What supplements are essential or just really amazing for general health and well-being?

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algae oil

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I keep turning off my alarm in my sleep or something what do

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put your alarm somewhere that makes you have to get up to turn it off. Other side of the room

Force yourself to go to bed an hour or two early for a few days with multiple alarms set before you would usually wake up.

Helped me get to the point where I beat my 4:30 alarm by more than an hour almost every day.

Started my push routine in the morning, had to stop early because I married a gains goblin. Might have half an hour or so free tonight. Should I continue the same routine or just abandon it and move on to legs or pull?

Can flat dumbbell/barbell bench press be replaced with weighted chest dips?

It's it bad that the for the large majority, my source of fats come from Olive Oil?

I've heard they are both Omega 3 and 6.

I'd move on to what you would've done had you finished your push. No sense in switching shit around when you'll just come back to it next week.

Zinc, D3, Maca.

I know you can do am/pm routines but they normally require a 6-8 hour window. This will be 10-12 hours after my morning workout.

Either way no big deal I guess. Just want to maximise what little time I have.

Animal fat, coconut oil, and avocados are also excellent.

Sleep as Android app

In order to turn the alarm off, you have to get out of bed and scan a QR code in the mirror.

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I do eat meat in the day, but it's often chicken or lean meats. I finish up each day with a steamer bag of veggies and add spices and 5-6 tbsp of olive oil. Just wondering if I'm throwing my fat ratios off.

>had an app similar to this (had to solve puzzles to turn it off)
>alarm came out at max volume
>go on school trip abroad
>drop phone on first day, screen cuts out entirely
>get on coach early one morning with rest of school
>halfway through coach trip, alarm starts blaring out (was set to repeat each day at a certain time)
>no way i can turn it off since screen is completely fucked
>try to cover speaker, does barely anything
>people telling me to turn it off, i try to explain that i can't
>sperging hard
>someone suggests putting headphones in, fortunately it works

Why is it that this always seems to happen to the spergy kids? Compared to now I was a complete social fuck up at the time, and that sort of awkward event was extremely characteristic of me; I can't imagine that happening to a normie, even though it's something unpreventable.

I've never had precum in my life, not even once. Closest I had was a drop that didn't even come out. What's wrong with me?

Thanks btw.

low test

>Pulled 460 today at 173 BW.
Feels good man. Just wanted to post that somewhere.

No problem. I actually had to split my workout up in the day yesterday as I got disturbed right before I got to ab work. The issue with splitting is that with prep warm-ups you probably take more time to train that day.

just give up

I've done this before and literally triggers my CNS, like it makes me hurt. I wake up to turn it off and need a few minutes to recuperate and actually get up. 3/10 would not recommend.

It happens to everyone, only that the normalfags aren't spergy enough to set an annoying tune purposefully to wake them up and thus it is less annoying when a ringtone alarm goes off in class.

I've basically been only doing sets at 5 reps and occasionally doing a final set with high reps with at least 10 at lower weight; basically my question is do I need to have days where im doing a lot of volume or maybe doing low reps to squat more? I'm doing 285 for 5x5 rn btw

melatonin for good sleep

Hahaha. I have used that app, it's fucked when you accidentally set it to 'pm' by accident or are up earlier than normal in the morning and in a meeting.. Risky app but very effective.

Sorry to hear about your experience, but it's also funny so glad to hear about it.

Nope, it has always been higher than average even before I started lifting consistently.

>Not being ultra horny and craving that wank

>not having that first wank in 3 weeks and your dick is like a bubbling volcano of sperm and you haven’t even came yet.

>not stroking using that glorious precum as lube

>Finally letting loose the juiciest load that would have carried your line on into a piece of toilet roll.

Any of you guys do Zumba?

Been there, done that. Still no precum.

Best way to increase my squat anons?
Leg curl/extension only goes to 190lbs / 86Kg and I can max that out.
My squats sitting at 95Kgs for reps. Tried to go ATG on 2pl8 but couldn't get the depth to call it a full rep. What do?


What was your starting pointing like? I started at 145 bw pulling 1plate and have since gone up to 160 and am pulling a little over 2plate (this took me roughly 3 months). I’m wondering whether I need to put on a lot more mass to hit 1/2/3/4 and then cut down or if I can hold steady around 175 or so and just work on increasing my strength to weight ratio.

What is the most Jow Forums breakfast cereal?

Breakfast cereal is literally one of the worst things you can eat

Is oatmeal a good replacement?

>What supplements are essential or just really amazing for general health and well-being?

Eat a balanced diet rich in nuts, fruits, and vegetables and NO supplements are needed.

