This board actually drove my confidence right to the ground...

This board actually drove my confidence right to the ground. Before learning about the jawlet meme I was completely happy with myself. Made great gains and have a decent looking body. But no matter what I do I still know that I'll never make it. All because my parents fed me soft food when I was young

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holy shit lol, start saving for surgery ASAP bro you really need it

I’m 5’ 8” manlet. Everyone has something user, no one is perfect. My advice is to compensate, don’t cope.

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I'd trade 6" of height for that jaw any day

If you weren't a complete retard you wouldn't blame a board of anonymous buttchuggers. You'd realize that you have shitty self-esteem. Now why don't you go and work on that instead blaming someone else?

How can one have high self esteem with a jaw like that? Where is the self esteem supposed to come from?

grow a beard, you'll look like soyboy for a few months but it'll be worth it in the end

Attached: beard.jpg (600x400, 29K)

Girls have said I look like a roblox man before kind of hurts. Doesn’t help that I’m rain man autist though.

Jow Forums needs to look at Tom Hardy as an inspiration. No hair? Just shave it, looks fine. Chin fading? Just beard it out. Skinny fag teenager body? Get cast as Bane and turn into a fucking golem.

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I can't even grow a full beard

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>tfw chink
>tfw took a side pic for the first time today
>tfw my face is literally 2D

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Hurts even more when you realize a patchy/light/thin beard looks better on a stronger, square jaw.

You forgot "Manlet? Cope."

Yeah forgot the part where he got so mogged by Christian Bale he had to wear 4” heals to look him in the eye.


Stop feeling sorry for yourself. These are the cards you've been dealt.

Literally every single person on Jow Forums has atleast one insecurity. The skin on my back is fucked because of terrible acne when I was younger. Should I just end myself? Fuck man, feeling sorry for yourself is such a bad trait

>Comparing a jawlet to some skin on your back that nobody will see

Think about how fat, ugly people live happy lives. They accept these things and accommodate them. If your face isn’t that attractive? Lift weights to compensate, and then date women who don’t necessarily meet your 10/10 expectations. Plus, I’d rather have a 6/10 gf w/ good personality over a 9/10 psycho high maintain harpy.

these are your options
>chewing gum pic related
>hop on a cycle (raises t and also hgh [depends on drug])
>weightlifting (increases t and hgh)
>eat hard foods
>doing face exercises (see brett mavericks videos on it)
thank me later user ;))

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youre not a women, you shouldnt get confidence from the way you look primarily

youve got 2 other options aswell actually, forgot to say
>deal with it and move on

It isn't external. I'm 5'5" and by Jow Forums's standards I should be either castrated or killed on the spot. Do you think I give a shit? Everyone's dealt different cards in life and all this insecurity is just in your head. Work on it.

Gum doesn’t help chin it just makes your jaw wider

>Plus, I’d rather have a 6/10 gf w/ good personality over a 9/10 psycho high maintain harpy.
So much truth in once sentence right there. Man, I dated a bipolar girl for a year and I legit started losing hair because of all the stress and frustration

Fitizens are essentially girls. The way they perceive the world is like an insecure narcissist does

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>he let his hair grow out and it got a bit curly

That's far more noticeable than any "jaw gains" lmao. Most people wouldn't even notice.

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Good foundation, cause is obviously poor posture whereas a lot of anons have weak jaws because the bone structure sucks.

You also have to be incredibly good looking, which I think is where most of us fall short

you're welcome, cuz

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Give it to me straight, Jow Forums

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also, 6'5" + slayer of pussy

The bone for a jaw is decent but you'll have to lose fat

You have the gay face and the gay post number

I'm so sorry

>tfw i have tom hardy's height and hairline
>tfw I dont have his face or money

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this is Jow Forums not /homeless/

That's not even a real board you idiot

You also don’t have his neck, sorry user

You look fragile as a flower, delicate as a dandelion, soft as a sunflower..... err.. Fucking soyboy

>That's not even a real beard

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thats earthling ed you brainlets

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>not European
Sorry I’m not sure what you expect from me

I'm 20

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>being this upset that people dont know who some vegan youtuber/activist hippy faggot is
Seriously kill yourself

just grow a beard like gavin mciness but make sure you do cardio and lift weights

help your body chisel out that jawline

> tfw 6’3, square-jaw, full head of hair

this board actually drove my confidence up the roofs. Now whenever I walk next to most guys in the gym I feel I’m “mogging” them

>The goatee facial hair pattern
>The nose
>The slightly asymmetrical jaw

fuck off. he should be happy that he looks young. whats with wanting to look like an old shit, are you dumb?

You'd be surprised by how many women like to pretend im daddy tho

PS the 6'5" not that tiny manlet at the top

I’m manlet at top, bottom half of face is a perfect match, you’re like me from the future but taller

By look young, they don't mean a young man you fool

He looks like a child. No good

he doesnt look like a child at all lmao. he has soft and healthy looking skin, he should be happy with it

he looks 12 years old
No offence intended, just the truth

his chin is way too developed for a prepubescent. youre retarded, probably some acne ridden guy with wrinkles

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i'll send you the Sports almanac so you can afford the limb extensions that I must have gotten at some point

18, already have wrinkles around eyes. High T is destroying my body

you now have "12 year old boy" in your Zuckerberg search history database

better than the 12 year old tied up in his basement

That has absolutely nothing to do with T, youre just aging like shit

It has everything to do with T. I can’t sleep, I have hypertension, I eat a ton, I’m stressed because of constantly reigning in roid rage.

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Wow this /fit shit is all about cosmetic faggotry huh

unless youve done blood tests you cant possible know. just because you sperg out it doesnt mean you have high test lmao. from what youve described, youre closer to an autist

1,341 ng/dL was level a month ago


You better be fucking joking you cunt. Most people don't care about the jaw, body matters more than the face.

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Pretty bad lads

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You still look good. Try growing a full beard.