
Another anti climatic wank edition

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What sup are you there ? Originally

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Erika's bum

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whats your deal?

What's it like working for GAP lads? The hours are pretty comfy but my only knowledge about it is when Kanye rapped about it

i know but it's much more convenient to bash one out to this pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5aae426945523

>What's it like working for GAP lads?
wtf is GAP?

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Hat e /tv/ so much lads. Been years since it was remotely decent. Yet I go there every day

anyone else a /warehouse/ boy?

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Fucking redditfags with their capeshit and e celebs.

Can't post pic because it's over 2mb yet /tv/ can

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>anyone else a /warehouse/ boy?
once upon a time

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oh no
this is bad
i fought tooth and nail not to be a neet pls dont mock

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does anyone know what breed of do "mr cuddles" is? I'd like to get one

so much time has passed since people started intentionally shitting up the board that I can no longer tell if they're still doing it or new people came in and though the shit was normal posting and decided to join in

Warehousing sucks lid, what role in you in?


Since theres a lot of wagecucking discussion going on I've got a question lads. If a company has been advertising a job for a month or so, reckon theirs a good chance I'll get the job if I apply? Surely if people had applied already they'd have chosen someone

pretty much anything, from production to assembly to literally feeding the machines. not much to it, easy to braindead since I braindead it like a muffucka. you dont it i take it?

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what does it mean to be alive lads, I mean I understand my heart is beating and my mind is functional but I don't feel alive, most time i don't even feel human

It a food warehouse? get a comfy role and stick to it also you on zero hour?

Nah cuhz, aluminium because im the mac daddy

Do you ever look at some woman who's accompanying her children and think about what would happen if you said to her "I tell you what, love, I wouldn't half love to fuck your kids"?

It's physically possible but obviously you wouldnt do it. But what if you did. Mental.

My sister is making my mum insist I share a house when I go to uni.
Fuck that, fuck you bitch I want to be alone and be able to cook supermarket Chinese food at midnight without encountering people and move from my room to the bathroom naked post wank. Fuck you youre ruining it

>aluminium because im the mac daddy
>you dont it i take it?
make sense

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>cook supermarket Chinese food at midnight without encountering people and move from my room to the bathroom naked post wank
I was the only person up past midnight other than one lad I was good mates with so I always did this

quit the inane questions

>the inane questions
mate my question stresses me out a lot throughout my day and keeps me awake most nights

>having mates

inane in the membrane

Walking home from work. Super dark. Super cosy.
Can't wait to get in and munch a microwave pasta.
Good night lads?

Sounds comfy lad, I'm currently playing through Kingdom Hearts. Quite a fun game, wish I played it as a kid but I thought I was too cool for the whole disney shit

Never had a ps2. You emulating it?

Im sorry lad I was just joking around. Truth is I got this job on a whim and Im saving all my pennies so I can fuck off to NZ to get away from this hellhole. Whats your job?

Yeah but I'm contemplating buying the collection on the PS4 for 20 quid

>Whats your job?
hand job

Fair enough man.
Not owned a console since the 360 and dont think my laptop could emulate ps2 games. Would be cool to play though.
I have a chipped ps1 and sometimes download old ps1 isos and burn them to disk to play on my actual pst. Quite comfy.

I'm currently emulating KH on my laptop, can't run it maxed out but a better res than the PS2. Intel HD graphics is suprisingly powerful

We going to watch the royal wedding together tomorrow?

Give good emulator rec

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PCSX2 is the best PS2 emulator

Nightwalk user lied to me, this isn't comfy at all. I just feel paranoid, I mean I feel the same during the day but at least if I get jumped during the day there's people about. Also there was a bunch of drugies down this lane I was walking.

loop dis

night lids sweet dreams

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>Also there was a bunch of drugies down this lane I was walking.

avoiding places like that would be a start laddy, dont be put off, i was paranoid when i first started doing it but i settled in eventually

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>tfw my estate have gotten rid of the comfy yellow street lights and have gone for bright white ones

My town turns street lights off at 1am except for main roads.

its the same everywhere around here laddy, /nightwalk/ isnt what it used to be, time to find a new hobby

