First they came for the manlets

>first they came for the manlets
>and I said nothing because I'm 6'2" masterrace
>then they came for the hamplanets
>and I said nothing because I'm former skellymode
>then they started making all these bullshit fucking 30+ lifter threads
>and there was no one left to speak up for me

what's with the age hate his week?

Attached: sammy.jpg (1200x1600, 182K)

>what's with the age hate his week?

Summers came early and LARPs to drown out the tick-tick-tock of the biological clock.

Summer is nearing and retards are appearing
Care not about these fools, for they'll go back to school

You have posted this already today. Are you the one memeying or the one who got hit hard by another joke?

Probably anecdotal, but I noticed that there is a gigantic influx of dyels in my gym, which began around the time when the ageposting started rising

Really makes me activate those almonds

Attached: brother.jpg (500x339, 27K)

oh shit, really?
I haven't seen any similar posts.

>implying all the jokes don't hit hard


Attached: IMG_1717.png (128x125, 31K)

Gyms are for young people.

Older people have already lost their chance to witness their peak lifetime performance.

If you are over 30, you are a waste of space at the gym.

I wonder who could be behind degrading different groups of young white men?

Attached: thesneakyjew.png (453x557, 50K)

>10th reply is already a race bait post

When will the lazy shits called mods finally do something to increase the quality of this FITNESS BOARD?

zakir naik on Jow Forums. lmaoooo.

Well Jow Forums hates boomers now so

I have started noticing how many guys in their late thirties/forties are in my gym and almost no schoolboys/students. Maybe because it's slightly more expensive than other gyms in the area.


Pic isn't related, just pointing out that it's weird that people here complain about shallow women and how society sucks because they are virgins while it's Jow Forums that are spreading the manlet, gyno, dyel, 30+ memes

God I wish gyno was a meme

Eh it's whatever. My dad is 50 now and still kinda my fitness goal I'd like to be leaner though.
>tfw I'm 6' because my 5'3" mom nerfed the possibility of 6'5" genetics

Would be pretty dumb of them to ban the race bait and not the age meme faggots.

Sandwich looks like a woman from behind

The 30+ meme is gonna stick around because it causes real butthurt.

My gym in London is almost all old people.


>Pic isn't related
pull the other one


Summer is nowhere near. Kids are in school for another THREE MONTHS. That’s like a quarter of the entire school year. You’re just old and everyone is judging you for it, Faggot

It's like amerimut posting, it only happens because of unending salt flow from the 30+ people

>that 30 year old who takes Coenzyme-Q, baby aspirin, and Aleve on a daily basis

Attached: 1522282643607.jpg (640x640, 60K)

Thought this to

damn it's not just me

>that 30yr old who is alive

most people here are not 30+ so no, it doesn't.

Jow Forumsshwitz just called; they miss you.

are you guys retarded that's literally the point of the picture