Phenibut will absolutely change your life

Phenibut will absolutely change your life
>be me, 21 year old autistic lifter
>get some phenibut in the mail
>take it and go out with the boys
>finesse the hottest chick i've ever seen
>go from meeting her to taking her back to her place in 2 hours
>i didnt even try though
phenibut honestly got my ass laid with no effort
does anyone else have a similar experience

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Other urls found in this thread: legal in australia

Christ in Heaven get a load of that poop releaser

What's your weight? What dosage? How much did you drink? Any other drugs taken with it at the time? etc

Did you have a comedown from it? I hear withdrawals can give you anxiety. Also where to buy?

what brand? and where

Considering you can buy it at Walmart, placebo

Sounds like the power was within you all along, now you know what you are capable of if you just relax

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You can get it off liftmode

oh? did you do a google search and accidentally find the guide/book for $10 and think that's the same thing?

can I get a quick rundown on it?

sauce on that pic OP

tastes like absolute shit so I had to get capsules.
cant even take it that way because the body high i get from it gives me ptsd of the taste via association

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>not legal in the US
That's when you know it's legit. (((Big Pharma))) can't have anything cutting into their profits. That's why test and weed are illegal.

it's an anxiolytic drug developed by russian scientists in the 60s. you get very sleepy at the end of the day, or once it wears off. And if you overuse it you will become dependent and it can cause bruxism

It is legal. It just isn't approved for medical usage

can you go into the benefits?

Now that's one super pooper!

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it's anxiolytic. makes you sleep like a log so you better empty out your bladder before bed. and supposedly it boosts human growth hormones, but there isn't much evidence to support that claim


This has to be some sort of meme right? Its not real

>change your life
>had sex once with a drunk thot
makes me think

How much did you take? Give us the details user, did you fuck her doggy?

>phenibut honestly got my ass laid with no effort

but what was your game like before?

careful man, people get addicted to that shit

the withdrawal is apparently like heroin-level too

Sounds fantastic, sign me up!

You're a faggot

>hurr hurr I got lucky must be the supplement
No you met a whore. Good job

I’m kinda addicted to it, for a month now but I’m tapering off. Ask me anything about its affects.

why do you do it?

was it worth it?

At first when you do it it feels like Molly-lite. Or lyrica if you’ve ever gotten high off that. Just very euphoric, very confident, and will make you want to dance to the song your listening to.

No not at all but I’ll be fine.

Which one did you buy?

>No not at all but I’ll be fine.
why not?

how often did you try to flirt with the opposite sex on it?

If you haven't tried it, dont talk shit. take some phenibut and then come back. That shit is like powdered alcohol without any of the nasty hangovers and smelly breath

Phenibut FAA from Liftmode. Get the FAA instead of the HCL if interested, it has more benefits and is worth the little extra cost. Just don’t do it every day like I did and you’ll be fine.

Still have social anxiety, but Phenibut is helping me overcome this real quickly

I love quality, wholesome advice on Jow Forums that doesn't get preachy

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I didn’t. I’m gay and don’t feel comfortable just hitting on anyone here, and there’s no gay bars.

How many days did you do it for?

the recommended dosing is about 0.5 g to 1g per day. no more than two days out of the week. definitely not more than 2 days consecutively.
I'm not that user, but personally, I found it hard to abuse phenibut because of how ridiculously drowsy it made me. One dose at around 8AM and i'd be a chatterbox, super friendly guy for hours. then around 2-4PM i'd start getting sleepy and driving home around 5 was really shitty and dangerous

Has anyone followed this guys's guide?

Wake up - take 1000-1500mg
+2 hours (after your first dose)- consider taking 1000mg more
+5 hours later- consider taking 500-1000mg

Holy fucking kek I'm crying

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Way too much.

Which one should i buy? i'm a nervous wreck especially around women.

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Underrated kek

how to know if I have social anxiety? Sometimes when I'm walking around groups of people i feel like they're all starting at me and judging me, but idk if that's anxiety or just autism.

Only the hcl come in pill form though and idk how I’d measure it without a scale

how much do you have to take to get an effect?

anyone know a good place to get it?

>inb4 "sourcing not allowed" or some stupid reddit rule

I tried 1g for the first time a few days ago and didn't really notice much. I guess I had slightly lessened inhibitions, but that may just have been because I felt tired. Certainly nothing anywhere near euphoria.

