Has anyone dealt with Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
What caused it? What triggers it? What came with it?
What cured it for you?
Share your experiences!
Has anyone dealt with Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
What caused it? What triggers it? What came with it?
What cured it for you?
Share your experiences!
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>Has anyone dealt with Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
>What caused it? What triggers it? What came with it?
An incredibly stressful life event + shingles + mononucleosis at 24 years old. Stress or anxiety would trigger it. It came with discomfort in the lower left side of my abdomen.
>What cured it for you?
No cure, but a lot less frequent issues to point of forgetting it's there. Keeping my serotonin levels high has helped.
I'll share my experience.
Mine was caused by chronic stress(got back with ex, in retrospect was a toxic relationship right from beginning) over a 2 year period both directly and indirectly. Due to stress made shitty decisions, like, changed my diet to a really shitty one - high sugar, high carb almost vegan diet in hopes that I would feel better.
Slowly developed sleep problems.
Binge eating; some specific foods, but not always.
When it starts I feel like completely different person.
Anxiety, depressive mood, sleep problems, brain fog.
After I realized I have a binge eating disorder, drastically changed my eating habits. Now I only eat when I feel physically hungry, that equated in drastically lower food quantity per day and some days a pretty long fast. After starting doing that symptoms became almost non-existent but I can still feel that gut does not work like it used to. But I am pretty optimistic and I think with time, after lowering daily stress, doing more exercise and eating more carefully, it can be cured.
Stay away from toxic people. They will eat your soul and shit it out.
>go to college
>get indigestion and horrible smelling farts
>get a couple weeks off college
>stomach goes back to normal
>go back to college
>indigestion and smelly farts come back
What did my body mean by this
Don't have IBS, but I have EOE.
It is probably not as bad, but good god, some days my life sucks.
Has anyone had success taking meme-high probiotics?
Probably excessive stress or change in diet.
Got it myself. Got really bad after my dad died due to excessive stress. Pretty well ruled my life for almost two years. Struggled going places outside of home and work. Brutal mental cycle of fearing having a flare up while not having access to a restroom. Got checked out for crohns and ulcerative colitis, no dice. Wife did some reading about dietary changes and I went gluten free. Sucks because of all the hippy dippy bullshit associated with it but it changed my life. Still get a flair up if i eat something with wheat in it, and now that im back in mental control the stress part doesnt get me too much.
Been dealing with IBS-C/IBS-A for two years now. Issues started after I quit drugs cold turkey (amphetamines, weed, nicotine, smart drugs, alcohol, etc.). Despite irregular eating and sleeping habits, I was actually pretty regular for a druggy. Diet was high protein, high fiber, low sugar, healthy fats, etc. Was probably at a deficit most of the time but maintained a nice body composition.
After sobering up I dealt with anxiety like I had never experienced before, likely linked to a few bad amphetamine/weed experiences. I also developed some poor eating habits with sugary food (still craving the dopamine).
Fast forward two years - my diet is overall quite healthy with lots of fiber but I still found myself shitting once every 3 days and when I did my stools were loose and messy. Probiotics helped with this (currently using align) and I take a 1/2 tsp of psyllium husk in the morning with breakfast. Sometimes I miss a day but my stool consistency is way better and I generally feel less bloated.
My issues may also be complicated by exercise. I workout 6-7days/week and run 30+ miles/week. Long runs (7miles+) sometimes cause diarrhea if I haven't had a full BM beforehand. Then that would complicate things for a day or two more.
Anyway I seem to be getting better. I try to watch my sugar and binge eating but that's about it.
yeah. but i take this shit thats $40 a bottle. you can stretch it for 2 months
i had it badly. one of my tests said i had crohns but on retesting it doesn't show. i honestly can't play sports now tho. if i work my lower stomach hard my shit flares up
regarding diet there isn't a cure
cutting out gluten fixed me up. I can't eat certain meats. turkey and ground turkey is fine with me. eggs are okay
i went vegan for 6 months before I started adding meats.
potatoes was my friend. follow a low-fodmap diet. I take prevacid once a morning because my acid reflux was so bad it was in my throat.
i no longer drink tap water. almond milk sits with me. l-glutamine every morning. its manageable but depending on your case. you can only eat your fav foods once a month.
