/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

The warm center of the universe where intermediate lifters with Asperger's argue about shit that doesn't really matter, in a hobby that they don't compete at.

Attached: Thicc op.jpg (587x800, 306K)

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Sad reminder that all the top and famous lifters all get injured and have back/hip problems when they retire :(

low bar feels so much easier wtf this is cheating, also does elbow position matter during low bar? I’ve done highbar all my life but I can’t seem to make my elbows parallel in lowbar they just point backwards

You arent getting your chest up properly then, arch your thoracic spine

tbqh vast majority of people get these issues while sitting on their asses

I fucked up my hips when they dropped a tree on me now I can't dead lift any more. Jokes on you.

>Hahah- ohhhh....

so sam did a meet but he didnt do a deadlift how does that work

I'd like to get into powerlifting. I'm not strong enough relative to my BW to compete but would like to get there.
I'm going to keep my commercial gym membership, but should I join a pl/owl gym for the weekends/after work?

Why would you do that? Legit curios. Sounds like a bad idea to arch your spine under a vertical load.

can you show us a video of what your highbar looks like I need to see what this proper chest up looks like

Fucking they ruining everything

oww my lower back

Did you mean ((((they))))?


go to a meet as soon as you want to, there is no "strong enough". if anything, it'll give you the hunger to train harder

Interesting, especially the motivation aspect. I'll have to look for some meets, maybe just shadow a few to understand what's going on first before diving in.

Oy vey are you being an antisemitist on the pee el jee again?

Not power-lifting related

Just blew a mate off to go to the gym lads

>inb4 no homo

But surely it's homo to blow your mate?

Make Alex Great Again

>top and famous lifters

try almost everyone who got reasonably strong at squat/deadlift lmao

Try almost anyone.

Approaching lifts like a single entity (e.g. "all lowbar squats" or "all bench presses") is a mistake many newbies make. Each lift is a separate event, each REP is a separate event, and prescribing a single technique to be used on all reps is a MISTAKE. Instead, forget about technique, adapt to every rep, as every rep is a unique circumstance that demands an individual approach. Optimal technique for rep 1 out of 5 is different from optimal technique for rep 3 out of 5.

Actually wrong.

For a natty its impossible

Day 2 of my 4x a week bench-only, did 165x4x3 with a slingshot on bench, 115x5x10 for volume and then lots of triceps and biceps today.

Doc appt tomorrow morning to look at my mri and xray from friday and finally get a hip diagnosis.

I just want to know what the hell is wrong with my hip. shit hurts

Thats in kgs of course?

So I had a constant knee pain that didnt go away even after a week and al half of rest. And to my luck they confirmed the next meet is going to be benchpress and deadlift only.

But how does one program for training those lifts only? I really love squatting even if its killing me. Should I add just light front squat one day and a couple series the next day to maintain strength while increase my didlift?
pls halp

He tore his quad on his third squat


I dont film training because,
1. No one cares
2. Who do i need to show? Everyone i need to see it is at the gym

How do you arch thoracic spine without arching lumbar. I legit cant do that.

>how do i move one part of my body without moving another

You must have terrible proprioception


Love this song

Exhale hard as fuck then maintain that trunk position/ab contraction and inhale. Now make a big chest.

thats funny coz i swear you had a youtube channel

Wow that works, thanks.

3 videos in a year, one from comp, one a bench pr and one cause someone asked

2 months since i uploaded

Hey do you know anything about corticosteroids? Are they gonna affect my lifting in any way?

Are you guna be on them forever in high doses?

Answers are the same

So no, thanks.

What about injections? Should i lift on injections days? Now that i think about i shouldve asked doctor about that but i forgot.

he isnt your doctor, guy


but he's on roids and knows about lifting

Cameron is on roids? Huh wow never knew


Mate its upto you im not a doctor


Low pin press 30 reps
Tris 50 reps
rows 50 reps
reverse flyes 100reps
band pullapart who knows how many reps dont rly count tb h

Found a power rack with 250kg capacity being sold for £25 rn on ebay....250kg is way too low right?

lifting heavy will fix most normies' backs desu. it's the overwork from competitive training combined with /fraud/ allowing them to outwork their bones and ligaments and tendons that fucks up the top guys. it's like muscle tears, see , they usually don't happen to natty, but very common with /fraud/

see meets, compete in meets, work with competitors if you're interested. as long as you're doing it for the love of it, train natty, but you have to juice to be competitive, see , if you go ipf or a tested fed, get advice from them on how to avoid getting caught

true story, bodypart splits were invented by bbers in order to work around their post-injection pain


remember everyone:
>love life
>rip off your old high school football team's lifting program for shekels
>fuck you
>pay me

For £25 it will do.

Squat (beltless)

10x5@270 with pushups and pullups between sets.

Hanging Leg raises.

>rip off your old high school football team's lifting program for shekels

Sounds like he's giving back.

Their training doesn't look anything like BFS.

Attached: 20180406_150102.png (719x392, 267K)

Bench: 67.5-72.5% 2x6, 60% 3x10
Ohp: 4x8 @8
Flyes: 4x10 @8
Chest supported row: 4x10 @8
Superset Banded overhead tricep extension and band facepulls for 4x15-20 each

So I think this has already been posted but here are my squats from my competition at the weekend:


First two squats were easy enough, I even buried them, lol.

The reaper came for my third and I tore my quad in the hole.

(I actually think I tore a scar tissue build up in my quad, because I have no bruising, only swelling and tenderness in my quad)

Either way I wasn't going to total my goal of 920-930 without one leg so I benched 75kg and deadlifted 75kg just to secure my squat, which I believe is rank 7 in the UK.

