How did you win/lose the genetic lottery Jow Forums?
>very smart
>very athletic
>5.5” dick
>mild autism
>bad ADD
>depressed as fuck
How did you win/lose the genetic lottery Jow Forums?
>very smart
>very athletic
>5.5” dick
>mild autism
>bad ADD
>depressed as fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>very smart
>posts first year math
for me, everything is good but the hairline
Entry level calculus is hardly "very smart"
Pic unrelated
Why are you posting your calculus 2 homework?
>6'1 and mesomorph, but same situation
It’s old math hw idk I just needed a pic
Here's a picture. Post literally anything else so you don't get memed on next time.
>2 attractive sides of face
>Good frame
>Fast learner
>Sides of face DO NOT MATCH
>Skinny penis (4.2")
H-how did you get that pic
>my captcha asked my to click on Harvard street
At least I am 6'4".
Fucking hell
I make these for a job and those are pretty bad dude
> Highly Masculine facial features
Thats a hit and miss desu because I'm attracted to women with highly feminine features but my country has only la goblinas
> Mesomorph ez gainer
> 6 feet
> 6.70 inch dick
> Impulsive
> Lone Wolf
> Uni dropout so I cope it by working on service
Ya it fucking sucks. Eyes are too fucked for lasic. And after years of wearing contacts they are starting to fuck with my eyes.
So now I get to wear 1/4" thick glasses.
iktf brah
-10 -1.25 20
-9 -1.25 160
At least they're blue.
>quite smart, at least enough to do a PhD in a competitive lab
>good jaw
>slight hairloss on the sides, but it's not too bad
>sometimes autismo in social situations
>mutt, I look like an Arab
Just to let you know
You are so blind that they invented a particular index of lenses for this
Its quite soft and very easy to crack or chip
Pls dont drop
Doesn't matter if you're 6'4. You'd be dead in the wild.
t. perfect vision Manlet apex hunter
>everything perfect
>Top student
>national athlete in swimming ranked 15th at one point
>good looking 6"2 bleach blonde with tan
>get sepsis from training too hard on a training camp in south africa
>come home covered in boils and put in infectious diseases ward for 2 months
>almost die and get left with scars on face
>cant workout for 6 months
>went from 9/10 to 6/10
>old fitties say hi but are visibly shaken by my change in appearance.
>always bad to see old freinds and shags that i havent seen in a while as their first reaction is open moth shock as they drop their spagetti and i have to make painful small talk as they stare at my face.
>life is a cruel mistress
Post face
>can grow nice beard
>healthy physical and mentally
>169 cm
>big nose
>12cm dick
>balding started at 26
>tons of allergies
>above average intellect
>well endowed
>seborrhoeic dermatitis
>bad jaw
>patchy facial hair
>some form of autism
High intellect (law student)
Good beard growth
Good eyebrows
Fairly wealthy
Naturally lean
Genetic eyebags
Asymmetric face
Ugly nose
Recedig hairline
Win :
>Very easy to build muscles
>strong jaw, frame, v-body type
loss :
>6'5 dick
>mild autism
>severe depression & anxiety, ADD
>5'11" (king of manlets at least)
>soft facial features except for defined brows and strong nose
>7x5.5 dick
>decent beard to hide said soft facial features
>good hair
>can somehow socialize decently without revealing power level even with said mental health issues
>5'8" and leggy
>20/20 vision
>small delicate hands and feet
>long healthy hair
>brainy enough to do a STEM subject at world top 3 university
>3 rare autoimmune conditions
>flat ass
>mentally ill
>asymmetrical face
>6 ft tall
>Decent face
>Intelligent enough to go to university for computer science. Smarter than average, but the really intelligent guys probably make me look like an idiot.
>Above average dick
>Horrific acne during teenage years, worst case my dermatologist ever saw, 2 years of accutane to fix. Back left horrifically scarred.
>Skinny build/frame, weak initial strength
>Crooked teeth
>Beard taking a long time to fill in, 1cm patches on each side for past 4 years
>Terrible eyesight
I think during character creation I maxed out on things that can't be changed later in exchange for a weak stats in things that can be adjusted/fixed. Pretty happy desu.
>Ectomorph, but enough muscle and wide enough shoulders to look athletic/ottermode
>Moderate depression
>7"x5" dick
>Straight teeth
>Good eyesight
>Thick, wavy hair
>Come from a 3 generations of engineers, studying mech eng at uni
>Austrian jawline
I'd say I've got it pretty good
I'm still posting here though so I must be at least a little autistic
>top 3 university
top kek you arrogant pseud double digit iq detected
>6'5 dick
>77 inches of dick
When will they learn
>"smart" (skipped 2 years of high school to get college credits)
>6.5'' dick
>born well off
>mild autism/manchild
>depression pops up every so often
>mild add
>jew nose
>slave to emotions
>low self esteem
>will bald later on
>cant envision myself wageslaving so basically failure at life
L O N D O N ?
>it's an "everyone talks about themselves and never replies to anyone" thread
These threads are pointless.
