What's Jow Forums's opinion on bearmode?

What's Jow Forums's opinion on bearmode?

I'm not a regular, but most of you seem to aim for small waist and as broad shoulders.

The heavier you are, the less likely you are to get moved, spinkyboi

Attached: .bearmode.jpg (1024x576, 119K)

Respectable just not the aesthetic I find most appealing


evolution makes us like lean guys

bear mode is unironically the best mode you can get

Literally the only acceptable physique for the White Man

Attached: Hollands.jpg (222x227, 10K)

I suppose the slinker approach is more of an art, where bearmode is just raw strength

perfect bottoms for a dickgirl top(like me)

seems like you've got a thing for guys who look like that, user. You bi?

I have no clue what this guys talking about

You call those twinks bears? Kek

Attached: 1510552350946.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

>this guys
You're one to talk

Apostrophes are for queers

That's not even bearmode. Guy's belly is completely flat for fuck's sake, he is probably not above 15% body fat. Here is actual bearmode.

Attached: 579945394.jpg (1024x683, 390K)

nah, I like white twinks who look 12

love it and going for it. my faggy waist and obliques have hard time widening tho

that's not bearmode you dumb faggot, its a slightly less shredded bodybuilding physique

Attached: alphadestiny.jpg (603x579, 81K)

That's not bearmode you dumb faggot, he's 5'5, more like cub mode

the only way to look like you actually lift as a natty in a shirt

If you’re lifting to look more physically attractive, this is true. Girls don’t have a good sense about male fitness because they don’t obsess over it incessantly like most guys do, similar to how men don’t hold women to the same kind of body standards as other women do.

GTFO with that overcompensating manlet, you faggot. OP's dude is an actual strongman.

so what mode is OP's pic?

That's not bear mode. Bear mode is somewhere between your pic and bloat mode. More thickness than your guy, less abs definition and more hair along the body.
That being said, I wouldn't go for bear mode since I'm a climber and all that extra weight would hinder me


For all the uneducated folks out there
This is bearmode

Attached: doug.jpg (320x324, 22K)

Virgin fantasy, girls are repulsed by it unless they're the 5/10 gamer gurllll special snowflake who would give her life to be Stacy for one day

And attracts gays

How do I become like this?

2nd this

is bearmode still possible without a hairy chest/belly?

I feel that bearmode as an aesthetic is only appealing to overcompensating autists and fags. Achieving bear mode as a side of effect of lifting goals is completely respectable though.

Would this be bearmode?

Attached: IMG_2619.png (620x465, 435K)

Its how physically strong humans actually look.

That guy is 6’ 9” and over 400lbs. That’s freak of nature mode. Plus he’s probably going to drop dead at 50 because of all the health issues a body that size has.


if you can be a giant with a six pack, plenty of thots will be dripping for you to caveman them

Nigga already had a stroke.

no matter what social group or enviromnent i frequent, the hottest girls always developed crushes on me. im not even close to lean

lift for over 10 years at a caloric surplus

that is literally the greatest physique of all time, no bigger no smaller. That's what it is to have made it. Zyzz is nothing compared.

Attached: 1510872874009.png (344x452, 142K)

Yeah it’s sad but at least he’ll go down in history

really fuck.

Bearmode is Reddit

Aesthetics is Jow Forums

Attached: 864972D2-D7BD-40E3-951D-9C2C358A2FF8.jpg (534x800, 49K)

Thats just straight made it mode. Dude has the muscle development of bearmode AND a flat stomach/ 6pack. actually perfect

Attached: 1514717078078.jpg (800x557, 39K)

>I'm putting together a team...


Both Zyzz and the man in the OP are in fact homosexuals.
No really.
Dude in the OP takes it up the ass for cash and Zyzz sold his boipussy for crank.

More gay

This and

Ottermode is best mode.

Ok, so most of you guys say he can't be bearmode because he's a manlet so what is minimum height to be bearmode.

If you're not 6'2+ there's no point in trying to look like a Gears of War character you'll just look bloated

Be a top level untested powerlifter
So A LOT of drugs, also you should probably have a crazy whore of a sister who's into getting fucked in the ass like Vince Urbank's dear Tessa.

it was a parasite not a stroke

as a woman I have to say this is the ideal aesthetic

My goal body is bear-mode, find it 1000x more alpha then those guys walking around with "abs" and nothing else.

To me, bear mode is what every man should look like.

Attached: 1494547418760.png (672x944, 21K)

Disgusting. Stop being a degenerate.

hes like 16 bro


>tits have tits
absolute unit

1 in a billion genetic tier

it was some weird virus he had that paralyzed half his face for a couple months. Its back to normal now

>tfw wide hips
>tfw gotta go bearmode
>tfw not even mad

Not bear mode but thicc guy here.
And fucking sucks! I only get complimentsand for gay guys (some of them are really fucking straightforward) and old ladies (not even milf just old hags).
And qts look at me like this (pic related)

Attached: aa51505b807011d9d0b94984378d3144.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

* compliments and get hit on

I’m like Greek statue mode (not that aesthetic but the general proportions that work for me) but once I get older I’ll embrace bear mode, and hopefully have more body hair

Back to plebbit twinks/roasties

>evolution makes us like lean guys
This literally makes no sense. Lean = beta


I've been pretty much all body types through out the course of my life and I'm currently sitting at a body type pretty close to the dude on the right in the pic.

By far the most popular I've been is in this mode. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm the biggest I've been? I still think I'm too fat though and I'm trying to cut.

Attached: ko.jpg (2560x1600, 383K)

is it just me or does this guy have an extremely long right arm??

Is that Christian Bale on the left?

Legit bearmode is badass, but it's also solely the domain of tall guys with huge frames blasting gear and lifting soul crushing weights. Lots of guys on here claim bearmode when they're just too lazy to stop stuffing their faces and sit two or three weight classes over what their strength justifies. It's like fat chicks ruining the meaning of thick.

what are you, cormack mccarthy or something?

holy fucking kek

yikes, I feel bad for that guy on the right, some seriously unfortunate insertions/genetics going on there

How dare you? That’s Klokov you swine.


It's not inherently bad, but I've never found someone who liked it who wasn't a turd.

Life is simply unfair

He did gay porn btw


He is Tessa Urbank's brother, Vince Urbank.

OPs post is unironically my goal body... He looks great... N-no homo tho

Attached: A77AADC6-12D4-4B7B-8D81-119B63D0CB76.jpg (640x480, 55K)

>being so high test that your tits have butts so you can instantaneously smell braaps
amazing how evolution can work

Attached: 3182B4B3-D78E-4949-9833-DBD2AD917F61.jpg (740x998, 383K)

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