Martial arts bruises

I've been practicing MMA for a little over a year now, my coach has recently gotten me and other guys around my skill level into pretty intense full contact sparring, and I've been getting some minor marks all over my face and body, nothing major, but they're adding up and it's starting to look like I get my ass kicked every week.

I'm going to college so I don't like that look. I received a few bruises around my eyes last week and I felt so awkward and judged walking into class and walking around campus these past few days. What do.

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Awkward? If anything it’s gonna make sloots love you. I frequently overhear dumb thots at my uni talking about how so and so bro they like totally beat somebody’s ass or whatever. Own it and be confident.

>Own it and be confident
thats the difficult part

if you enjoy martial arts, you need to accept that you will get roughed up in the face.

If you're worried about how you look, then just adjust the rest of your "look" to that. you can't dress preppy but have the rough and tumble visage of bruised eyes, cut lips, scuffed brows.

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When I was 15 I punched myself in the face until I got a black eye so my oneitis would think I'm tough and mysterious. It did not work

you must not look like you're proficient in MMA then... I proudly walk around with black eyes when I get them

Stop being insecure about doing things that other people don't have the guts to do

A /fitizen/ is more likely to become a tranny than become confident

I think its statistically validated

You need to work on your crippling emotional dependency towards others to feel 'awkward and judged' just walking in to class with bruises. That is entirely inside your head. I'm surprised you've got as far as you have in competitive contact martial arts and still hold on to this attitude.

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fuck you talking about? You dont think bitches love that shit? Walk with pride my nigga

when its on chad its hot when its on an ugly dude its scary

Care to extrapolate?

fair enough, but rarely guy is that ugly that it would be scary

Dress the part.

Do you look like a scrawny fag who's always getting beaten up? Or does it look like you practice martial arts at a relatively high-level? Appearances matter. Try to signal the fact you're a fighter with your aesthetic decisions and you won't need to feel so insecure anymore.

op enter classes shadowboxing and blasting rocky theme song, jab the teacher in ribs

What an absolute fucking pussy. You practice the sport because you’re passionate about it, image be damned. If anything you’ll be more threatening to men and attractive to women.

Quit the sport while you’re ahead and slide back into your basement dwelling, and while you’re at it, hang yourself.

>mommy, the mean man at sparring gave me a bruisy bruise.
>oh honey, it’s only problematic because you’re a soy boy.

You're a dumbass still doing 90s/early 00s era MMA training with hard sparring every time.

Don't do that.

das it mane


Lel, just remembered the time i walked with a limp in front of my crush to pretend I injured it playing football

>why are you walking like you've just been bummed?

My leg healed very quickly after that.

you sound hurt, are you ok user?

1. dont spar hard so often you just build up bruises/injuries
2. use protective gear: shinguards, headgear and cover your face with vaseline and you'll avoid bruises easily, atleast on your face

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Consider taking a long hard look at your gym as well. I trained at a place that did a lot of hard sparring. Took me awhile to realize the guys who were already fighting used us less experienced guys as moving targets while they went off to proper gyms to do their real training.

I ended up at a proper mma gym when I was working out of state and didn't spar once the 6 weeks I was there. Learned more in that 6 weeks than I did in a year at the fight club also.

Just say you are in a Fight Club, give knowing looks and nods to random strangers as well to complete the image. People will think you are Brad Pitt.

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Wear a tapout or affliction shirt op.

>take elevator when only going from the 5th to the 6th floor
>it started all the way from the basement
>step on and there are two cute foreign exchange students in there
>oh fuck oh fuck I'm just perpetuating the lazy American stereotype
>Walk with a limp to make it seem like I actually needed to take the elevator
>Put my hands in my pockets and they're full of spaghetti
>Limp down the hall away from the elevator

Wew close one

>Took me awhile to realize the guys who were already fighting used us less experienced guys as moving targets while they went off to proper gyms to do their real training.
You're retarded m8

Are you retarded? The first two rules are not to talk about fight club. Asukafags, I swear.

>not punching the wall so your knuckles look like you beat the shit out of someone

>doing contact sports,if you don't aim to go pro

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Most people i met in uni pussied out quick when i told them my bruises are from mma training,cauliflower years,too.I was also quite big,but having conversation with a man that would not fight you in any circumstances and that act like chickens around you is fucking horrible.


Stop being a pussy

Yes. My dad beats me and my mums a whore.
But I don’t cry after sparring.

>you can't dress preppy but have the rough and tumble visage of bruised eyes, cut lips, scuffed brows.

>Enjoy your CTE along with your deformalities
>Just stop getting hit bro
>just be better
If you care thatis , because no one else does, the same amount of people you alienate by having the scars you will attract, it's a zero sum game, you'll still make friends, still get pussy etc you're no better off regardless
>what good is a black belt if your brain doesn't work
>muh cardio

Are you mental, senpai?
I got bruises all over my fists from hitting the heavy bag and fist-pushups, birds dig that shit a lot and lads respect it.

Maybe stop practicing MMA and start another martial art that won't take à tool on your looks. Karate, wrestling, taekwondo...

-2004 moot et al

Because nobody is cool enough to pull it off except me

sure thing BRAHH

xXx_pussyslayer_xXx has spoken

If you look at the data girls dig scars. I had a shiner from a fight once and some girls might think it’s weird, but the kinky/fun girls loved it.

you felt people were eyeing you up and you didn't like it? you practice the art of fucking people up yet you shiver at the thought of someone judging you? why even bother then?

it's all a matter of attitude. no one gives a fuck if you got bruises on your face and no one gives a fuck if you practice MMA. the only thing that matters is if your body language says you give zero fucks about what anyone thinks of you.

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hey man you signed up to get your ass kicked

who knows you might use your mma skills once or twice in your lifetime, its worth it bro even if your face loses like 2 points

I avoid sparring because I manage a restaurant and am worried the old Jewish ladies who are the bulk of our clientele would disapprove.

I am an utterly cucked Shabbot goy

This. Get tribal and religious tattoos, copy Connor McGregor's hair and beard - this works super well if you're actually Irish and only pump weights, I've seen it in action

I was 19 m8


I tell people all the time in boxing, if you don't plan on making some money off of it, go do jujitsu.

Absolutely this right here. Either your coach is an idiot that or he's using you as cannon fodder for his favorites. You don't have to show up to sparring days and you can just straight up tell him you're not sparring.

You should be doing light sparring to work on your timing, distance, footwork, setups. If you've never had an actual ammy fight then you are wasting your time hard sparring unless you really want to help out another friend preparing for his fight. And that friend better be damn appreciative and easy on you.

I always looked like I'd been put through a meat grinder in highschool because of Muay Thai. People who know you understand, and people who don't know you are irrelevant. It's certainly an easy conversation starter, so it hardly impedes being social, and looking rough isn't unattractive. This is a non-problem.