But shills are real. If you don't realize that you are actually a retard. Its like believing a advertisement when they bring on a bunch of supposed customers to tell you their product is great. Its the exact same shit. Stop pretending shills aren't real when they are clearly shills. Everything from the way they reply to the syntax they use screams, I AM NOT FROM HERE. Remember back in the day when this website wasn't flooded with plebbit and you could just tell who was a newfag by the way they typed their words. Its the same shit except this time you can just tell they are either bots or using a script.
22nd shooting in 20 weeks of 2018
Real leftists would be staunchly pro-gun. The revolution cannot happen without firearms.
>Funs have been an American staple since it's declaration
>School shootings only start up in the 80's, even then incredibly rare
>Sudden massive rise these past few years
But why?
fucking ameridumbs
absolute retard nation
You're missing his point. When someone cries "SHILL" on Jow Forums it's almost never actually a shill. Saying PC gaming is shit and that the PS4 is a better platform doesn't make you a shill for Sony. Saying you like nigger cock doesn't mean you're shilling for the Jews. Saying you made money with bitcoin doesn't mean you're a bitcoin shill.
>if it isn't gun violence then it will be knife attacks or acid attacks
van attacks seem to be an emerging favorite too
infantry recruit 0001 reporting to sgt. Jow Forums.
The incel rebellion has begun!
very good point, I forgot about that one. almost anyone can rent a u-hual and do some major damage at a, lets say a sporting event or some festival. guns aren't the problem, it's our morality as a nation. not even the religious side.. but just common decency. this kid like that other shooter in FL was bullied but not only by kids but apparently by teachers. it's fucked
Wow user I have no idea. The only clear option is to ban the ARs.
This picture forgets to mention France and Spain helped the revolutionaries