> Company had a social party
> Told myself to approach and have a convo with a girl
> Ended up being alone instead
How much do you have to lift to get this to work?
> Company had a social party
> Told myself to approach and have a convo with a girl
> Ended up being alone instead
How much do you have to lift to get this to work?
Find a nice introverted bro like you and hang with him at the party and have a good time. Will make it easier to interact with others too
The answer is more. Always more. Too bad feels are heavier than iron.
>tfw no friends
>go to company social
>everyone talking to each other
>try to join a group
>can't think of anything to say
>the group splits apart
>i join another group, and same thing happens
>go home, not saying a word
feels bad man
>tfw no social skills
what do?
Thats a lot of milk.
>Too bad feels are heavier than iron.
Damn it.
just stop giving a fuck. you don't turn into an asshole but you just look comfortable being yourself and not bothered by what you're doing.
seriously. stop giving a fuck.
This happened to me at my first company social but it was 10x worse since everyone that works there is a woman. The only guy that worked there approached me and we talked for like 2 minutes because he felt sorry for me.
you're pathetic
I can't wait for you to post another of your attention whoring threads to insult you and warn others you won't listen to any advice.
Meanwhile I got rid of my anxiety and depression all by myself without pills and am a confident and funny guy these days.
Being social is a skill like anything else. It takes practice. Like learning how to ride a bike.
how did you do it?
pissbottles of course
also noporn and nofap and -1000kcal deficit
Like this guy said:
Practice. Stopped caring so much, I was so damn tired of being anxious.
It's all in your head. Most people are nice and willing to talk.
The issue is that convos like that aren't supposed to have a 100% conversion rate. For instance Chad is really talkative and friendly with EVERYONE and while he has a ton of sex, he's not literally banging every single woman he talks to.
The problem is you're a fucking aspie and are going to flip out when you don't have a 100% conversion rate
who do you practice with?
>try talking to cashiers
>me: hey, how are you?
>cashier: good
>don't want to continue a conversation and hold up the line
convo ends there
>too bad feels are heavier than iron
user I don't need this feel
>OP can't talk to a single person at a party
>Chad talks to everyone, he doesn't bang every single woman he talks to
these are two separate issues
You're thinking about it the wrong way. The 'goal' isn't to talk for an allotted amount of time, it's just to become comfortable with actually talking. Even if you're only conversing for twenty seconds, you're still practising.
When you first went to the gym, you were probably nervous and didn't know what the fuck you were doing. Now you walk in and don't give a fuck. It's like that. It's about getting comfortable doing something. Yeah, you're going to fuck up during the way and find yourself in awkward situations but that's how you learn.
I can shittalk with the best of them these days, can approach chicks cold not giving a fuck but I remember in my first year of uni introducing myself as 'Claire' to a chick because she looked like another girl I knew called 'Claire'. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. But like I said, you get better.
It's hard to explain how to interact and mingle.
The best I can offer is to try and have conversation topics on the go, or if that's too hard to improvise try making small comments here and there or basic inquiries to be involved in the conversation.
You don't need to be the alpha but saying anything, no matter how insignificant, is a stepping stone.
did you even read the post?
Do you look like you lift?
People always ask me for diet and lifting advice,
Biggest tip is not to go full autistic when talking about it just mention you mostly do rock climbing or some normie sports.
be yourself
yes. How do I be like Chad and talk to everyone?
To have to do a lot of rejection reps to make courtship gains. Toughen up.
Lifting won't save you user
>*You have to do...
>Too bad feels are heavier than iron.
user, pls
You must go out of your way to be unapproachable. I'm shy and introverted but people still come up and talk to me. Have you considered that you come off as a douche? I never got all the complaining on this board about being an introvert. Make yourself at least approachable and you don't have to worry about approaching other people.
>you're a fucking aspie and are going to flip out when you don't have a 100% conversion rate
If this happens to me when shit doesn't go right (not even in terms of sex), am I an aspie?
this is me actually, a single mistake keeps me hanging for a week
>How much do you have to lift to get this to work?
20kg weighted dips for reps should be enough.