body and mind with hormones, why not try and pump yourself full of test and roids first before you do the irreversible? I mean clearly you're lacking testosterone because healthy testosterone males do not think like this. It's the far less dramatic thing to do.

I unironically had a friend who went male to female
>no longer friends by the way, he/she is mentally unstable and dangerous to be around
And I am honestly regretful that I was indifferent and "supportive" of his feelings at the time. I wish I had recommended this to him before he lost all sense of identity and all friends myself included, as he will probably kill himself within the next couple of years. Sounds heartless but it's really not. It's too hard to be friends with someone like that. Also, no one will ever love you if you go trans. You will never experience true companionship. Only freaks you will not enjoy and virtue signaling retards who will never be your real friends will continue to voice support.

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Just to play the devil's advocate, I'm going to also ask you how you know that those that seem to have been "born gay" weren't just more highly sensitive to the environment and the water that turns the damn frogs gay

But what exactly in the environment? I don't doubt that the unnatural shit everywhere around us has messed with our hormones, but there have always been a minority of gays. They're just more free to express it now.

You don't get how fucking porn works. No one "sticks" to anything porn related. You always look for more shocking content, that's the nature of porn. If they were gay or thought they were women or some shit, this stuff would be one of the first things they looked for, but it isn't. It's always sought out after many years of porn use. It's all about the shock and novelty. Most fetishes are porn induced, and most can be cured

You NEED constant reinforcement from chemicals and the environment and social groups and media for that shit to stick on any level.

Even then they always ALWAYS end up psychotic, self destructing, lashing out, and generally going nucking futs.
When taken away from the conditioning of the environment they will almost always return to their natural sexuality, but the psychological scars of the manipulation will always be there.

Oh you're right. There are many who are just genetic fuck ups and are born gay and trans as hell.
Even epiginetics will lead to a kid ending up born and quickly going super gay as fuck..
It's a major reason why sperm banks and egg banks don't accept any donations from homosexuals. It's not just about hiv/aids/cancer.
It's also why heterosexual women tend to hate gay dudes who they realize are gay and why men tend to hate lesbians who they realize are lesbians or look lesbian.

Also look at that unfortunate Jazz abomination. You can see the poor boy is depserately trying to be normal and is even showing some interest in girls but the conditioning and complete wreck his body is...

He'll be dead in a few years by his own hand. Count on it.

That's the thing, it could be ANYTHING. From hormones pumped in food, to chemicals in the water, to being molested as a child.

Environmental factors are everything that aren't genetic. Sure, there might be some sort of effeminate gene (I personally have wide hips, tiny hands/wrists, and store my fat entirely in my thighs).

Has this had an impact on my sexuality? I'm not sure. I watched straight porn from a very early age (around 8), to which I began watching gay porn around 12.

The thing is, the thought of kissing a dude still makes me sick. I just wouldn't be able to do it. Yet I've also fucked a dude before.
Personally, I think I just like sex. I could never imagine myself with a guy, even though I sometimes ONLY watch gay porn

>You NEED constant reinforcement from chemicals and the environment and social groups and media for that shit to stick on any level.
You're referring again to conditioning (Behavioral psychology). But someone could easily make the argument that once their sexual desires are stored within the long-term memory, they can still be brought to the short term memory, no matter how long they've avoided it (according to the Cognitive theory).

I litterally state that the scars are there forever. But they are merely echos of the egregious conditioning and physical damages they were dealing with before.

Once they understand what happend to them and the triggers, it will be basically impossible for those to be brought to the forth or for the manipulators who first implanted those thoughts to be able to trap or control them again.

Re-read my posts. I talk about the very thing you are asking right now.

but muh adhd

This is not true. I have looked at porn for 17 years. I have seen things like peeing and what not, but I have no interest in it and do not actively seek out anything then vanilla. I don't see when this "shift" into crazy fetish porn happens. How much porn are you looking at every day? hours?

You listen to the audible nectar that is jacqueline powers too, OP? You're right, the sissy shit is gay and I've never touched that crap, shame on you, but her other erotic stuff is great.

I don’t know where to buy steroids.


Having arms is fluid because someone can chop them off

Best post ITT going unignored

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>I've never seen the value in getting big muscles. Just looks uncomfortable and I'd probably just hate looking in the mirror even more than I already do.
You're not going to suddenly get big muscles dude, you can stop and maintain wherever you like. And trust me as an ex-skelly, being skinny is far worse, I'm actual more flexible and strong now.

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If you're already at the point of either taking female hormones and fucking up your body and brain or killing yourself, why not just blast test? You already have nothing to lose and I can tell you're depressed

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>I don't care how "straight" a man claims to be. Starve him of sex for a long time and give him gloryhole.
Dumb argument. I bet dolphin pussy would feel amazing but I'm not attracted to dolphins or dolphin pussy...