Supplements are USELESS for anyone eating a healthy balanced diet.

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Oats with fruits or berries
This guy is an idiot

Why are most women on Tinder slobs who work as waitresses or go to community college?

What's the best bang for your buck brand of fitness equipment for making my own gym? They have an adjustable squat rack on Walmarts website for ~$70 which is a killer deal but I don't want to buy shit that's going to fall apart in a year

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home gym btw since I didn't make that clear

>visit family during easter
>cannot track calories
>lose 1.5-2kg of water weight
>strength goes to shit
what the fuck

How the fuck do I into big calves with bodyweight? My thighs are big and juicy but my calves are soon going to be surpassed by my arms.

>What supplements are essential or just really amazing for general health and well-being?
Fish oil
Vitamin D
Zinc, Magnesium, B-complex (ZMA, take before bed... enjoy your lucid dreams)

and obv protons

get a backpack, fill it with books or something else heavy and do calf raises on a stair

it's just one week user, life happens. that's why we train

how slowly do I need to transition from bulk to cut? I imagine suddenly eating >1000 less calories would disrupt my body if I did it suddenly

How do you put away my sweaty smally clothes/shoes when on my way home?
My gym bag is starting to pick up the scent.
Im considering getting those freezer bags, they might contain smells.

How long is a person considered a beginner, meaning how long can you lift at maintenance and gain muscle/ lose fat?

I do calf raises while carrying my dumbbell but it's not really grown much, if at all. Also
>no stairs in the flat :(

Maybe I should do the backpack AND the weights together, cheers user.

I'm now the guy the office milf goes to when she wants something heavy lifted, have I made it, Jow Forums?

If waking up is a (physically) painful experience for you that sounds pretty atypical and you should consult a medical professional.

not exactly "supplements" but here's my list of supplementary shit

*apple cider vinegar &lemon juice in water
*black seed oil (i take pill form)
*horny goat weed
mct oil
brasil nuts
tiger nuts
yerba mate
bone broth

* = daily
everything else is a couple times per week

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I've calculated my TDEE, know what macro ratios I require to hit my goals and I have a food scale. Is there a good online resource where I can create a meal plan on my own that will auto-populate with the data as I add / take away foods?

Obviously, I've been googling for this type of thing and I have looked up different meal plans that correspond to my caloric intake goals. However, the pre-made meal plans I've found thus far don't line up in terms of macros and starting a diet from scratch seems daunting. I don't want to spend a night researching and calculating values if I can help it. Any advice?

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They make these step stool kind of things for kids to let them reach sinks and shit, their a few inches off the ground, built pretty solild and dirt cheap. Get one to do your calf shit on

Aim for a higher age range.

Thanks lad.

You will never get big calves with bw exercise because you can't load them enough.
They're used to working with your bodyweight every day.

what about hiking and running on hills and shit? They won't be bodybuilder calves but I imagine you'd be pretty solid doing shit like that often enough

I sleep on my stomach with an arm under my head
It puts quite a bit of pressure on my arm and bicep especially
Does this reduce my arm gains they feel smaller than they should be

What if you did squats on your toes?


Anyone have experiences with DHEA?
I know what it is supposed to do, just wondering if anyone has had good effect from it, for what purpose, and what dose.
I was thinking a small dose before sleeping to promote healing and growth.

I've always wondered this and will bump it for you. It seems like if when you get to the top of the squat you just extend to your tip-toes it should help but I've never seen or heard of anyone doing it and I'm a calvelet so who fucking knows

They'll be solid yeah but you won't see much hypertrophy because if you already walk/run significantly you're lifting your bodyweight on and off each calf throughout the day.

Doing bodyweight squats on your toes will do no more for them than bodyweight calf raises.
If you aren't the guy asking about bodyweight calf gains then don't bother with weird shit that might injure you and just do weighted calf raises.

you can do calf raises with a loaded barbell. Allows for an extraordinary amount of weight and you will probs be surprised how much you can raise.
Im a leglet, squat is about 2plate, but I can calf raise more than that and for more reps despite having never strength trained my calves

personally I much prefer a backpack and with holding weights your grip really starts to get sore along with your calves, which may make you give up early. calf raises are best done with extremely high rep range (pretty much to failure) which should leave your calves feel like they're on fire. personally mine have grown quite a bit in not too long, just keep at it and they should be getting chunkier.

well that's essentially just mixing in some barbell calf raises to your squats. it does hit calves but as calves typically require a much higher rep range than you'll do in squats you won't give them much of a workout. and you don't really want to either, training calves properly should make it so you're somewhat shaky even just standing which you definitely do not want while squatting heavy.

