Nick Bateman is 34 and still living the aesthetics bro lifestyle. How do I do this without looking cringey when I'm in my mid 30s?
Nick Bateman is 34 and still living the aesthetics bro lifestyle...
Start lifting
It's not exactly rocket science.
>that 34 year old in the gym who squintfrauds
What's that?
>He doesn't squintfraud
Never gonna make it past 30
Some guys look better when squinting, so Bateman squints a lot.
have 10/10 facial genetics and frame
look at a weight every once and a while
You people on this board are the most pathetic, autistic shitstains I have ever seen. Do yourself a favor and shut your computer down and go outside.
I know this is a new concept for you but do it. The way your going, you aren't going to live to see 30 and if you are 30,get mental help.
>that guy who is almost 30 at the gym
squintlet detected
if you live like a 22yo when you are 35yo I dispise you
If you settled down before your 30s, I pity your limited options
>Oh geez,how is that rich person with access to anything he/she wants and no stress/real job fit at XX years old?
He should train chest sometimes
I know you are asking about the "aesthetics lifestyle"
but if you mean going to clubs or music festivals, this faggot would look cringey as shit. It does not matter if you have a greaty body and brad tier face or even chad, it is just not age appropiate anymore to be at a nightclub with a bunch of young 20s
The highest testosterone have males between 25 and 35, so you look your best at that age radius.
Apparently, the age males get laid the most is also between those 10 years.
I go from 5/10 to solid a 8,5/10 just by squinting
I unironically go from a 5 to a 6 with a bit of squinting, I got a really shit eye area.
Can't take anyone who's had plastic surgery seriously though.
I despise you.
Damn I thought he was like 25
roids, botox, plastic surgery, makeup and photoshop
>tfw missed out on going to clubs
>tfw 32 year old khv
what do?
stay virgin forever brah
>mfw browse Jow Forums at 40 y-o
>>tfw missed out on going to clubs
Overrated as fuck desu
Isn't that what makes it the Aesthetics lifestyle? It isn't just lifting and playing games
>tfw 26 and look like that
Aah, Nick Fraudman aka Squint Bateman aka Bloat McSquintman, we meet again
I wonder what people would say if they saw the real you
o wait you've fooled the world into thinking the real you has a sharp jawline with no submental fat and solid projection, how much time do you spend using the burn tool on your stubble to make it look like you have a killa jawline ma nigga?
to your credit, Nicky old boy, you squint like a Chinaman! I wonder how you can see things at all, I know I couldn't if I squinted like that
he looks like he never lifted in his life.
I love the way you lie, lie about being 6'4
except here you are with Jonah who is 5'7, come now squinty there's no need to e-stat to this extent
dat gyno
Jesus he even squints in bed
>weighing yourself in clothes with sneakers on
god I hate people who lie about their height. I'm not even 6'1 I'm the tallest guy in my office. After work one day I measured 5'8 on the wall with blue tape and sat back and watched the next day as 75% of my coworkers walked by were barely able to reach it. Of course all these guys claim to be 5'10.
kek, I'm 6'0 and my friend claimed he was 5'10 even though he reaches up to my shoulder, I made him measure his height in front of me and he came out at 5'6
just lol
It's mimicking natural hunter eyes.
He will always be mogged by the real Bateman.
Tfw I'll never have his hair
I'm 6'0", but I barely go outside, so I don't have much reference. Is it that tall? I always see people taller than me in my area. I'm guessing you just live in a town of shorties.
Legend has it, he can't fully shut or fully open his eyes. He forever remains the squinting man.
Probably squints in his sleep too.
That feeling when your arm flexed mogs both his arms together.
he's on that permasquint game, the absolute madman
it's top 15-20% height, of course there's plenty of 6ft+ dudes out there but you're doing good, look at Hollywood, it's all manlets.
mirin arms
fugg that's a goal body right there
Storytime, bros.
>be me
>be 35
>be fit
>get a new job in a new city so have to move
>but my start date is four months away
>have four months to kill
>decide to move to the city, get established etc. and so - because I've worked in bars before I got a 'proper' job - get a bar job to pass the time
>in those four months get laid more than I ever have in my entire life
>patrons, colleagues, supervisors, staff from other bars
>getting WhatsApped like a fucking 15yo high school chick
Stay in shape, kids. You have a long way to go yet.
Depends where you live but clubs in the UK are kinda played out now that so many bars have late licences.
Back in the day, you HAD TO go to a club to pull; now that there are so many places open late, you don't
How much viagra did you need to take?
Woah who fucking cares. You have a much more primal, masculine look. You mog the shit out of squintfraud
Also, arm routine?
But for the sake of advice, as you get older, you do need to keep a better 'count' on how much alcohol you've had if you plan on getting laid. Going down on her and but waiting until the next morning to bang her becomes more common if you're going to get hammered.
Do you have a very short head or something? If he reaches to your shoulder, your neck + head cannot be taller than ~15cm.
you are exactly 6' while barefoot? you should be taller than at least 80% of the men you see unless you live in northern europe or the rural midwest.
>Going down on her
That's how you keep them coming back, lad.
In my experience, a lot of women don't like it because they think you're a bit of a fag if you do it.
Come to the january 2019 thailand Jow Forumsmeet
>wanting a female
>the exact opposite of masculinity
Gay as fuck
In my nearly 20 years of banging, I have never heard of that. Ever.
I've had chicks who don't want you to do it which is fair enough but I'd say the most resistance you'll get from the rest is her saying "You don't have to..." but then going along with it.
t. 4 incher
6'0" barefoot, 6'1" in shoes/boots.
It's like golf. there's no point in having a giant drive if you can't putt.
oh shit my larp got busted
You would have to be like 6'6 (~198cm) and even then either your skull or neck would be on the short side.
most people at non-edm music festivals are old as fuck what are you talking about
near me theres loads of 30+ year olds at club nights when older DJs are playing. everyones young in the dark m80
LoL at /fit still thinking there's an age limit to having fun.
People are living longer and healthier, WTF would you suddenly stop at 30
Women that don't like it have yeast infections and other stanky pussy problems .