The dangers of tobacco are so overblown. I've been smoking for 10 years, never cough in the morning and feel great. Why? cause i don't down a pack a day or look for any chance I get to smoke. Get good brands ( Nat Shermans, Dunhills, Lucky Strikes ) and only smoke them as a reward, like after a workout.
Because you do it to look cool, whether you admit it or not, whether you accept it or push it down. You started to look cool, now you're addicted to nicotine and so you continue.
You can deny this and talk about how it makes you feel relaxed, good, sharper, enjoy the taste etc. But, ultimately, the pleasure you derive from smoking is minimal as opposed to the please you derive from quelling your nicotine craving.
>s and talk about how it makes you feel relaxed, good, sharper, enjoy the taste etc. But,
t 2/3 of cancer cases are caused by random genetic mutations, and have NOTHING to do with your lifestyle, diet, smoking, etc. That's right - 66% of ALL cancer cases come down to bad luck. Now I'm not saying that smoking is healthy or anything, but I just figured I'd throw that out there in case anyone thinks that we're really in total control of our health
>implying smoking for aesthetic purposes is a bad thing
Stupid brainlet.
I agree with you, smoking isn't nearly as unhealthy as it is made out to be. It does increase your risk for cancer, though.
>2/3 of cancer cases are caused by random genetic mutations, and have NOTHING to do with your lifestyle, diet, smoking, etc
This is false, however and is peddled to you by companies that don't want you to stop buying their toxic shit.
You're either mentally challenged, a big tobacco shill, or so addicted that these are the lengths you'll go to rationalize your drug use.
>b-but I only smoke one cigarette a day, I can't be addicted like those pack-a-day smokers!
Fun fact: people who smoke less paradoxically have stronger addictions than heavy smokers, and typically have a harder time quitting
I can tell that op is beyond hope (if he isn't just trolling), but to any smokers who read this thread, please do your best to quit. It's more than possible, even if you feel like you'll never do it. It's worth it, and it only gets easier with time. I still get cravings, but I'd rather live with that than live with the disgusting habit of smoking that comes with a whole host of problems.
t. Haven't had one cigarette in 49 days
And on the off chance that you're being serious OP, and that you actually are capable of smoking without becoming addicted, know that you're Parr of a very small minority and the message your putting forward is harmful and dangerous. 9/10 of people who make smoking a habit even for a small period of time will develop a powerful addiction which they will have to deal with for the rest of their lives. Please, don't push people towards that suffering. It's not a joke, it's life and death.
>doing something for aesthetic purposes can be justified beyond narcissism.
>vanity/insecurity can be justified
T soyboy
>smoking the cigarette jew
I'll keep my cardio fains, white teeth, non smelly skin and money. Thanks but no thanks Mr camel cuck
My father was fit and smoked moderatly.
He died last year because of it.
>i can't cope with the fact that i'm an addict so ill just call everyone who doesn't encourage me to smoke a 'soyboy'
bitch i have smoked for 6 years and i'm 28 now. I have been smoke free for 5 months. Do you know what happened when I stopped smoking? I coughed up BLACK TAR along with disgusting snot that my lungs were holding. It is THAT bad. But don't take my word for it.
Just keep convincing yourself that you need to look cool, and that the bitches you want to fuck will do so just because you smoke, not because your overall personality and physical traits.
Lmao you think you are Steve McQueen-tier cool? That guy DIED AT 50 from a lung cancer caused by his heavy smoking habit, you flamboyant idiot
While food quells hunger, water thirst, sex lust etc
I smoke when I go out. No reason to be autistic about it to either direction. Like drinking, it's fun and a great way to socialize but not exactly healthy.
Lifetime smokers live on average 7 years shorter than non-smokers; you can process that information with whatever cope you want
2/3 of cancer cases are caused by random genetic mutations, and have NOTHING to do with your lifestyle, diet, smoking, etc. That's right - 66% of ALL cancer cases come down to bad luck. Now I'm not saying that smoking is healthy or anything, but I just figured I'd throw that out there in case anyone thinks that we're really in total control of our health
Only subhumans smoke.
I quit smoking a few months ago and I feel less like I have the lung capacity of an old man.
"Don't smoke! you'll get cancer!" They say, with a cheeseburger in one hand and an energy drink in the other.
THE different between a smoker and non-smoker is that the non-smoker dies in a good health condition , got it ?
"Oh shit a well thought out and rationalized response to my argument....I have absolutely nothing to say to try and refute it...better call him a soy boy that will do the trick"
Yes after living longer than the smoking who dies earlier living the last few years of his/her life in shit
my uncle been smoking since he was 12, he's 40 now and the doctors said if you look at his lungs it doesn't look like he is a smoker at all. just with everything else it's all about how your body reacts
This is a gorgeous photograph. Where's it from?
All those activities are objectively enjoyable, provide richness to life and are an intrinsic part of being a human being. To equate these to nicotine addiction is absurd and childish.
You're a addict so your opinion isn't trustworthy and your lack of self-control says alot about your character.
Quit smoking, user.
you are afraid of yourself, that you would have no control if you have started smoking. Im not afraid of myself and i keep kontroling my "bad" habits. Prove it that you have control of yourself by starting an adictive habit and still control yourself
2/3 of cancer cases are caused by random genetic mutations, and have NOTHING to do with your lifestyle, diet, smoking, etc. That's right - 66% of ALL cancer cases come down to bad luck. Now I'm not saying that smoking is healthy or anything, but I just figured I'd throw that out there in case anyone thinks that we're really in total control of our health
>Terminal stupidity: The Post