Tell me what you did that you think nobody gives a shit about. I care, user
>tfw diddly 215 for 10 when 4 months ago i could barely pull lmao1pl8 >tfw bench 5x5 155 when 4 months ago i could barely finish 95lbs >tfw shweeet noob gains
I got my sensei to tap out in an armbar in a tournament and then got into a car accident like a true Karate Man
William Walker
Saged and hid a shitty thread.
William Ortiz
Hit 2pl8 bench the other day, finally
Andrew Stewart
Got 21st place out of 62 contestants in a power lifting tournament last month. Lost my virginity this month. Applying to uni next month.
Ryder Davis
Parker Foster
23 in July.
Andrew Hall
Went to the doctors and got me penis measured this morning. Turns out I I’m 1.2 inches longer than I though. Best moment of my life, especially when the nurse winked as I was leaving.
Jeremiah Gomez
Finally made it to a whole digit? well done chap
Sebastian Kelly
at what doctor do they do penis measurements. also what country does the female doctor do physicals??? asking for a friend
John Fisher
Nah man, I thought I was 2.3 and I’m actually 3.5. I know it’s only average but to me it was really nice to discover
Alexander Edwards
Finally managed to run 10km in less than an hour 59:11
Anthony Flores
It was a male doctor who did the measuring, but there was a female nurse in the room to assist, Any doctor office should be able to do it as long as you book in advance so they can sterilise the equipment
Parker Long
maintained eye contact with a girl for extended period of time while striking conversation. AND i made sure to let her "accidentally" see a topless pic of me on my phone. I played it really well and could tell she was blushing, feelin pretty chad might finally lose my v card
Went on date #8 with a girl and haven't ruined fucking everything with my autism yet. It might be too soon to tell but 2018 is looking like it'll turn out to be one of my best years despite a miserable 2017
Grayson Foster
You never got your dick measured at school?
Henry Cook
what fucking country is this
Henry Russell
>he missed penis inspection day
A kid in my school got expelled for dodging it twice in one semester
Eli Nelson
>implying the substandard utensils of a public school can even come close to comparing with pure grade medical equipment What country doesn’t have this?
Lincoln Allen
Ah no. Shouldn't have said anything, now the space Jews are going to ruin it for you.
Luke Brown
USA inspects, but doesn’t measure
Sebastian Young
Ah, now I see. They should really get into that though, it will save time in the long run.
>Hot girl hit on me for like 3 hours at the pub >Too bad I was too retarded to go for her >She had said she had a boyfriend and that kinda put me off it. >On the bright side, hit 1/2/3/4 after 8 months. Currently 6'3 190lbs ~15% bodyfat. >Summer Cut going well, currently doing 16/8IF and I love it, basically compresses all my hunger into one morning endurance window and lets me eat good from lunch onwards