How tf do I get this? I'm 511 200 right now. Can this be done natty with diet/creatine?
How tf do I get this? I'm 511 200 right now. Can this be done natty with diet/creatine?
Tren traps/ no.
and what's the height/weight of the person in the picture ?
6 ft 215 I think or something close
Test/ teen shoulders. Op troll?
I've seen this guy before. Does he compete?
I recognize that physique!!
He's 6 ft, 205 lbs, natty 7 years lifting. Posted in a thread yesterday
>Thinking this cant be done natty
What the fuck. The epitome of Jow Forums
Lol "natty"
It'll take years to get to if you're natty. Creatine is such a minor boost that it's not worth mentioning.
I’m 5’11 and 205. Trade pics to see if you’re as fat as I am?
I lost 40 lbs so far. Used to be 245. Can’t wait to get a decent chest.
Not the same person look at tatoo. Plus def not natural look at shoulders and traps.....
Usually you post your weight with your height, not your age.
Dude is 6ft 215 10% body fat ok I'd guess. yeah natty lmao. Shoulders dead give away you shill
hey look its that kid whose oneitis got fucked by an older chad
Nigger I’m 27. This is what happens when you get a girl pregnant in high school and are forced to get a job in manual labor.
in OP's pic the tat is obscured by his arm. I think the physiques are the same person, look at the ab and chest insertions. Also, his shoulders do in fact look natty. Less certain about traps tho
doable with 5+ years of training. Maybe not for a genetic dead end like you
physically not possible for naturals, dumb mongoloid. Competitors at that height sit at 190
please shut the fuck up and don't reproduce
>the avatar decided to lift
>muh FFMI
Both of you need to remove yourselves from the gene pool
demonstrates plausibility of natural acquisition
suggest an alternative?
>that 30 year old at the gym
>suggest an alternative?
Looking at the person. The FFMI natty test is a meme based on faulty research.
>criticizes ffmi as a meme
>suggests an alternative completely subjective mode of measurement
Not sure I buy this. In any case, does OP and seem natty to you?
>Not sure I buy this
It's a subjective form of measurement because there is no objective proof of being natty/not natty aside from admission or being fucking huge. There is a grey area like the guy we're arguing about where it's plausible to say he's either.
>does OP and seem natty to you?
I think he probably is. That is achievable with proper dieting and disciplined exercise.
Objective proof would be something such as PK blood tests done periodically. However, I do agree with your accessment that OP is likely natty.
This is my new goal wtf hes like a hybrid zyzy and Arnold combo wtf. Who is this ? 6ft 205? But I don't think natural goals. Is he an active competitior does anyone know who he is?
I agree. Looks more 3d than zyzz deff nowhere near arnie but more bulldog version of zyzz