>low IQ
>no work ethic
>small benini
>Upper middle class white family
>Great front profile
>Low bf% and veinous arms
>Clear skin
>7inch benis
>Adonis belt
>Small chest
>Weird bicep insertions
>Always pass out when doing bloodwork
>Long side profile that makes me look like a fucking cutting board
>Mom's grandpa was 75% black; based on my DNA results I'm 8% black
Holy shit same but height and sexuality
>lmao look how smart I am my math has squiggles and words in it!
>It's a "I make fun of the whole thread and post literal giga-soyboy Jack McBraer while I smugly sip soylent with cuckold porn on my dual IPS Vertical Monitor" post
>great frame
>great insertions, nothing i would change about my body at all
>handsome face
>good hair
>7inch long dong
>pencil dick (5in)
>heart skips beats and does random patterns
>lactose intolerant
Was socially inept in school but got better at socializing and now am good
Not smart not stupid
All in all am happy and wouldnt change anything. Even the pencil im okay with
Funny how every Jow Forums poster is above average height(6'+), above average intellect, and above average cock. Really makes you think.
99.9th percentile INT
Literally everything else.
>It's another episode of "I'm smarter than average"
ex Chad here too, developed insomnia so I look like a corpse, shit sucks.
>Naturally athletic build
>7.8” dick, 5.5 girth
>have Absolute pitch
>Probably not that intelligent
>Logarithms and trig
>Very smart
>going to the shithole capital to study at fucking ucl/kcl/impy
no ofc not lmao
sounds like you look like pic related
Are you saying 7x5 is pencil girth looool? Don't fall for that meme
>confident, funny
>Potential to make massive gains
>Pretty good looking
>Anaphylactic food allergies
>Afraid of change
lmao where do you live? We do this shit in high school
>6'6, 220lbs
>gain muscle easily
>decent dick
>high levels persistence and dedication
>hairline doomed to recede
>gain fat easily
>fat predominately stored at waist
>brainlet by my own standards
I'm not that smart, but my perseverance and dedication has gotten my 3/4ths through my EE degree with a 70% average because I put in a fuck load of effort compared to everyone else. When I mean I'm not that smart, I passed all my maths courses but I'd struggle with the OP image at the moment. :\
Came here to post this
>135 iq
>kinda athletic(I'm working out alot lately)
>7'' dick
>very depressed
>very smart
>posts single-variable calculus
>Muh ancestors lived in castles. No proof.
>Go on an adventure because I'm too old to do shit but video myself and live off welfare and royalties.
>Muh making money thorugh the society I myself hate.
>Muh survivalism. Can't even hunt.
>Muh making videos to defend myself after some user debunks the entirety of my ideology.
Le epic lying Swedish refugee in france. The only genetic lottery you make is the one that comes in the following years. Stop fucking around, carve your own path.
Goddamn I love my Thracian genes.
>6 foot
>Moderately smart but very creative
>Thick hair
>Well proportioned face
>Nice calves
>Wristlet with tiny arms when compared to my large ass rib cage
>Big ass head
>Slav hairline
>wide hips
>Very small ears
>great frame
>good eyebrows and nose
>good eye colors
>6 inch dick
>weak jaw and chin
>round face
True descriptions ITT
Average intelligence
Average fitness
Sucks with females and blames it on self diagnosed bullshit
Big goofy ass head
Balding ethic dump with 12” arms
Rich dad and shaped beard
Fat and imaginative
Ethnic dump
Sucks at talking to people
Pencil type eyes locked on ground
Has not spoken three full sentences out loud in 4 years
Fat smelly neck beard
Thank you skelly
Overly sensitive pussy with anxiety
Read the last line
Replace the preceding lines with the end of that sentence for the rest of his post
Dyel who hasn’t actually accomplished anything yet but likes to think he’s better then he actually is
Thank you skelly
im not any of those haha
(femanon) actually partial to clubbing, coke and rowing but nice try i guess
- 6’2”
- look stronger than I am
- smart enough to get A’s at least
- disciplined. Easy to stick to goals
- colorblind
- flat feet
- BIG farts
>I'm smart because because I can do an integral
Try doing an analysis proof you brainlet.
