>anyone else a /warehouse/ boy?
once upon a time
oh no
this is bad
i fought tooth and nail not to be a neet pls dont mock
does anyone know what breed of do "mr cuddles" is? I'd like to get one
so much time has passed since people started intentionally shitting up the board that I can no longer tell if they're still doing it or new people came in and though the shit was normal posting and decided to join in
Warehousing sucks lid, what role in you in?
Since theres a lot of wagecucking discussion going on I've got a question lads. If a company has been advertising a job for a month or so, reckon theirs a good chance I'll get the job if I apply? Surely if people had applied already they'd have chosen someone
pretty much anything, from production to assembly to literally feeding the machines. not much to it, easy to braindead since I braindead it like a muffucka. you dont it i take it?
what does it mean to be alive lads, I mean I understand my heart is beating and my mind is functional but I don't feel alive, most time i don't even feel human
It a food warehouse? get a comfy role and stick to it also you on zero hour?