Hey fit, will jogging/cycling make me lose my butt?

hey fit, will jogging/cycling make me lose my butt?

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Do NOT lose your butt or you’re gonna get injured if you try to play sports you dumb faggot. Stop being so insecure

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nope sorry

only thing you can do now is grow out your hair and get lean

Cycling no, jogging maybe

It won't, but you should do squats and hip thrusts, and post more pics.

m8 lean out and gain some muscle, and girls will be all over that shit. girls love guys with nice butts, and while you're a bit too high body fat and too low muscle to make it work, if you get ripped, it will work out VERY well for you

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Can you stick your butt out more?

but i do have some muscle... im afraid if i do some cardio to get a lil more ripped, ill lose my butt which is what girls always wanna grab


nah bud you good. If your butt is mostly composed of muscle, which I'd imagine it is, then doing cardio won't make you lose it.

(and of course don't go overboard with it, do it in moderation).

I think I’m gay now

How do I into this mode if I have a Hank Hill tier behind?

how much would you say to do per week to loose some belly fat and expose abs and loom shredded? ur right, my butt is all muscle

Your problem is probably overdeveloped quads, which makes your ass look flatter at the bottom. Do glute and hamstring isolation and work less on quads.
If that doesn't work, you can do an instagram-whore routine where you do glutes only and ignore legwork completely. Not healthy or useful, but aesthetic goals rarely are.

Women like dudes with nice butts, don't be a fag and all sensitive about it. If you are gay by chance though, definitely kys and don't post for these degenerates.

Go lift more, stop worrying about cardio, or swim. Those are your options. If you choose to just lift, eat at a caloric deficit, and lift hard as shit. You'll lean out. If you really must do cardio to supplement, swim. You're not fat enough to justify it though. I'm 5'7", 200lbs and I'm doing cardio, but will stop once I hit 185, most likely. Goal weight is 175, I have a big frame and am naturally muscular, but I got fat because depression and shit.

I have the same problem. I think it a result of anterior pelvic tilt and being slightly overweight with weird fat distribution.

Do cardio 2-3 times a week at most, for no more than an hour at a time, for aesthetic goals. Hwoever, I still think you should swim, and I do believe cardio is actually a good thing for over all fitness, after I've given it more thought. What's the point of looking muscular if you're not even in shape? You should be able to up and run 5 miles at any given time in under an hour, honestly.

Final advice, take it or don't, lift heavier and harder, up calories, and start swimming or running every other day for a total of three times a week. Your muscles look soft, so I'd imagine you don't push yourself to your full ability. Push harder. You'll be happier with your gains and shit then.


nah dude I run like a mofo (10 to 20k runs every week) and my butt looks better than most I see on women! I also squatt and DL tho

>lifting on calorix deficit

>what are noobgains?

show balls and butthole

Shave all that hair off and only do lower body excersise from now on

Now bend over.

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Id make you my bitch in prison That is for sure

Can you post exercises that isolate glutes/hamstring

And what is an Instagram butt routine?

why would u want to lose that? women like guys with juicy asses, in fact im jealous