I'm 85kg. Should I have taken more? Did I get ripped off and it was actually just GABA? Are some people just "immune"?

what the fuck

been looking for something to replace my xanax script. only have 2 refills left before it runs out. is it anything near as effective as benzos? because I'm literally socially retarded when im not on xanax.

well fuck man idk if Jow Forums is on that reddit shit regarding things that get you high

Jesus I know this is Jow Forums, but how can there be this many retards in one place?
step 1: read the fucking thread
step 2: there is no step 2

For people saying it worked, post proof, post time-stamp photo of the product.

I want to buy but don't want to get shilled.

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I'm fairly certain it's (((die nase))) behind all these phenibut shillery

i only see one source and it's from a site called "liftmode". sounds like a scam site. and no one's compared/contrasted it to benzodiazepines. sorry for trying to get info on something ive never taken before.

You guys are pathetic, even for Jow Forums standards

just google ''buy phenibut'' + country

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>u guys r pathetic for wanting to change your life and get a legal supplement that helps with social anxiety
>u guys r pathetic for for not only wanting m muscular gains, but social, brain, and women gains

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How about Ashwagandha/Rhosia?

should i just schedule a visit with a psych and tell him I never go out except to work?

feels like phen is just a replacement for a decent antidepressant.

"you guys are pathetic for having mental issues out of your control"

is depression a myth too?

>irreversible damage to cognitive ability
>possibility of seizures and death during withdrawals
you can try etizolam, but you should really just gtfo that shit quick

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I took it for recreation and sleeping aid for a while. Always took it at night to chill and drift off to sleep quick.
I still have about 80g left so I might give it a go tomorrow morning and see what happens when I interact with people on it, but I'm alright socially anyway.

It’s not irreversible. People have been on them for 10 years and have tapered off. Probably took a few years for the brain to bounce back to how it was but show me proof of permanent brain damage cause my benzos.
>although cognitive dysfunction improved after benzodiazepines were withdrawn, patients did not return to levels of functioning that matched benzodiazepine-free controls

seconding this post. Ive taken a gram before and felt almost nothing

Rhodiola works great when you had a shitty night, as for ashwagandha I'm not really sure. It might have had subtle and good effects on me regarding social anxiety but I can put these changes on ash alone, might be my new lifestyle as well (activity, diet, meditation etc...)

I've just received phenibut and I plan to use it during a job interview, I'm gonna test it first and I'm wondering if I might use it when traveling to another city (not driving), but I'm kinda worried I'll fall asleep in the middle of the day

im trying to find an alternative to the benzos. i dont want to keep taking xanax but, again, im socially retarded and an anxious mess without it. i am interested in etizolam and i looked into it but couldnt find a legit vendor. i dont trust any of the sites i found or have heard of orders taking a month or two to be delivered, or not being delivered at all.

>phenibut at walmart
the fuck? ive never seen phenibut at any kind of store, even shady smoke shops dont have it.
where the fuck is your walmart at? i need to move to your city.

Haha you absolute faggot.

phenibut legal in australia?

Phenibut has its uses but there’s a big difference between a therapeutic dose of 250mg to make a good first impression (new job, first date etc) and a big 1-2g dose where a night out turns into an adventure

absolutely do not take it two days in a row, or take it habitually in any way.

would it be stupid to use this recreationally a couple times a month

Does the "confidence" people say they get from phenibut only mean alcohol-like confidence where you're sloppy and loud and overbearing or can you be more chill and in control on phenibut.

i tried phenibut and it sucked

> legal in australia

It's called social steroids for a reason

pheni is the truth user

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i have two questions dutch(?)bro

1. would the average person have enough will power to not take it two days in a row, and to not do it more than two times a week

2. since you feel so good and function so much better on it when socializing, doing important tasks, etc, don't you become reliant on it? or do you still feel competent when you're not taking it

Body en fitshop zijn men g's

indeed brah
1. I'm pretty unstable and get tempted to drop two times in a row the second I feel "off" but tolerance builds up real quick so I willpower through it. So I guess the average person would be able to do that as well.