It's a shame because 385 would've been rank 5.

seriously doubt you have any idea what the BFS full program is like
everything i've seen wendler put out for football training is straight-up derivative of BFS and his weight program is 100% ripoff, only neutered

>giving back
he's just feeling guilty
he could have had a living and been giving back by working for or with BFS as a rep or spokesman, but no, he had to farm the shekels

i cant get enough of that voice cracking, what a faggot

how long does it take to heal?

Bench 4x6@112kg
Close grip floor press 3x8@85kg
Lat pull downs 3x12
Arnold press 3x12
Side raises and tri extensions 3x20

Pretty good despite having a headache. Still wondering if I should do lower body volume day tomorrow or Wednesday.

385 would have been 4th, would have been 3rd if parker didnt squat 400 yesterday

Yeah but Artur has done 390, it's just not on neilside because it was at an invitational.

Either way I didn't get it so

tfw worst cue on lifts is trying to be athlethic and quick

quick = form breakdown, tfw slower I am and more controlled stronger I feel

Second "off week" so lower volume

Comp squat x6 @6, x6 @7, x6 @8, repeat twice
Comp bench x6 @6, x6 @7, x6 @8, repeat twice
Barbell row x6 @6, x6 @7, x6 @8, repeat twice

Gonna do a bunch of GHRs and tricep and probably some extra upper back/shoulder stuff.

I don't care

It isn’t on the list because it wasn’t a sanctioned comp last year

Blacky did his 400 at the Irish this year but it was WPC sanctioned so it counts

No sanction = No record

Artur is a fantastic lifter though, and never any doubt about his depth

Ok lol the reason it's not on there doesnt really matter. He did it in a full meet so it'd be rude of me to claim a squat above his

Waaah, Wendler utilized commonly used rep schemes for one version of a program for main lift progression 12 years ago.

Leave a comment so everyone knows what a tough dude you are, lmao.

> He did it in a full meet so it'd be rude of me to claim a squat above his

This is a great attitude, there’s not enough people like it in PL

I’m sick of seeing all the ‘invited to euros’ posts, it’s not impressive, neither is qualifying for Brits, the fed is so new the QT’s are painfully low

Why do people separate body building and power lifting? Don't you both want big muscles?

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Is Conjugate for raw lifters a meme? As someone who's just above 1/2/3/4 (1.25/2/3.5/4) is there a better option for me? I've been running 5/3/1 spinal tap

Its not, but woud be pointless for your level

Bill starr is good

"Bodybuilding" is a coerupt and subjective competitive endeavor involving steroids, site enhancement, and gay muscle worship.

Training for hypertrophy is highly important to powerlifting. Unless you're an elitist intermediate who insists on pulling sumo and benching max grip at 5'6".

So your answer to my question why you would want to arch your spine under a heavy, vertical load is
?????? It's part of the spine so how the fuck does that answer my question??

Which Bill Starr program?

hey I'm bigger and stronger than most of people here

What are the fame and total requirements for posting in /plg/ as a namefag instead of user?

Thoracic extension is important for stability under heavy load

By all means stay in a kyphotic position and keep all the upper back muscles loose and weak

Lumbar FLEXION under load isnt a great idea


Both are 0.

A log of shit is about to leave my butthole

Here it comes




Wshhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm peeing now

Squish squish the poo is being squished by my butthole while the remains dangle off

Ahhhhhh time to flush this poo back to india

>greg nuckols 28 free programs
Why do week 3 increase by 10kg from week 2 with the same reps and sets?

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On the eccentric sure, but I don't see what's wrong with an explosive concentric.

>one rep bench press
lmao at your life

Probably because it makes sense, or you fucked up when you put in your max for the week

I mean as explosive you can without losing tightness, on squats is pretty easy. But bench or deadlift not so and it becomes easier when slower than explosive

I really don't get what the hell you are trying to say.
Here is an article of duffin saying thoracic extension is bad and you should remove it. elitefts.com/education/novice/why-chest-up-in-the-squat-is-wrong/

Let me get this straight: we do not want to have any kind of "bend" in your T-Spine, we achieve that by flexing the muscles of the upper back, right?
I don't get where your "arch your t-spine" now comes in?

Whoa, who here is using power? Nobody? Shouldn't this be /wlg/ then?

How did I fuck up?

Attached: 7E59FC23-7932-4D3B-A50A-0419569AF8B2.jpg (300x425, 62K)

ok jimcel

I dunno bodybuilders do seem fairly gay but their muscles are visible compared to powerlifters who just look fat.

Because the max is automatically counted up for each week, assuming you progress.
You can change that by overriding the weeks max (to the right) with your current max.

Are you sure you entered the correct number?

I didn’t fuck up, can someone explain why this make sense?

Attached: A61C1C84-0425-4C31-AF07-1D58191D82BE.png (1110x676, 835K)

>bait but still gonna answer
you added 5kg instead of 2,5

Attached: floral taco pescado.jpg (1132x640, 303K)

I haven’t added shit?

I just FUCKED up some fish tacos from the Mexican place down the road, they were fantastic. Box squats, Spoto, lats and abs after naptime, gonna be a good day.

Just load your numbers in as pounds and it'll round better you fucking dunce.

Attached: pink porchetta sandwich.jpg (1573x1238, 685K)

Why do you keep posting your gf? Are you a cuck?

Dude ... the sheet assumes that you progress every weeek by 5lbs.
In your case, you want to look at kilos, so it ends up increasing it by 5 kg every week. So on week 3 it assumes that you progressed by 10kg.
Change the incrementals to 2.5 or tell the sheet (first sheet) that you want to use kg not lb.

Is that really so hard to understand?

I think I'm falling back into depression and studing, training and motivation has been suffering from it. Welp looks like I'll fail exams again and no powerlifting progress until August
Thanks for reading my blog friends