Must suck being a broke ass 20 year old having to share gym equipment with poverty people who most likely jerk off or...

Must suck being a broke ass 20 year old having to share gym equipment with poverty people who most likely jerk off or take a shit and don't even bother to wash their hands afterwards.

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Must suck being an unlikeable person.

Real question. How much do your curl bars weigh

>Dumbell set
What a waste of money.
Why not buy a good adjustable set instead and save a gorillian?

Because I'm not a broke ass 20 year old?

So you waste money?
I see, babbys first job.
Never had money before so you're getting a thrill out of wasting every last cent you earn on useless garbage

>That 20 year old who rubbed Pajeet's poo in his eye after using his poverty gym's communal barbell to deadlift

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>useless garbage

Lmao that investment will save him $$ over the course of coming years because those things basically last for ever. It's actually much smarter to get a proper set and just use it till infinity.

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what an embarrassing room/setup/life

Faggots stop arguing about stupid shit on a nepalese pediatric dating simulation forum and answer the fucking question

There's two, both of which I got from the same guy. One weights a little over 5lbs and the other one is 12lbs. I'll be upgrading them soon to a Titan Fitness curl bar.

Thanks for the info

god I wish this were me. but id still keep a gym membership to show off gains and meet people

>own two properties
>let our one to a family of 4
>live in the second one with 2 Chinese students who rent rooms from me
>home gym there
>chinese people don’t lift so never worry about my gym getting damaged
>every so often they’ll cook me Chinese food for the gains


gib property gains pls

Go to bed, Paulie.

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>want a power rack
>cant afford a power rack
Why is equipment so expensive in Australia

is your gym in your fucking loungeroom? lmao

must suck being so poor you still with your mom and have to put your weight equipment in the living room.

>bench bar doesn't reach the safeties
wtf why even have it

This, so expensive here for equip

/homegymmasserrace/ here. It is sweet. Best part is being able to strip off while bored, blast some sweetass smashmouth and do dips while your nuts get air conditioned

>must suck being a broke ass
>that kitchen

lol, you dont even have a marble island with a stove, stainless steel hood over it. Please don't talk about being rich with your 80k year salary

Sorry, I don't understand your mental illness.