2. It certainly gives me an edge but I don't need that every day. I wish I could feel like that all the time though but it is what it is. I read about how horrible the withdrawal can be when you overdo it, so I don't go overboard with it. Most I have done is 3g early in the morning on an empty stomach and re-up the next day with 1g, felt pretty cash for almost 3 days since it lingers in your system for a long time.
ga ik die de volgende keer proberen, kijken of ik verschil merk

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It doesn't taste like anything it's just bitter. If you want to taste literal shit take a spoonful of fucking l-arginine. Tastes like a corpse.

Isn't it basically a russian benzos ripoff?
What's different when compared to Xanax, Valium, Ambien and other benzos, z-drugs?

I would use it more if it wasnt for the withdrawal. Christ. If you are even slightly depressed I dont recommend using it. The high is at 3x times of your normal mood, but the low becomes 5x of your normal lows. Quite damning that induced feeling of dread it is.

thanks for answering

>I wish I could feel like that all the time though but it is what it is.

this is the part that i hate but i guess there's never gonna be a magic pill. the goal is to feel like that all the time without needing a supplement/medication

It’s anxiety. Most autists are awkward but not aware they are awkward.

How much use(then stopping) before you get withdrawals?

just once, one mg for me. Been using it for a month now with long periods of withdrawal. Didnt have this at first. Probably has something to do with some other things in my life tho. I even used htp-5 and ash KSM-66 for the symptoms.

Apparently it does not work so well if you are deprived of females for a long time and...desire to have one in your bed (to hug)yea...get panic attacks, got them before too but they are a bit worse with phenibut withdrawals. Had to basically drop phenibut and switch over to mostly just meditation in order to stave of the dread.

Hello marketing employee, I remember back when this site wasn't listed on google. But those were different times, when advertisement strategies were still about magazine and billboard space. Those days are long gone aren't they. Nowadays you are with me wherever I go.

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No comedown, in fact if you were drinking the night before you get a pretty comfy chill buzz the morning after.
Withdrawals come easy however and will fuck you up--don't take more than like 3 doses a week.

you got withdrawals after literally your first dose ever? or am i reading your post wrong

It's certainly comparable to benzos, though it's not something you can take every day without getting very addicted very quickly, so it'd only be good a couple times a week.

Ash is amazing. I was taking it for two months and I feel that it improved a lot of my anxiety and stress management.
I had some financial issues so I cut most of the stuff I was taking but now I bought more and will probably buy enough for a whole year.
Take KSM-66 by any brand. It's the one type that has been subjected to most of the studies.

No, sorry for the incomprehensibility:

>start using it 2 months ago (actually)
>could just use it a couple of days
>withdrawal symptoms seemed to be minimal
>keep a week or more off it so chemical thing in my brain comes to a normal base again
>do this a couple of times
>each cycle the time before a higher dose is needed feels like it needs to increase
>and the withdrawal symptoms also seems to increase in severity
>start using KSM-66 (best ashwaganda version, also on the beta a thing in stead of the B thing like phenibut), and htp-5 (these allegedly help to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms)
>very little to no difference
>basically just use 1 mg, for one day and it gives a nice feeling
>immediately followed up by the KSM-66 and htp-5 after approx half life of half a day
>still huge as balls withdrawal symptoms

Not sure what has changed, I may have fallen in loev with some woman, or not, hard to tell. I used to be kinda fine when alone and shitposting, lately been down so much that I cannot even feel okay here anymore most of the time. Keep waking up with near nightmares too lol. Even though most things in my life are fine.

>the goal is to feel like that all the time without needing a supplement/medication
yeah same. The pheni has put in situations beneficial to me, like closing sales and be Chad-like to grills so I figure when I'm "happy" with where I'm at in life I'll quit. I've been through some really good times in the past and never even considered self-medicating during those times. So yeah I use it as a tool to get what I want and I'm happy with the results so far.

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thanks for clarifying. i feel like it's irresponsible to take recreationally even though i drink recreationally and smoke weed recreationally. i think i'm trying to psyche myself out of taking phenibut cause i don't want to get reliant on it

Wish that shit worked for me. I've done everything from .75g to 4+g taken on an empty stomach and barely felt anything. Tried it from 2 different suppliers too. Only thing I haven't tried is taking it in its FAA form rather than HCl

Worse than heroin. Its basically the sane wd profile aa benzodizapenes