Is Turkish wrestling high test?

Is Turkish wrestling high test?

Attached: wrestling.jpg (960x511, 182K)

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No, being Turkish is though.
I’m Turkish and I took down everyone (:
I love my genetics

>Be Turk
>Be subhuman

Pick two

mad bc your genetics suck
bye manlet

Bu şimdi türkçe bir thread

Kek, "turks" are decendants of peasant farmers who lived under the yoke of the ACTUAL Turks for centuries. On top of that all of your militarily success was based off of the original turks or through the Janissary corps (who were mostly white europeans or some caucasians, never turks).

top cuck

I didn't know roaches had high testosterone.

>I’m Turkish and I took down
mfw I was in Istanbul and surrounded by an endless sea of short, hairy Turks just lol

Attached: disgust.png (346x416, 223K)

>be american
>be overweight
>no healthcare
>shitty genetics
Bye manlet

>I believe everything I read on Jow Forums
Educate yourself, you obviously know fuck all about history of the Turkish people, the Selchuks, the Oguzlar, etc.

Attached: 1505150610032.jpg (1000x781, 147K)

>Türkçe konuşmanın gurur duyulacak bir şey olduğunu sanıyorösen

Attached: 1519450773606.jpg (768x769, 73K)

No, but slaughtering T*rks is high test

Attached: Dashnak.jpg (1024x768, 227K)


Turks are short hairy mountain people with a strong sexual preference for goats and minors. Definitely low test and low iq.

yeah, my parents and aunts are all pretty small. Next generation? All my nephews and nieces are taller than all Dutch people here kek


Pick one, my dude.

>i got btfo better emphasize my moot point by pretending it's a meme

>pol manlet
When will they learn...

guaranteed replies

Man is literally sick with cancer and you're proud of him that he got cancer. Shiggydiggydoo

I wasn't the person you were replying to.

T*rks are turbo manlets tho. The only normal-looking ones are the ones with slav genetics.

>muh superior height

Attached: 1522261810974.png (704x583, 33K)

190cm Dutch Aryan masterrace


Lmao fpbp

>United States and Turkey listed twice with different heights
Are you too dumb to even copy a table from wikipedia?

Are you too Ameircan to realize they're different data points for the same populations in order to get a more accurate representation?

Attached: 1519682629791.png (403x448, 63K)

>Tarihteki en eski dillerden birini konusmak
>Gramatik olarak bati dillerinin tam tersini dogal olarak konusmak
>Yabancilarin siksen telafuz edemiyecegi hecelere soyleyebilmek
>Hece bazli bir dil konusmana ragmen latin alfabesi kullanabilmek
>Gurur duymamak
Ne impla ediyorsun orospu cocugu

>conveniently leaving the details out of the image

Attached: 1520880467075.png (645x773, 19K)

What details are those?

Look at the replies the turk is giving. Never have I ever thought I'd hate any nation worse than the gypsies and the jews, but turks seriously outdid themselves. Disgusting cockroaches.

Oh no! Why can't they be BASED cucks like you?


>probably french
I get it okay

>tarihteki en eski dillerinden biri
tabi canim. mogolca ile turkce bir degil. mogolca bile sadece 8000 yillik bir dil.

of course

n-no homo

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