>good starting body for working out
>105 iq
> 18cm dick
> insomnia
Blew a line once and danced like a moron with her friends
>you got me user
>good insertions
>smart enough to get a decent stem job
>red hair
>7.5" dong
>weak left eye (not lazy or anything, but tracks VERY slightly slower than the other eye. Just enough for people to realize that something isn't right)
>weak facial hair
>will likely start balding soon
>increased risk of late onset Alzheimer's
>ears stick out a little too far
>fast metabolism
>excellent jawline
>optimistic and confident
>great eyesight
>great work ethic
>love history and literature
>king of beards
>5'5" manlet
>5.5" dick
>average intelligence
>can't find the career path I really want
>insomnia from work
>reddish hair, very red beard, firecrotch
>VERY hairy
>hazel eyes
>very christian upbringing, still hold onto beliefs
>tfw perfect vision non-manlet apex APEX hunter (HUNTER)
>red hair
Height mogging you for about 1cm
>relatively intelligent (verbal score is jew level)
>7.5 dick
>big hands
>don't get depressed, get angry
>will eventually bald
>diamond shaped face so shaved head looks funny
>great with people
>decent face
>perfect nose
>above average dick
>good hair
>whatever the 6'+ version of goblin mode is called, I'm that (thin arms and legs, big gut)
>really bad gyno
>dumb as a rock
>poor immune system
>terrible discipline
>voice still cracking at 21
>boring brown hair and eyes
>smart (like top ~98%)
>above average dick
>generally good person (chaotic good, the best kind)
>good athletic genes
>above average aesthetic genes
>good instincts
>previous depression (severe/critical) which turned into anxiety (social)
>previous drug use (heavy; I'm not sober now, but I don't buy anymore, I only take gifts in social situations to be polite and because sobriety sucks)
>undiagnosed ADHD (until adulthood)
>life in shambles because of previous three and I willfully ignore my good instincts "for fun"
Really smart
8/10 face
5’11 king of the manlets
Wide shoulders narrow waist
Green eyes
Always been 17-22% bf
Torso is too long with short legs
Strong but really unathletic
Hair starting to thin at 21
Reg-big dick and last a long time
>he thinks analysis is actually hard
Ask me how I know your name isn't Jacob
>Very High Intellect (Math Professor)
>Very Ambitious/Hardworking
>Crippling Autism
>Disproportionately Large Head
>Starting to lose hair
Change my mind
>oddly accurate but somehow not accurate enough
You don't go out to the thousandths?
>good insertions
>big dick, almost 8 inch, not even lying
>no ambition, lazy as fuck
>shy, not very good with women
>big nose, brings my entire face down in attractiveness
>receding temples
My body and dick combined are definitely a solid 9/10 but my face is at max a 5/10. So girls never want to date me just have a quick fuck. I feel unloveable bros ;_;
Depends on what you're analyzing, Shlomo.
>poor social skills
i was going to contribute to this thread untill i realized i have to many negative traits to list
>people with these things wouldn't be more likely to post than others
You make me think you're retarded. Of course people lie in these. People tell the truth, too. I don't know why you feel the need to point it out.
Unless you're paralyzed or something you just can't beat me.
>5" pencil dick
>psoriasis, acne, keratosis pilaris, probably 5 other skin conditions
>can't tolerate gluten, lactose
>super autistic personality
>non-existent memory, if you give me 3 different orders I might remember the last one
>depressed, anxious, can't focus
>wide hips
>left eye is higher than the right one
>quiet, soft, weak voice
>can't hold a conversation with anybody for longer than a minute
>5/10 at my best
>got that crack addict/rapist/serial killer vibe (I'm none of those things)
>the least athletic person you'll ever meet
>decently smart (though very limited by shit memory)
>great at art
I honestly gave up on women already and I'm just 22. There is no woman in the world who would put up with this that I'd be interested in.
>Okay looking face with dark hair + blue eyes so I can sometimes shoot above my weight with girls by making them laugh
>Sorta smarter than average, Comp Sci major
>5' 10'', king of manlets which is fine with me
>Slow af metabolism so even though I'm getting more defined it's hell for me to cut so I always look doughy after I eat
>5.5'' - 6'' dick depending on arousal, honestly not much of a con but I guess I wish I had a bit more girth for aesthetic reasons
>Bad posture when sitting, bit of a pelvic tilt
>manic depressive
I'm basically average as fuck.
Pathetic need for attention
I doubt none of those are as bad as you think they are. Your worst enemy is always yourself.
>seriously broad shoulders
>barrel chested
>gain muscle mass easily
>look years younger than i really am
>green eyes
>full head of hair
>literally never get sick, never even took antibiotics
but also
>only 5'9.5" in a tall country
>dry, sensitive facial skin around nose and brow
>slightly wide hips
>tiny wrists
>limp, light and brittle straight hair with a taller hairline than I'd like (the wind fucks up any haircut)
>underwhelming facial hair
>dark circles under eyes from insomnia
Could be better, could be worse. I wish I was 5'11" with a more handsome face, better skin and more piercing eyes and hair like Simon Baker but no one gets what they want and I'm glad to be healthy and alive, I'll make it to 100 at this rate. But I also live in a shit country, have very little friends and don't know what I want from life. I just wish I was happy to be honest.
You need to take a probiotic because your gut biome is FUCKED
>nice hair
>dick 8inc 6 in girth
>no confidence
>cant talk to woman with out stuttering
>cant hold a conversation unless its about games or anime
Are you nice at ball?
I wish
I already am and have been on different probiotics for over 2 years now and it's doing absolutely nothing.
>faster than average metabolism
>whiter than the average latina
>way smarter than average (not impresive tho)
>seems I can build muscle easily and without much effort
Are you eating real foods? Have you tried raw honey facials and to treat the psoriasis? Have you tried raw garlic?
I want to sniff your butt
>very smart (medic and engineer)
>6"2 , 90kg
>first on my basketball team
>8inch long dick 6 inch girth
>facial symmetry