I ate a cheeseburger a week ago. but i had heartburn the next day. was worth tho. missed those things
My IBS is triggered by anxiety of not having acess to a toilet. Before going out to drinking or a long test or something like that I'll literally have to empty my bowels entierly, going to the bathroom 4-5 times. Been like this for years,anyone managed to overcome something similar, or have any tips? Imodium helps if i know im going into a situation like that at least
got hurt playing hockey
had to have surgery
combination stress/antibiotic regimen after surgery wrecked my gut
lost tons of weight, every food made me shit
got checked out for crohns/uc, never got a definite diagnosis other than undetermined IBD which i think is bs
went on prednisone for a few months, body responded well
now no meds, i just avoid too much booze/fat/greasy food, i don't eat huge meals
exercise has helped unironically
Have you tried a probiotic? Ideally you should be having 1-2 full bowel movements per day, rather than having 1 full bm split into 4-5. I think the best approach is to try and manage the situational stress better and your mindset, but I'm no doctor and can't tell you how to do that
On normal days I generally go to the toilet 3-4 times, so its managable. Feels really limiting that I have to plan using the toilet before going somewhere though. Havent tried any supplements, so I could give it a shock. Doctors dont seem to be able to help me unfortunately, Im actually a med student myself and im not under the impression that theres a simple sulution to these things. I dont want to take meds against axiety just because of my bowels, and meds limiting bowel activety only works to a certain degree.
anyone got good probiotic recs?
I would only recommend probiotics if your stool consistency isn't normal (either loose and messy or too dry and pellet-like). But I agree I wouldn't take anxiety meds just to treat gut motility. I have anxiety problems and I'm reluctant to try any meds at all. If your stools are normal then I would think 3x/day is a sign of good gut health.
how many of you with IBS are jews?
it works for me
>Has anyone dealt with Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
>What caused it? What triggers it? What came with it?
stress over school and my crippling anxiety, came with pain in lower abdomen, and a constant feeling of needing to shit and/or diarrhea
>What cured it for you?
acupuncture, stress management, and working out to build self confidence. also stopped giving a fuck in general about school and being social, as i was smart enough to get B's without studying and attractive enough to get with my oneitis for a little while
i feel like it got way better for me anxiety-wise when i realized, worst case scenario ill just go take a shit
fuck anyone that cares
For every hard stool I have 5 mushy ones. Im not sure if it is caused by bad gut flora though, but rather too much fluid secretion in my colon as a result of stress. On days where I can relax my stools are much better. Thanks for the advice anyway, Ill try probiotics for a some weeks and see if it helps
Stop eating sugar and cut down on carbs in general and it will go away. Focus on eating fat and protein from animal sources.
kill yourself retard
autism usually causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome, go check if you have it OP
He's right, doing an elimination diet from protein/veggies only and building up from here, this + ptrobiotics and L glutamine . Don't touch anything that could inflame your bowel, be it eggs for some people, gluten, dairy, fructose, sugar, carbs/grains. Experiment yourself, think
I've been getting terrible stomach cramps lately, actually debilitating. Should I get checked out and see if I have IBS or something? I was going to tough it out and see if it goes away but it's been like two weeks now and when it hits, which it does almost every day, all I can do is curl up in a ball and groan.
if u dont wanna go to a doctor. start eliminating food you eat and see whats causing it.
Okay, I'm not stressed or anything so I dunno if I have IBS but something is fucking my shit up.
You should definitely see a doctor if it's two fckin weeks
Have been getting stinky farts for a couple months now, no matter what I eat.
But I don't have any cramps or anything, it just fucking stinks.
I don't eat too well, but also not too awful...I only drink water/tea and I mostly eat porridge, omelettes and bread with cottage cheese and quark and what my mother cooks (salmon/chicken/turkey with rice/potatos and spinach for example, just basic stuff)
bread and milk products are going to be the first thing to eliminate, maybe also meat to see if it helps
going to see what else I can do while learning to cook. I want to start cooking japanese basics and make myself bento boxes and shit because I am an insufferable weeb, but I can't eat anything atm without having these symptoms.
Any advice? Could it be gluten? I eat a lot of bread when I am too lazy to cook, it's kind of standard in Germoney and I think rice is the only thing that really feels light...even normal porridge with gluten gets me farting.
Why post about that here? Go to a forum or something. There’s like two thousand forums jus ton this subject. Why would you care about what Jow Forums‘s colon is like?