Gym monk is meditating in the squat rack

>gym monk is meditating in the squat rack
how do i make him leave? His fucking barrier is too strong to move past.

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keep screaming until he wakes up

Astral-project yourself sucking his dick.

Raise your test so he recognizes you as a worthy opponent

Kill his parents

>his Pariah gene isn't strong enough to nullify the gym psyker

>gym druid wildforms into a bear to do shrugs in the power cage
>he leaves fur and prey caracasses and totems everywhere when he leaves
Goddamn fake nattys. Bet he has tribal tattoos too.

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>implying needing to use an Animus Speculum still makes you natty

squats are for loozers, go curl instead

Ask the writers to pull out another transformation out their asses for you, become user blanco

pull the silent alarm

>wildforms into a bear to do shrugs in the power cage


Assault his mind with a psynergy technique

furbolg druid mobs would drop totems

>Gym demon hunter hasn't been here for months
>We can't do shit when the warlock just comes in and drains our gains and fucks off

>disturbing a brahmin during his meditation
you should be put to the sword.

He's trying, but that dude is in the way.

>Be crusader

GUYS how the FUCK do I stop getting mogged by the barbarian? Every time im about to get the balls to approach the sorceress, this brainlet fuck asks if I'm done with the bench and loads on 2 plates more than I was using

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Dungeons and dragons totem druid


>gym lich king summoning frost wyrms in the squat rack
>desecrates the ground as he walks across the gym to the said rack
>leaves fucking lvl 80 undead skeletons where he walks
>gym paladin hasnt been here for months
wat do?

How to into /Jiren/ mode?

>wat do?
What's your class?


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If he is not levitating then just fucking tell him to piss off.

If he is well you let him finish or just do squats next week

Start by becoming most boring Chinese cartoon character ever

>gym shaman casts bloodlust after i sniff my ammonia right as the chorus hits
>trigger all my cooldowns all at once
>perfect hype
>tfw miss the lift anyways

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>tfw I rolled a 0 and botched the next set of deadlifts

I'll send you guys a postcard snap city.

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>corrupted Gym dragonflight aspect leveled the whole gym in a roidrage
wat now brehs?

>when the warlock just comes in and drains our gains and fucks off
Fucking hate when that happens. I lost a year of progress last time

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>outlander using the only squat rack
>hop around the gym for 4 hours instead
Guys my cornerclub sucks