Why is having red hair such an curse? I look like ronald mcdonald everyday of my life. Should I color them?

Why is having red hair such an curse? I look like ronald mcdonald everyday of my life. Should I color them?

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ye colour it to like a dark brownish red

makes you look like a kang my snow nigga

It’s unique

If you are a girl maybe but if you are a guy you look like a fucking clown. I'd rather be a manlet than having red hair fml

cut it short

Melanotan II will legit save you.

Don't be a fag, even this ugly fucker landed a 7/10 black chick

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Wear it with pride, find a way to make it work or you are a fucking pussy

As someone with it, just cut short and work with it.
Mine is relatively straight and normal in form so I just comb it to the side nicely.

literally dropped my red haired 9/10 otherwise gf because I wouldn't want to make a man liek you on accident

now dating a 10/10 blonde blue eyed amazon goddes that is almost taller than me while being 6'6 myself

my son will be a ubermensch HAH

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dubs of savage

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It's not a curse, you ungrateful little shit. The probability of you getting red hair is considerably rarer than any other color. If you have blue eyes as well, welcome to the 1%.

You probably didn't have to live through the whole "gingers have no souls/daywalker" phase when South Park made that episode, so I don't know what you're bitching about. If you haven't realized your power level yet and you're not rolling in the redhead fetishist pussy or getting some freaky Harry Potter tang, you're just wasting your time. Go to a comicon cosplaying as a Weasley and bitch to me about how much your dick hurts from getting bludgeoned by some chick in a Hufflepuff mini skirt.

Sure, you're probably pale and you probably sunburn easily and you'll spend most of the summer on the butt end of "lobster" jobs. Fuck it, think of all that sweet chemo ward pussy you'll get after your first round of skin cancer. Yep, I said first round. Don't listen to , embrace it.

And another thing: if you were blonde, brunette, black haired, whatever; you'd still probably bitch about it. Own who you are and stop being a little pussy about it.

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Gingerism must be some kind of weird mutation like downs but not as severe. Every single one ginger I've ever known have been annoying and slightly weird in that special ginger kind of way. They're excitable and often have strong political opinions. Ginger girls are horny af too. There is also a correlation between red hair and resistance to opioids, in surgery they have to give gingers higher doses of morphine to induce narcosis. Gingers are not normal.

May not have happened.

you have to work it

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guys like you are the reason people think red hair guys are beta cucks

use latisse and paint your eyebrows

>Go to a comicon cosplaying as a Weasley and bitch to me about how much your dick hurts from getting bludgeoned by some chick in a Hufflepuff mini skirt
not OP but this sounds like a great idea, thanks for the tip

>cosplaying as some ugly faggot with a wand
just go as archie bro

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Is that Corey Tailor from Slipknot if he grew his hair out?

its not, youre just beta and blaming it on your hair as an excuse.
My wife and her brothers are sll redheads. She's the oldest, both her brothers and her dad have good frames for muscle.
My son is 2 and a redhead, hopefully he inherited the propensity for muscle from his moms side. If he gets my height (192cm) he'll be alpha as fuck

t. brunette. stay boring

Nah, Jason Blossom for the wincest

>tfw black hair and dark brown eyes
don't you dare color your hair OP. Ginger hair is super rare. Your kind will be extinct in a few hundred years. Own it.

people love woman with red hair, have threads for them on /gif/, talk about how they're so attractive
then when a man has red hair he's made fun of and called ugly
double standard much

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people love woman with a pantyhose, have threads for them on /gif/, talk about how they're so attractive
then when a man wears a pantyhose he's made fun of and called ugly
double standard much

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You can say that about any other hair color. Guys who purposely seek out redheaded women are no different than betas who has yellow fever; it's a preference and it's weak.