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that was one of the options here, they chose the worst one
>stick with orange sodium lights
>turn off street lights on quieter roads after midnight
>replace orange lights with blue LED lights
>replace orange lights with white LED lights

white LEDs are by far the shittest option

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Nightu nightu

>wageslave mon-fri because I would literally starve without a job. Family are all fuck up cunt parasites
>have to get up early on Sunday for church duties
>Friday night/Saturday morning is only opportunity I really have to catch up on much needed sleep
>want to get up early because shiny charmander is available from 10-1 on pokemon go
>won't go to sleep until 4am because I've spent the whole night getting pissed and wanking
>because of alcohol I won't even achieve deep sleep

Honestly wondering if this is some semi-conscious form of self-harm. Maybe I want to jump off the edge so I can just get sectioned and let other people determine my destiny. Fucking sick of everything

03:45 already. wild that innit

Flying by eh.
Whatchu doin? I'm slaving away

usual browse of a few websites and hopefully bed some time soon

Where you meant to go? City centre is always full of drunks so I thought it was best to stick to the quiet places

White lights aren't so bad

My sleeping pattern was fine this morning I woke up at nine, yet now its 4am

I am a 29 year old virgin. I have 3 friends but talk to them rarely. I will message them and they will sometimes reply for a few messages but that is all.

My phone broke so I did not have a phone for a while, then I decided not to install WhatsApp again, which is what we used to talk.

It has been since January and a few have messaged me and one has been calling and messaging repeatedly today, using every method (email, phone, text, random sites).

I have decided to just close my relationship as they are all getting married etc. The one that has been repeatedly attempting is getting married soon.

How do I explain this to them.

Repeatedly contacting you because he cares about you and is worried.
You are an idiot to throw it away.
So what if he is getting married?

Its a female who is contacting me. It has been 95 days since I replied. I think once I get to 100 days it will be easier and soon they will give up.

In a nice a way as possible; get over yourself mate.
You have friends. In adult life you don't talk to your friends often. I have pals I don't speak to for six months. Like you said they are getting married. They obviously have other stuff going on that doesn't involve you.
But they do contact you. If you throw it all away out of self pity you will regret it 100%.
How is that any benefit to you to cut contact with all of them? Just because they are getting married?
Literally makes no sense.

I am isolating myself so when I kill myself no one will feel an impact.

I have done the same with my family, such that just my mum tries to text me every few weeks.

dont die on me lads pls

i am so shit. why can't i practice moderation? i went two weeks without any drugs and last night i took coke, mandy, drank a shit ton of alcohol and I'm still awake now.

check you lad, showin off in front of yi mates are ye

Any tips for finding cheap escorts? I'm just tired of reading profiles then finding out at the end that 15 minutes is 1000 quid. Where are the affordable ones.

Morning cunts goodnight

how do I stay awake lads? tired but got tons of time sensitive stuff to do today

You already fucked up by staying up alright go brew a pot of coffee

So Anons This'll be the one time shill of my Jow Forums thread hope you guys join
I'll post my feels a few posts after this needless to say It's probably not going to be good for me in a few days.

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BBC article on kissless virgins.
Kind of shocking read, like 5 men over 50 years old come forward


why's it not going to be good for you lad?

>Robert: I am 61 and still waiting and I am probably too late to start now. I have always been too worried about being laughed at and ridiculed. I finally realised I was unlikely to get anywhere when turned down by a prostitute when in my 30s.

The fact he's still hoping at 61 is perhaps the saddest thing I have ever read.

Shame that there's that big wedding today and neither of the celebrants will have their father there

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>There was an instance when a friend of mine kept attempting to put a move on me and in order to keep that separation I, knowing that she was allergic to peanuts, began carrying around Snickers bars and making a great show of snacking on them.

Fucking howling, the BBC are just making these up right?

It reads EXACTLY like something that would be posted here.

In roughly three days the NHS will send back mri hand scan results and considering the results are coming in at the tail end of the 4-6 week waiting period I'm guessing I'm not going to be receiving good news user as if my head was in decent shape they would have sent them sooner I would like to believe however I also haven't received any calls so its all up in the air until I get them but that doesn't stop me from fucking bricking it until then.
Ooft that's something I fear and its not that women don't like me it's just I can't get with someone I feel nothing for, I feel like I'd regret having sex with some absolute thot more than not getting it at all I'm not even joking
Kekd user
Anon where do you think you are, also

that bloke must realise that it makes him look more gay than anything eating a big black chunky, salty, nutty chocolate bars in front of a woman who was allergic to them.

