I cant fucking lose weight. like it just wont happen...

i cant fucking lose weight. like it just wont happen. i used to drink beer/mixed drinks every night and eat whole pizzas and shit. i stopped that i barely drink anymore and if i do its just small sips throughout the night i never chug anything or get drunk.

i used to just sit around i would never get out out of a chair and lately ive been making sure i stand for at least a few hours instead of just sitting down and ive been walking a shit load throughout the day with my treadmill on max incline power walking like fucking crazy plus going for walks outside and doing sit ups . i barely drink anything but water sometimes i have some milk with a meal or something but i highly doubt thats enough to do it. ive been taking my adhd drugs im perscribed just to curb my appetite because nothing will happen. i feel like im constantly constipated or something because i always have hot hurting half shits that just leave me more bloated and gross feeling than before i go to shit. ive been eating less when i have meals trying to eat less at night ive been filling up with water with every meal so i eat like half as much as before. ive been replacing a couple meals with vegetables and fruit and shit. im going fucking crazy torturing myself with amphetamines jacking off to weird porn having anxiety and staying up all night. i wanted to make sure i did not use drugs for weight loss at all but nothing has happened at all so i have no choice i need somthing in there to help me.

ive even been doing dumb shit like if im just alone have some drinks or something ill stand up and play some music with loud bass and i just chill in my room dancing around like an idiot and moving around while not allowing myself to sit down and doing sit ups and shit like that and nothing is doing anything i feel like im actually getting fatter.

ive been replacing weed and shit with uppers so i dont eat or do anything to compromise my weight loss with regards to that.

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Delete this post and rewrite it more succinctly so someone will actually read it. Jesus Christ.

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damn do i really have to jog thats my least favorite thing to do and it usually gives me the munchies later on so i assume it was just self defeating

>couch to 5k
Stop being lazy.

ill try but it all feels pointless. i feel like its a chinese finger trap the more i fight it the worse i get idk what the fucks happening. the more i try to lose weight the more i feel like my giant disgusting man titties hang over my gut when i sit down

it seems like you've made this way too complicated for yourself

literally just find out your TDEE, download myfitnesspal, track everything you eat and keep at least 500 calories under your TDEE. doesn't matter too much what you eat if you're trying to lose weight, as long as you stay under that TDEE

any exercise you do on top of that is bonus, start lifting if you havent or just stick to walking/jogging - couch to 5k is a nice plan to follow

counting calories is really hard for me i usually just eat enough to maintain my energy levels without feeling like shit or groggy and tired as fuck and i try to eat healthy

i feel like if i count calories ill be starving myself uncomfortably a lot

>i feel like if i count calories ill be starving myself uncomfortably a lot
Either start counting calories or you're not going to make it. Losing weight is not supposed to be comfortable you faggot.

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Are you a fat depressed 50 year old female? fast you fgt

if you're not counting then you'll most likely end up overeating

you'll be suprised at how much you can eat though. I'm only eating 1500cal at the moment, but yesterday I had an omelette with 4 eggs, ham cheese and onion, a huge ass sandwich for lunch alongside a 2 scoop protein powder shake, then a giant bowl of rice chicken and veggies for dinner.

if you exercise as well you can allow yourself to eat more

Change diet slightly
Do med ball workouts

shit me and my friend in high school lost a bunch of weight i used to be hella fat and all we would do is walk a shit load workout sometimes and jog a little bit and slap food out of each others mouths

sorry OP it really does feel like most of what you're saying is "it's pointless" or "it's too hard"

man up, OP, if you want it bad enough you'll do the work and it's not going to be easy, start counting your damn calories and make sure you're at a 500 cal deficit at least and start working out, if not cardio, starting lifting, if not lifting then cardio, or do both.

You're going to have to face it, it's not going to be easy, but every little thing you do DOES MATTER, it's only useless because you say it is and you're not doing it long enough/ or not doing it right.

yea man im forcing myself to do it i know once i get back in shape it'll be easier to maintain then it is to lose weight so at least there's that i just dont know where to start.

one of my elbows is kinda shit and my knees are shitty and click a lot and i dont want to overdo it but im walking as much as i can just jacking up the speed and incline and always keeping myself busy its just so disheatening feeling like im getting fatter doing all this

im gonna try and play sports more so i dont notice myself working out . im hoping this is just the start and once i do it more the pounds will come off and ill have more endurance and stamina and shit to just keep losing it easier

I can understand ehy you don’t find calorie counting appealing. I don’t find it appealing either, but I did it obsessively for almost four months. When I burned out on that, I started OMAD (one meal a day) instead.
It feels much freer. The first few days are hard, but you quickly find that it can really improve your energy levels throughout the day, and you feel less hungry than of you eat three meals plus snacks.
Obviously you’ll still gain weight if your one meal a day is two pizzas and a kebab, but if you eat somewhat sensibly, you should lose weight without having to weigh and log what you eat.

also guys i realized a big thing is i mostly eat dairy because i dont eat meat much and whenever i cant find anything i just mirowave or cook up some giant pile of cheese shit

im gonna try and stop myself from eating cheese because i feel like most my meals are heavy dairy shit so i just need to get rid of that. thats probably why im half constipated and bloated the half time.