Does it do anything if you're just raising up without being able to dip down below parallel? Every time I try a weighted raise I get tired and lose my balance when on a stepper or something

Not sure what you're asking. Just do them off the flat ground, but do them in bare feet with full ROM

you might have a lower body flexibility issue if something's going wrong when you do these.

As for effectiveness, yeah, it's effective. Calf raise a plate for 15 reps and you will definitely feel it. Heigher weight and more reps = better results pretty much. Arnold said in his book that the only thing that worked for his calves was a fuck ton of volume, if you really want to grow them you're going to have to be doing 5 sets of 15, or even more than that. The calves just require a fuck ton of work to get them to grow/change at all and unfortunately a lot of its genetic too.

something I'd like to add to this: do barbell calf raises on the smith machine. that allows you to stand on some plates and have a greater ROM, whereas if you try to do that with just a free barbell you'll probably stumble, fall back and break something. seeing as calf raises have such a small ROM compared to other exercises the restriction to the vertical axis from the smith machine doesn't really have any harm.

it works but it's just not as good. definitely find a way to go below parallel if possible, even if it means holding onto something for balance.

copped picrelated on amazon for $60
had to bring the cross beam to a welder to have it shortened for a regular 1" bar length, but it's perfect for squat/ohp/bench

more important tho is to get a bench and dumbells

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Have to disagree here, I calf raise with just a barbell in the power cage all the time. Use the squat rack if the cage is busy. I've never even come close to falling or stumbling.

but yeah the smith machine is fine too, for this exercise it doesn't matter so much.
personally I don't like doing them off a plate or some other step or something, because that's where the balance becomes an issue imo.
just do them off the floor for my money, I definitely feel the burn and can get good ROM

Thanks user, I plan to get a pair of those adjustable dumbells, any experience with those guys?

I have cheapo rubber ones that are adjustable. 10/10 they are exactly as good as the top-of-the-line ones at the gym.
They will probably not last me as long due to wear and tear, but they were so much cheaper that I don't really mind.

yeah you shouldn't stumble when just doing them off the floor, I meant that trying to stand on plates while just using a barbell will be dangerous. a smith machine will allow you to stand on plates as you no longer need to be worrying about balance, and although you can get a perfectly good workout just off the ground the extra ROM from a step really does kick your ass.

Oh I see, that makes sense. Will try this next time I'm doing calves.

>that pic
bitch really needs to keep her clothes on. i've never seen a woman who had so much disparity between how you think she'd look naked, and how she actually does

really none are essential if you're on a good diet (which means not a vaj-atarian). a cheap multivitamin with minerals and some fish oil or omega3 capsules are good insurance on your diet. those are really the only two that i'd blanket recommend to natties. whey protein is great in the same way and is really good if cutting on an extreme diet or if you're small and it's hard to stay under your calories and still get your protein. recommended in a lot of cases but stick with major brands and if you compete in a tested fed, make sure the brand has been tested for taint. creatine is good but not everybody responds to it, and it's pretty far from necessary and not really all that effective even for the people that do respond to it. same advice as for whey, and cycle off to lose the water weight before weigh-ins, use it mostly during high-rep training cycles where it's most useful.

go to sleep earlier, and put the alarm where you have to get up to turn it off

ppl is retardo. you should be doing, at most, an upper/lower or powerlifting or epley-style split, but most people can be fine on fullbody.
one missed workout in the grand scheme of things is no problem if it's not a habit.

yes. dips aggravate some people's shoulders but if you're not one of them, it's a great replacement. even better if you add them to a rotation like
> barbell bench > dips > closegrip or db bench

see my answer to op above in this post

what brand user?

Bodymax deluxe I think. It's a UK brand?
you should be able to find something similar whereever you are in the world though.

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How the fuck do I fix APT?
I've watched Thrall's vid, Athlean-X vid, tried their suggestions and it's not working. I still have this bastard anterior tilt at basically all times and it's fucking up my body composition.

Please help me Jow Forums I'm literally desperate to be free of this cursed spinal lean

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If i eat 3000 kcal a day in 1 meal or 2 meal in total, 60% prot 30% hc 30% fats, will i get muscle? CICO isnt? or must be ate in 4-5 meals ?

eventually you'll get better results with a rotation but 5s with a backoff for volume is a really good intermediate step between beginner 5s only and something more complex
i like how bfs does it in general. weekly layout of exercises and a rotation of rep ranges, so that higher volume high-rep low-weight weeks are alternated with lower volume low-rep high-weight weeks.
basically the low reps teach you how to grind and stress the neural aspects and the fast-twitch fibers the most, the high reps stress the metabolic factors and slow twitch the most, and the alternation lets one set of factors rest and recover while the other is trained but it doesn't let them alone long enough to stagnate. if you pick two varieties of each style (the way bfs does) it gives you a good mental break from boredom, too.