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>I feel like I'd regret having sex with some absolute thot more than not getting it at all I'm not even joking

You precious little thing. Sophie doesn't want to pop her cherry for brad till she knows he loves her.

user It's not even about virginity it's out of principle I geniuenly cannot bring myself to even kiss a girl during a one night stand I just find myself repulsed and feeling honestly disgusted.

At least tell me you're not like the robots who refuse to enter a relationship with someone who's not a virgin

yeah haha imagine that

It might just be the NHS being slow. I blew my knee out a few years ago and had to wait 14week for physio. Well would of had to but my work got me a private physio within a day
Hope it goes well for you lad, also, link your Jow Forums thread again pls, you didn't link it properly last time and i couldn't find it in the catalogue

I'd shag the first girl who showed me any attention. still a virgin though

user I may have the bwain dambalage but I'm not retarded.
It's irritating though, I feel like I'm an catholic priest who's been thrown into a whore house despite enjoying whorish shit in porn, irl in clubs and the like again I just feel disgust and my body just naturally finds myself pushing them away like it's secretly chanting to itself
>Thots Begone.

Trying to get a United Kingdom General off of the ground on Jow Forums user and honestly I don't know who else would be interested on Jow Forums except Brit Generals turns out UK gun laws aren't terrible as people like to make you think.
And thanks user it means a lot hopefully it is just the NHS fucking up.
(if the cross link still doesn't work search /UKG/)
Do what I did before the head injury and get fit and get mires lad because I was Pic related as soon as.

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Never lifted or been to a gym in my life, what do?
Feel too embarrassed to go and make a tit of myself.

Yeah it's worked. Gone into it in depth eh, like it. Gonna jump over now.

I don't even care about sex that much I just want to cuddle and kiss a girl.

Nice Trips and the TL;DR is read the sticky on Jow Forums and also look on R*eddits fitness subreddit as that's also a good source of information.
>What do
Find a routine, plan your diet and how many calories you'll need and start with a beginner plan with the main two since I last checked were Starting strength and Strong lifts (I was a lazy fuck and picked the latter to begin with) after that with some Jow Forums from fit in QTDDTOTT and CBT you add accessories to help where you're lacking and once you stall you move on to a intermediate plan and so on and so forth
>make a tit of myself.
To avoid this check the bodybuilding.com tutorials which are what I used when I went homegym mode for a time however if you go public (and you probably should) don't be afraid to ask for someone to spot you or ask for form advice as people are more than happy to give advice as pretty much everyone wants everyone else to succeed and not get hurt.

the interesting part about it all user everyone and no-one thinks like this of (I'm scared of making a tit of myself), the only people who are embarrassed and worried about that are newcomers once you're in you genieunly realise that people are there for self-improvement and nothing more, and If you're either a skelly or fat people will actually encourage you and want you to succeed it's honestly an amazing community.

I guess the last thing to emphasise is we're all gonna make it brah. (seriously though also read the Jow Forums sticky)
Most of the OP was done by Jow Forums Northern Irish Librarian user most of my thanks goes to him seriously.
Also this.

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Is anyone else /pretend Normie/ here?
>Be me
>wife, child, mortgage, good job, seeming has friends, happy, hobbies
>If they all disappeared tomorrow I'd have no problem slipping into robot neet life

Royal Wedding today.
Who HYPED? Leaving for Windsor in 20 minutes.

>not being there overnight

lmao enjoy spending the day in Slough

They're going to order people off trains in Staines apparently

Why haven't you got super floofy hair user?

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Well this thread has failed to hold my interest, I'm off to the cafe for a fryup

Fuck sake I wanted to go shopping in Staines today.

if you can be a normie you are a normie mate

Main stream meteor is finally discovering how widespread this is?

Why haven't you got a beautiful bald head like Tilde user?

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Losing weight is easy lads, just eat less than you burn.

But the next step of getting in shape and having a bit of muscle seems like a fucking chore in just how much effort and planning is involved. I really want to have a sexy body but as a lifelong lazy cunt I just don't think I can hack it

i do lad, its very long too
girls have stopped me in the street to gush about my hair at me and ask if they can touch it

>tfw have the same hair as tilde but not bald.
Bet he's seething

Routine user once you're into it, it becomes easy to follow

Is crona behind the tilde is a baldy posting?