Have you had your glass of cockroach milk yet today?

Have you had your glass of cockroach milk yet today?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Does it look like I'm in Vietnam?
Nope, Thailand.

Why not just have cockroach protein bars like on Snowpiercer?

Fake news network strikes again

Where's Cockroach bro at?


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I've already had my gallon of pigeon milk

I find pol shit hilarious when its put in completely unrelated threads. This was the unfunniest and weakest attempt to date. Back to pol, gains goblin

Are Roachmilkies the new soyboys?

>that first CRUNCH of the day

low iq incels strike again

im thinking about becoming the guy who eats dried crickets during class at uni for gains, should i? ive got a kind of metal appearance anyways

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How do you milk a roach?

>protein, fat, and sugar
So, what you're saying is that it's made up of what all milk is made up of? Sweet. Thanks for sharing. Keep us updated on your projects that will be referenced in history books for what can only be millennia to come.

Fucking nerds I swear to god

Read as roachmikes, as if all who drink roach milk should be named Mike

Look guys, I was OK with the whole onion thing (made me laugh) but this is going way too far

First it was GOMAD, then it was onions, and now it's roach milk. At this point, they know what retarded nutritional broscience you idiots will fall for and are seeing how far you'll go to optimize your gains.

Is this what nonvegans have resorted to eating now? Cockroach milk?

not this shit again

Way ahead of you, OP

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This is simply too much, even for Jow Forums

CNN is literally owned and managed by Jews though. And the idea of drinking cockroach "milk" is retarded. Seems related to me lad, try not being so sensitive.

I've seen and learned some things on ancient /b/ that would make you hate humanity.

There was an ep of yuyu hakusho.
A tape called Chapter Black is apparently the biggest collection of evils that humanity has ever done. That was /b/ for nearly 10 full fucking years non stop.
And that was before moot sold the site to google and installed that fucking captcha.
It was fast, I mean blindingly fast you were inundated with posts and things that were just horrifying nonstop.
It changes you forever.
God help the souls of the people who grew up on Jow Forums back then.

Seen the thread where the guy murdered a woman, held an ama, and posted her raped strangled body? Yeah, that shit happened.

Explain how onions fits into those examples. It's literally just a vegetable with no downsides to eating.

thank you but ill stick to my cum instead ;^)

>Seen the thread where the guy murdered a woman, held an ama, and posted her raped strangled body
That was like 3 years ago dude you're not some epic Jow Forums veteran.

did they watch icepiercer or something

look, we get it, you’re autistic, ok

so that is why turks are so fat

I was just using a recent example.
I don't want to talk about the other stuff because I'm kind of worried that well...people will remember.


You forgot to turn on your trip so people could recognise your reddit name and deliver some reddit gold to your reddit profile.

I have to admire that kind of passion. I wish I had the same kind of passion for something more grounded and controllable than fucking and impregnating a 8+/10 sloot in her prime

i dont think the article is actually condoning drinking cockroach milk. good luck finding a place to buy it or harvesting it yourself you fucking dipshit

>not blasting your cum over your selfmade cockroach farm

you sure you actually wanna make it?

Go back to pol ginger knob

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Off to leddit, gayboy

I can't support Turkish products in good conscience with the way they have been acting lately.

Eventually the world will become too overpopulated for current agricultural capabilities to sustain everyone. When this happens we may start to see the practice of farming insects, which are actually very healthy for you and packed with protein

Attached: BR2049-protein-farm.png (964x440, 560K)

>Asia/Africa eats insects
>Western countries that splintered off from each other eat meat grown in labs
>Chinese billionaires eat real meat
>Japan eats whatever their robot caretakers give them

expat in yUe nAN here. i just eat the fucking cockroaches. ezpz.

I unironically dont mind eating insect based foods if they are in a palatable form

I dont get how society treats insects. They're mostly harmless and look adorable to me. Cockroaches are cute. Beatles are cuter. Bees are the cutest

Fuck modquitos and houseflys tho

How do you milk a cockroach if they ain't got no cockroach titties

>drink roach milk
>eat bugs
>clone meat in labs
The absolute state of meat- and dairycucks.... ANYTHING to just keep that dead animal and pus-ridden goo in your bodies, right? Christ.

No I don't have a Turkish gf

It's more dense in protein/fat/sugar solids than cow milk and it has less moisture, that's the whole point you fucking sperg.

Read the article you stupid fuck

You can also Google the topic and find scientific studies

Don't breed and stay on your containment board

>Rich in protein, fat and sugar
So, just like all other milk?

Attached: Activated Almonds.jpg (618x419, 41K)

this desu senpai

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I really like seeing this fucked upness in Jow Forums for some reason.

need more of this

it is plausible that NGO food programs will be feeding people with insect protein flour in the foreseeable future. it will be pretty big business once it becomes efficient enough and the output is there. it will also be a better source of livestock feed than what is used now. insects like cockroaches and mealworms with some sprouts like wheatgrass for animals will be how a large portion of the developing world and most of the meat we eat will be fed.
it's just that now it is an industry in its infancy

Thanks for the suggestion

but drinking roach "milk" is still retarded even if I read the article.

However I understand how someone who actually bothers to read CNN articles about drinking roach "milk" would take offense to someone suggesting they were wasting their time

My sincerest apologies, fellow gentlesir

Seeing stuff like that here feels comfy, like arriving back home after a long day out. Maybe we expect that stuff to happen here as if it were a normal occurrency when it's not normal at all.

If it was affordable and guaranteed to be hygienic and healthy I'd slam that shit.

haha, i wish. There's nothing wrong with eating insects.

Similar to almonds

good goys, drink the milk of the cockroach, its good for you.

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What's wrong with what you just listed exactly?

Roaches are vegan dumbfuck

Jews trying to get us to eat bugs while they dine on fine cuts of steak and lamb and again?

Pretty much.

Like this

Attached: RoachMilk.png (534x998, 41K)

>high in protein and fats

There are protein bars made of crickets.

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Can we ban Anzu threads already?

Is this OC? I am consistently impressed by the autism of this site. Please never change


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I'm surprised that bugs haven't become more popular in the west, never had cockroach but cicadas are fucking great.

CNN hate isn't Jow Forums, it's just common sense at this point, like hating Buzzfeed.

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It is yes, thanks I was afraid my autism would go unnoticed

>muh Jow Forums boogeyman

this is how you nigga sound like defending CNN and crying Jow Forums whenever someone calls it shit.

Impressive OC. Jow Forums needs more good men like (You)

kinda like this

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Gimme dat roach milkies

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So THIS is anime. Now I see what all the buzz is about.

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kek saved

I’m so goddamn jelly of drawfags. Good work

i feel bad for the spider desu

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Dat spiderpuss

I've had some Turkish milk before it tasted bretty gud.

spotted the kike

Thats pretty fucked up. Does this hurt the spider in any way?

insects dont really feel pain


look how moist she is user.

shes loving it.

>the turkish flag on the bottle
like pottery


yeah, like not just people saying weird edgy shit to get a reaction, but people actually living it. There's no way he went to all that effort to fake it for a thread, which means that somewhere out there is a genuinely insane motherfucker farming roach snacks and that fills me with hope

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>cuck, short for cuckservative
what the fuck am I reading?

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Nah, bugmen