you forgot MEAT and DAIRY, you total faggot

you need a standard 45lb or 20kg olympic bar and olympic plates for best results, not the standard 1'' bar. you need either a rack or sturdy stands with safeties and a weight rating of 500lbs, and a flat uitility bench, and a space about 10x10 (or 3m^2), and that's all. after those requirements, get them as cheap as possible.

spend about a week or two transitioning.
you can split the calorie change in threes, i.e. +500 bulking this week, +100 transition next, -300 transition next, final stage -700 cutting.

bag them to get them to the car, the dump them out in the cargo area in the parking lot before driving away so they get some air

longer than you think.

you can also do calf raises with your deadlift or shrug weights
and they can be done as finishers in the leg press

get a set of olympic dumbbells instead. they'll last longer and they're cheaper because they'll use the same plates that your olympic barbell uses.

>get a set of olympic dumbbells instead
sweet fuck didn't realize such a thing existed, thanks user

sleep on the floor, facing up the entire time.

Starting to cut now and am around 15-17% BF.

How long until I'm around 10%? Doing an aggressive cut, around -1000 kcal.

I lift 2kg less in weights for rowing exercises vs bench press ones,

Is this normal? For your row to be ever so slightly weaker than your bench presses?

I feel like I'm gaging my triceps too much on bench, OHP, and shoulder press. Basically most push exercises in general. Is there a catchall fix to this? If so, what is it?

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Doc thinks I have a deviated septum which means I can breath through my nose but it’s never really a full open nostril like normal people.

Will this negatively affect snorting coke?

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I'd say rows are usually higher but it's not really abnormal for rows to be weaker. as long as they're around the same everything's fine.

>havent been srsly sick for like 10 years
>only cold every now and then where i was at home for 3 days max
>just recovered from 2 weeks of legit flu
>lost 4kg weight
>first time gym again
>squat 1rm before 125kg
>squat 1rm now 100kg
>ohp 1rm before 70kg
>ohp 1rm now 67kg
why do i struggle so hard with squats in general and when i cant train lose so much more weight on my 1rm than with any other lift (like ohp)

lacking nutrition, decent sleep and recovery. Give it a week or two with good eating, sleep et cetera and you'll be back at your regular weights.
Also, in order to progress on squats, squat more often.

there's no normal relationship and there's no way to tell, especially considering all the variations and variables around it (how good is your bench press arch, pendlay vs regular rows, are you doing the rows on a hammerstrength or bentover barbell or t-bar, etc).
ratios of lifts work best when form and other variables are pretty constant, like comparing squat/bench/dead in ipf classic rules, but even then, there is a wide variation between individuals.
it's good that you're doing rows so let's leave it at that.

all this engagement and activation crap is nonsense
if you're doing the exercise with standard form, the muscles you're engaging/activating are the same ones everyone else is, regardless. you literally cannot "bench with your chest" or "bench with your triceps" the bench is gonna engage everything the bench engages for that type of bench press (competition form, standard bb form, guillotine, etc).
if you think you need more work on a different muscle group (pecs or shoulders etc) then add an auxiliary lift or some isolation with dbs

>OHP that high compared to squats
jesus christ
do you squat once a month?

train triceps more
if you're worried your muscle groups aren't getting worked (i.e. triceps are getting fatigued first) do some isolation to fatigue your chest/delts/whatever before the compounds

i use the same 1" plates on this type of dumbell that I use on my barbell

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I roll over onto my stomach automatically while asleep.... aaaaa

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Is there any 3 days routine that's effective for someone who's been lifting for 6 months now but doesn't have the time to go to the gym more than 3-4 times a week.

I'm thinking of PPL but I can't find one that convinces me.

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foreskin too tight when erect so I went to the doctors and they have given me Hydrocorisone 2.5%, will this work in loosing it?

it's a good idea to get the db handles that match your barbell and then just interchange the plates, regardless of whether you're using 1'' standard or 2'' olympic gear

olympics are better than standard 1'' for a couple of reasons
>higher capacity barbells overall, less likely to bend when shit gets heavy
>more availability of merchandise
>spinning ends make lots of lifts easier and more stable

that said, if i already had a set of 1'' barbells that i was happy with, i'd get the 1'' db handles instead of buying a db set or getting fancy adjustable shit dbs

>not 6 times a week
For the love of god look into an upper/lower for 4 days, don't do ppl in 4 days.

Then what sort of routine can I fit into 3 days? I really can't do more than that.