There's a pretty medium number of women who do the same thing to redhead guys, mostly because of the curiosity (carpet/drapes question) and libido.

you stupid fuck, id trade red hair in a second being 5'9, who the FUCK cares about hair just be fit and cut it short lmao

Except pantyhose are a woman's garment that you choose to wear. you don't choose to be born with red hair, and it's not a masculine or feminine trait.
i have Never encountered a women who likes red headed men


>not a single convincing argument for not killing myself for having red hair
>only betas defending for being rare or some shit
>that amount of disillusion

It saddens me sharing a hair color with you

its Tomb Raider

get a chemocut

>i have Never encountered a women who likes red headed men

Then you don't get out enough or you've never used a dating app before. Most are like "I went to Ireland once and omg redhead are so fucking hot...are you Irish?" And it's just comical because I'm not generically.

lmao he's like 50 he was a 7 when he was younger plus rich and successful and funny

I never bought this. Red is an erotic color. Common sense dictates that red hair should make you particularly attractive, for the same reason red haired women are particularly attractive.

Spoiler alert: if you need an argument to kill yourself, you're too beta to do it. What a pathetic existence, wanting to die for superficial reasons instead of embracing who you are and making the most of it.

He was virtually a nobody 10 years ago and he had red hair and he was funny, like do you have literally no other qualities? Do you think that as long as you don't have red hair, you're all good? Everyone has something negative about themselves, red hair isn't a problem. I have a 4/10 friend who's basically a fat slob and he's had at least three confirmed 7+/10 girlfriends, two of which were half Asian. He's now banging a blonde Italian-American in California. You're fucking cucking yourself if you think that your hair color is what's keeping you back. Fucking work on yourself, your personality, read books, work out, get good at something, what the fuck would anyone want to fuck you otherwise.

>getting baited this hard
back to pleddit with you

lol this, redhaird is the ultimate beta look.

Why are red heads so hairy

There's qt redhead at my old job. You couldnt tel from a distance but up close she was covered in light blonde peach fuzz like a muppet, I mean full on unibrow, mustache and mutton chops sideburns

>unibrow and moustache
lol fag

people love woman with big tiddies, have threads for them on /gif/, talk about how they're so attractive
then when a man has big tiddies he's made fun of and called ugly
double standard much

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>gatekeeping an anime forum

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>bitching about red hair
I mean if it's a light ginger colour it's probably working to your disadvantage but it's not a massive deal and it's not like it's hard to dye it if you really want.

Fuck you, you know whats really bad? Brown hair and a red beard

in all fairness males need a big chest as well

red beards are pretty universally seen as attractive though

buff chest != big tiddies

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Except tits are for women. I've said already that Red hair isn't a gender specific trait, like wide hips are for women or broad shoulders are for men. Are you just going to repeat yourself?

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keep telling yourself that

Look at the post above yours. Obviously a lot of men have big tiddies as well

>rich and successful
yeah for sure user
and OP, if you have the ginger and a jewfro, why not cut the jewfro, short ginger hair is still ginger, but there's way less of it, it usually looks ok

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this thread just goes to show how insecure and pathetic gingers are about their hair

Wish I had hair like my mama did. Dark ginger. It's a blessing not a curse.

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>7/10 black chick

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If she's not a 7/10 black chick show me a 7/10, an 8/10, a 9/10 and a 10/10 black chick

shes like a 3 and old as fuck get off my board

She's 10 years younger than Bill, he landed her when she was like ~27

blond and red hair signals low testosterone and dark hair signals dangerous and high testo

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You fuckin nogs, your red hair is a focal point. If you take care of it, it can look amazing. Get a good haircut that fits your face, and learn how to take care of it. If its frizzy and curly, learn the curly girl method, or figure out what products work for you.
I use deva curl low poo, squish it in and let it dry in my hair and get some amazing hair mires.
If you domt want to put in the effort and figure out how to make hair gainz, of course its going to look like shit. Just cut it short.

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>just cut it short
might just kill yourself while you are at it

>tfw have redhair but am balding
soon, soon..

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How come Scandinavians + the Dutch are the tallest and strongest people in the world?

dna and diet

>isnt a high schooler
>has long hair

gross my dude. You look like soyboy

you look like a bitch ahahah