For those of you who are practicing orthodox christians, how do you maintain your nutrition while fasting? And what about bright week? Are you planning on pigging out?
Fit and Orthodox
i just stop caring about nutrition and macros during the fast bro. I focus on the mental gains and ofc im gonna pig out for a few days. Are you Greek?
Redpill me on orthodox christianity, how is it different from protestantism
I still think it's fucking weird seeing so many Orthodox Christians here. Ex-Orthodox here.
It's veganism (plus teetotaling plus nofap, all in one). Put up with it for a few weeks. I think it's stupid as fuck, but whatever. Read vegan bodybuilder guides or something.
It's not.
Fasting doesn't equate to not eating you fucking autist.
It means to go with less.
Actual fasting was cutting out meat, and portions are to be served to satisfy strength. Not hunger needs.
You still eat, just eat less.
>It's not (different from Protestantism).
What in the serious fuck?
>believing in god
>being vain enough to become big/ripped
lol christians are so backwards it's almost cute.
Didn't fast worth a damn this year, but usually just take some liberties with fish. That and I guess just drink more of your protein from supplements.
they're all fucking retarded, but baptists are by far the scummiest of the group, tbf
Hot opinion, do you want to qualify it?
buddy, it's a fact.
how many of those baptists are "born-again" ex cock suckers and dope shooters?
probably a nice sized chunk are low iq'd, below the poverty line, scum.
definitely moreso than catholics or orthodox.
Great projection
Considering how baptists are whiter and of a higher avg income than those two groups, the iq question would seem to go the other way
>and of a higher avg income than those two groups
>failed to provide the stats for that claim
i'll be waiting
I'm waiting on you to supply
>baptists are low iq'd
>baptists are below the poverty line
>baptists are former homos and druggies
lol still no stats to disprove anything i said.
typical low iq country bumpkin baptist.
is this nigga an actual retard
>that post
>baptists are not low iq
You can't just say "probably this" then require your opponent to supply evidence to the contrary
I've put forward my case for the superiority of southern baptists from the biblical conservative view
keep deluding yourself and have a good time in hell
like i was saying, baptists are fucking retards.
>no alcohol
>only option is onions and supplements
It's perfect
>less than the African Methodist Church
Good lord lol that is sad
education is a luxury good
prove me wrong
kek cope you braindead redneck
still waiting on those income stats btw, champ
>implying your gender studies degree put you about average income
Yeah college degree is surely worth more than a superior ethnicity. Kys nigger
lol, the brain power of a baptist everyone.
somehow have the highest income, but can't afford the "luxury good" of college.
absolute shitters.
>Goes thousands in debt to defend mentally ill trannies
Yeah you atheists are amazing
lol pathetic cope
What position are you defending
Probably the neckbeard male feminist position
t. baptists brainlets
t. 30yo virgin who browses fit for mfw no gf threads
>this thread
typical low iq person, unable to control their anger haha.
>tfw not even smarter than the african church
lol these baptists btfo'd you bud
lol try again baptcuck
The takeaway from stats like this is that religion is not a huge factor for income, political affiliation, education, criminality etc. These figures don't control for more significant factors like race and ethnicity (most obviously, not taking into account the large Mestizo Catholic population). These stats also do not take into account degree of religious conviction. If you filter stats further even by such basic things as weekly church attendance, the numbers look very different.
always wondered why the fuck there were so many orthodox on Jow Forums of all places
if you gave any kind of a shit about being orthodox you'd have stopped browsing this cesspit anyway
>being a part of a schismatic sect of smelly Arabs and gypsies
>cucking yourself out of gains by being vegan half the year
Repent and submit to the pope
>b-but leddit said atheists were the smartest
Nice cherry picked wall of text
>we might be cucks but your pope carries on a tradition set by Christ so there!!!
How will we ever recover?
Islam is the future
>kissing the feet of literal heretics is now following the tradition of Christ
Oh how deluded Cathcucks are
that’s the best spiritually i think
i’m serbian
yes but most weekdays you can have fish which really helps
>love your enemies
>unless they have a different understanding of God
Eyyyy brato
>unable to condemn anyone in the world
>le christ accepts anyone
Cathcucks are absolutely cucked into submission by their stananic false idol.
>we might be cucks
I'm not orthodox.
Orthodox are the only christians I respect though.
Catholics are pathetic cuckolds who constantly retcon their religion to appease the modern world. The pope says there is no hell, supports communism, and kisses the feet of rapist migrants. He is a pathetic subhuman leading a decaying corpse of a once noble organization.
>Catholics are pathetic cuckolds who constantly retcon their religion to appease the modern world
This has literally never happened
Inb4 muh Vatican 2, you probably have a meme understanding of Vatican 2
This board needs IDs
you can consider the proportion of nominal members of each denomination as you evaluate the other factors, since church attendance and scripture reading were survey questions in this particular study
I think you may be able to control for these if you download the full data
Fasting = not eating.
Rationing = eating less.