
Why don't you take the sweat pill, bro?
>stop using deodorants and shampoos/soap anywhere other than on my head, same for my gf
>go to gym with her
>can smell her real feminine odor
>we return, start making out
>she tells me she likes how I smell
>I lose my head over how much I love her being natural
>dick diamons
>fuck hard
>can't stop
>spend the whole day cuddling and fucking
You can only smell bad if you don't shower at all, there's no reason to block your sweat and damage your sweat glands causing increased sweating in places that are not supposed to sweat like that on palms etc.

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I agree, I wear plastic bags so I can collect my sweat. I drink it because it has proteins and B12.

Can you back that up or is this purelly anecdotal?

Some girls smell real nice in the gym while others, usually fat ones, smell horrid. I always try to sniff em as much as possible without being too much of a creep

>>stop using deodorants and shampoos/soap anywhere other than on my head
>using shampoo anywhere but you head

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It's all fine and good if you two don't mind it or home gym, but if your stench isn't easily ignorable when someone uses a bench after you you're fucking banned.

Fun fact: since I started only eating white meats with tons of vegetables and totally cut out the shit food my sweat changed its smell. Less disgusting stench and more musky fragrance.



I can't find any studies that link sweat and sexiness, so there's only personal experience I can vouch for. Why use deodorants? To hide how we really smell? My reasoning is, if the nature decided to make us smell a certain way, it's not worth it. Especially because some chemicals of deodorants that can potentially be harmful for the skin, even if it's negligible. Oh, and yeah, my gf smells much sexier now. I smell sexier to her, maybe you should give it a try.
I can guarantee that's because of horrible diets the hambeasts have. Also, they sweat more than usual people. While I enjoy smelling naturally, I agree that there can be too much of it.
Do you know that shampoo acts almost exactly as soap and bodywash? The basic principle of how it works is pretty much same.
That's not a deodorant-related issue. When you use a bench, you don't usually touch it with your armpits, and if your back sweat has any noticieble smell, you should consider fugiruing out why.
I noticed that change with making my diet more natural too. I think the main reason is processed food. It's bad for you anyway.

I agree, I stopped using deoderants and I sweat less and smell better

>be me
>live in the fucking ghetto
>go to a 24/7 gym
>staff leaves at 8 pm
>niggers and shitskins invade the gym at 9-10 pm
>none of them bother to wear clean cloth nor bath
>curry can be smelled through the entire gym
>almost puke when they lift their arms

please fucking kill me, i still have 1 year left of uni

med student or just shit at scheduling?

>cs student
>at uni from 9 am to 5 pm
>get home by 5.30 pm
>done with cooking/eating food by 7 pm
>get to gym at 7.30 pm and done at 10 pm

you tell me

In my personal opinion, deodorants should be used during or before extended periods of, let's say, travelling. No chance of showering anytime soon- go ahead and slather on that shit. Perfumes should be used for social venues, where you're around people n shit. Other than that, you shouldn't damage your skin and instead let those natural pheromones build up n shit. I can only agree with OP. Sometimes I only use perfumed shower gel and people keep asking me what fragrance I'm using. It really boggles the mind. Sweat is ok, hygienic neglect is not.

>9am classes
>24/7 gym
>doesn't like late night crowd
>doesn't go in the morning
Your classes start two hours later than most jobs, abuse that.

Yeah, don't forget to eat 3 onions a day for maximum health gain

>2 hours later than most jobs

What jobs are you referring to exactly? Cleaning jobs? I don't know anyone who starts at 7am and I've never worked a job that started at 7am.

wake up at 6 am dont be a bitch user

Ironically the times when I've spent the least amount of effort on hygiene is when I got the most positive attention from women.

You won't smell bad if your diet isn't garbage anyways.

I bet you have sexual fantasies about them smelly fellas. I don't care when I am around them.

Depends where you live I guess, pretty common in most of North America.

Regardless, sleep earlier and go in the morning.

take a shower you fucking hippie

After an hour in the gym, when the chest is basically soaked, my shirt sometimes start to smell of ammonia.
What causes this (inb4 sweat; I know it's my fucking sweat) and how do I fix it?
At 86 kg / 182 cm, I'm basically a skeltal in recovery - so no obesity.

I take it once a day when I don't work out, twice a day if I do. Your point?

Eat more carbs before training.

Pretty sure its a biproduct of protein metabolism.
(not bad per se, just not optimal)

This is disgusting. I don't want to smell other people's BO.

Fucking this. Happens to me too a lot. The towel I use to get the sweat off my face smells even worse.

bad idea. youre putting ur hands on towel then towerl on face

bad transfer of bacterias. use napkins to wipe ur face im sure ur gym has them around on racks

One issue is that my sweat is okay smell but it can turn to BO quickly , even minutes after a thorough shower.

Are you a Manlet OP? I think because I'm tall I produce stronger body scent.

there's been studies that your odour will appeal to the female with an immune system that is different from yours, which explains why your gf is so attracted to your smell and vice versa but not every girl is built that way so how about you use a deo and not cause all the other females that aren't like that to suffer within 5 mile radius?

I only wash my hair with shampoo every 2 weeks, use hot water every day and people always compliment my hair.

Do you think that if I stop using anti perspiration chemicals that my body will eventually adjust and stop sweating as much? Also the smell of my sweat is nice but can turn pungent at time.

Wtf, I start work at 7.

Officejob for a huge company, your fat ass is probably sitting on some of our product.

No it doesn't have em.
>tfw I use the same towel the whole week

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user, there are two different types of sweat glands and you are mixing both.

Eccrine and apocrine.

Eccrine glands are present all over your body. They regulate your body temperature via vaporisation of water. They also secret anti-bacterial agents, salt and various other substance and regulate the pH of the skin.

Apokrine sweat glands are only present in your armpits, nipples and in the whole genital region. They are associated with the hairs and produce pheromones and various other fragrances.

The smelling bad part comes from two different things:

1. You smell bad because you are genetically incompatible. When you are driving in a hot car together with your family you might have already noticed that your sister and your mother don't smell good. Virtually every boy that hits puberty is told by his mother that he should shower more for the same reason.

2. The second reason is bacterial growth. Bacteria produce various butyrates as energy storage. These butyrates are markers for you to smell bacterial growth. Your nose is trying to tell you that it is a bad idea if you eat or fuck things that smell like butyric acid. People who have a growing bacterial infection are not got mates for reproduction; food is probably spoiled if it smells like that.
The good news is, that it takes days for bacteria to produce enough butyric acid that you smell them. That happens for your shoes, but for your skin to smell like that you would need to avoid showering for a week.

So by not using deodorant you will piss off some women who are not genetically compatible with you. If personally would still use soap while showering (preferably a neutral soap). But yeah, if you shower (with water) and wash your clothes, you are fine.

Not him, but there are phe- somethings on our skin that signal fertility and availability to the opposite sex (I can't spell it) via smell. This can be often interpreted by a sexual attraction or a spike in horniness, so OP is right, but idk if it would be 'sexy' to the women you don't know.

that was an interesting bit of information.

>I think because I'm tall I produce stronger body scent.

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never used soap in the shower
only found out it was weird when some girl I was dating asked me about why there was no soap or body wash in my shower

>rush hour starts at 15:00
>how can this be if everybody is at work until 17:00

maybe your girlfriend likes how you smell but certainly not everyone else in the gym you disgusting piece of shit.

I have the opposite problem, can't stop sweating
>I want to die