How to be a man at 5'11"?

I feel short and inseucre. I'm 180 cm and 68 kg. What to do to feel manly?

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grow a few cm

Stop being 17 years old.

>manlet cope

Fucking hell, you need to get off of Jow Forums for your own mental health

dude I legit feel insecure when I see a man taller than me, like I feel like a kid and I'm 23....

Like I said, get off of Jow Forums.

You fell for the "anything under 6'5 is a manlet" meme. Most people that post on here are probably about 5'10

if you can't get taller get wider and thicker. just lift dude who gives a fuck

>getting of Jow Forums changes facts of life
you're short and therefor a seconf class citizen.
you can try and avoid the truth if you want, but that fact still remains.

I'm saying being constantly called a manlet for being above average height by guys larping as 6'2+ all day will probably make you insecure if you are the type of person to take Jow Forums seriously.

I would worry more about the 68kgs than the 180cm.

Most countries in the world have a lower average height than 180 (developed world has like 1.76-1.78 depending on the country), but you weigh a little more than the average woman so that's the issue.

>only Jow Forums cares about height
lol, cope.
woman are far more harsh than Jow Forums is on height, they just make fun of you behind your back or indirectly.

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if you think 5'11 is small you need to get of 4chin it's just gonna make it worse, that's a good average height

The difference is that 5'10 and higher is 6' for them.

yea, cope

This lol

If you think they can tell a few centimeters difference just by looking at you, you're retarded. They wouldn't even know how many centimeters 6ft is.

The average girl can't tell the difference between 5 and 8 inches, you think they know how to tell the difference between 5'10 and 6'2?

Also, those kind of girls are the ones you want to stay way from.




All girls in that pic are niggers or fat purple haired spoiled brat white women. You wouldn't want to date either

Shit im 77kg 5'11 and no body fat and i am skinny af. Bro you must be true skelly mode. What size jeans you wearing 28s?

I'm 5'11" and taller than everyone I've ever met who calls himself 6'. I don't think I'm the one coping :>

lmao cope little dudes

Try being 5'7 you fucking cunt

>You fell for the "anything under 6'5 is a manlet" meme

That's true though

ask me how I know you are american

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Kill yourself you insecure fuck. Anyways how to be a man at 5'6 and 54 kg? srs

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Sleep upside down in hopes that one day you may

Become 180cm and 90kg. I feel pretty manly.

notice how all these cunts are either:
A: fat
B: thots
normal women dont care much, except maybe that you are taller than them, but not a specific criteria

>girl gets pumped and dumped
>can only get back at the guy by targeting height or penis size
>only one of these don't make her look like a slut

I swear this height shit only exist in countries that use the imperial system. As a yuropoor i've never heard any woman refer to guys shorter than 183 as subhuman which is basically what these thots are trying to say

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I am 182 cm. My ex left me for a guy who is "I don't know, I think equal height".

The dude is 170.

> ib4: cucked by manlet
Guy wants to marry and have kids soon. I am too autistic for that. So my bad, I guess.

if he doesnt own one of these, he's never going to make it.

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I'm 5'5"

Because 6' is a nice round number.

>thinking 5'11" is short
seek professional help if you actually believe this. you're not short.

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Hey there skeleton

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You don't feel manly because you weight fucking 68kg, it has nothing to do with your height

Those are American women though. I'm glad even Western European don't share the same extreme shallowness

>"he" actually believes that

taller people don't give a fuck that they're taller, this is the biggest meme ever.

Lmao cope harder faggot, if ur not at least 6'0 you might as will neck yourself

i love this meme

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this, it's really pathetic when manlets try to distort reality to match their tiny stature.

Mike Tyson is 5'10". Stop being a prissy, vain faggot.

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it is in northern and eastern europe, at least compared to young guys

68 kg is legit skelly mode or 180 cm.

Yeah, this. Every tall guy, or girl, I know IRL is pretty chill. These threads are opened by 5'10 midlets who secretly suspect that they are manlets themselves.

he's not white, nor is he a soylenta.

Gain weight you skellyfag. Im 169cm turbomanlet and weigh 64kg

Not true, im 6'2 and always smirk when I pass a manlet

When you smirk I wonder about how fun it would be to kick you in the liver and whether you would subsequently shit your pants.

you just look autistic tbqh

I'm 166cm and 77kg, twink

nigga, I'm 5'6'' born in a shithole country
stop being a whiny pussy

jfc how do you even find the strenght to carry on?

>feel manly enough
Yo skellybro

I don't know, honestly
hope is the last to die, I guess

but it's not anywhere close to the average weight of women

If you were tall enough you'd just find something else to focus your insecurities on, take it from me, in highschool, i was so obsessed with being 5'8" and fixated on it so much, I ignored my other genetic cons

Then when I hit 6 feet at 17, I started paying attention to my big ears, narrow shoulders and high hairline and realized that there'll always be something about myself that will nag me

Point is, there's always going to be something that bothers you about yourself. Quit being a bitch and make do with what you have

Reminder that thots are the ones that care about height. They use it to feel better about themselves and to try and divide men. Don't let them get into your head brothers.
Yeah I'm only 5'11.5" so spam cope at me all you want, but you know it's true.

You're average height or above almost anywhere in the world, faggot. Get over it.