There we go. Cheese is packed with protein and fat, and thus with calories.
Your post proves that you haven't a clue as to how many calories you're eating, so I'll be the 5th guy to tell you, COUNT YOUR CALORIES.
If you don't do this, you're making losing weight a lot harder than you need to.

so i have to spend the rest of my life counting calories? ill always be that guy shopping or getting food staring at the box counting shit in my head while everyone else is like hey man lets just go get a bite to eat and i have to sit there with a calculator and find out how much i can eat? :(

go to the gym, get a work out plan, track your calories intake, make sure you go to the gym atleast 3/4 times a week, don't eat more calories than you burn. Combine cardio with weights. And keep up with it.

If you want to lose weight you have too.

it's not as awful as you're making out. If you're not prepared to put in work, you won't make it.

Pathetic hyperbole you have there.
I have some staple foods that I eat often, like quark. After that it's just portion sizing. If one of my roommates is cooking a rice dish when I've only have a couple hundreds of calories to spare, I just eat very little rice and some more vegetables or meat. It's actually very easy

god damn it guys just swearing off fat ass foods i just ate a slice of pizza and a quesidilla

im just not going to fucking make it :( guys just go on without me...forget about me. just think of me time to time. im not gonna make it with the rest of you

>going to die 30 to 40 years earlier and live with many health conditions because he couldn't be bothered to educate himself and stop eating

every day i try not to eat or just eat healthy i get this urge to eat fat ass greasy salty cheesy food that i cant stop. whenever i deny myself it i feel like im gonna pass out because my body feels so tired without it its like a necessary nutrient for my body it constantly requires. if i dont eat really fattening food i go into shock and i start sweating really bad and i feel really faint and shitty i think i have diabetes or something

Try and go the next 24 hours without eating. You’re not going to die or pass out, unless you actually are diabetic. It’s a small, doable step towards teaching yourself what hunger is and figuring out that it’s not really that bad.

It sounds like you don’t suffer from actual hunger whenever you eat. You’re just horribly addicted to food. You can actually break free from that and learn to read your body’s signals, so you can start eating only when you are in fact hungry, and not when your addiction craves a rush of sugar, fat and carbs.
Try 24 hours, at least just once.

im honestly worried i have diabetes now because i do actually feel really faint like i cant think straight and like i might pass out and sometimes it makes me feel really like im in shock or something and kinda shaking and i start sweating and shit

the only times ive not been able to eat is if i take ecstasy or uppers or something like that. im gonna try really hard to slowly cut back but if i just dont eat like cold turkey my body goes to complete shit like it feels like its not even working right and im depleting all my resources and shit

i actually think i do have diabetes because i took a drug test and i tested positive for cocaine but ive never done it in my life before

Alright, well you have to be careful of course.
I just think that some form of intermittent fasting could be great for you. It doesn’t have to mean only eating once every 24 hours, but it could start with something as simple as only eating two meals per day, like 12 noon and 6 pm, without any other calories during the day.
It won’t automatically make you lose weight, especially if you binge during those meals, but slowly decreasing the amount of time spent snacking and eating is a step in the right direction.
You don’t get those wild swings in blood sugar where you eat breakfast at 7:30 and then already feel famished at 10 and eat lunch at 12 and then feel like dying from hunger two hours later.
You become much more regular and calm.

I only eat once per day, and after only three or four days of doing it, I felt completely fine. Now, after several months, I can never imagine doing anything else. I lose weight and I don’t have to count calories or worry too much about what I eat.

Just waterfast for a couple of weeks

i could do that but i need the help of stimulants and they just give me crazy thoughts massive panics and sweats and i crazily fap to shameful things the whole time and wanting to die after

surprisingly that all still beats being fat

Sounds like you should see a doctor, because you're either extremely mentally ill and exaggerating what you're feeling, or you do have a medical condition like diabetes. Both situations warrant a visit.

Have some self control or you’re never gonna make it you pathetic creature

no joke I think weight is partially genetic. I have been size-100 (so 83kg at 183cm) or-90 for ages and once I ballooned up to 113kg it was easy as fuck to go down to that again. However getting below that seems impossible for me. But I mean I am lucky because I really dont have to since you can look very good at that weight, I just replaced a bunch of fat with muscle but the weight stayed basically the same I always was at ~90kg now.

>waah it’s hard waaah it’s uncomfortable

Being fat is a choice. You are choosing obesity instead of fitness. Own your choice.

You disgust me


Why in the FUCK is this thread allowed? Literally just a fat person saying they can't lose weight, it won't happen then saying they won't count calories?
What in the FUCK

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How are you not losing weight after cutting out booze? I stopped drinking beer two weeks ago and I'm already noticing a significant drop in bodyfat.