"I'm more into skinny guys, I don't like guys who are too muscular"

>"I'm more into skinny guys, I don't like guys who are too muscular"

This is alarming; this mentality basically means only the facially-genetically gifted get respect. I'm more on the lean side as it stands, but I wanna get big, but it seems to be non-conducive to my future.

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You know girls just say this right? They don't actually mean it.

Just an easy way for a girl to say they don't want you for whatever other reason, probably personality

I was talking to a female friend, and the subject of what kind of preferences she liked came up. That's when she said she prefers skinny guys, I didn't ask her out or anything.

That is one girl's opinion dude. My sister is dating a chubby dude, my Stacy cousin is dating a built college Chad, my best friend is ultra muscular and found a great gf who is as athletic as he is. Tastes vary, do what makes you happy and find a girl who likes you for you, personality is what it comes down to anyway.

Lmao sloots say that not to appear shallow. Look at a fit girl with a nice ass and a good pair of tits, would you bang her? From a sloot point of view your muscles are basically the equivalent of a nice ass. Any sloot that doesn't like 6 pack abs is either lying or borderline crazy

She thought you were trying to ask her out.

OP, listen to this guy. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that all sloots like the same thing. They all have different tastes and you just have to find one that fits you.

>it's impossible for a woman to not like my goal body, just impossible, they're all liars

>being friends with girls
Does she cry on your shoulder after Chad fucks her too hard?

It's because we don't have to hunt mammoths anymore so the need for being big strongmen is being bred out

That's why you should get in shape because it makes you feel good. Not because you're trying to lose your virginity

>t. doesn't know any girls

they only say that because she doesnt want to make fun of your tinsy weensy arms or your teenie weenie little legs.

go back to Jow Forums

user this site thinks all women and minroities are the same. You can't cure autism.

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I'm not from there I have a healthy sex life and know what I'm talking about, go back to the friend zone

We can try to stop new autists from being born though. I will be happy even if my post stopped 1 guy from joining the hive mind that says all women like 1 thing.

women who say this only say this to virtue signal
for some god damned reason, women think that admitting what they actually like in men makes them sluts
women who dont like muscular men, or at least the personality that cultivated those muscles, are legitimately mentally ill
you can never ever ever ever give any legitimate consideration to a woman’s self-described preferences, they will always lie or distort their real views in order to save face
most women are fine people, im not trying to make the “all women are deceitful whores” speech, but holy fuck they are all exactly the same
physically, 100% of women are attracted to:
>lean (and by “lean” i mean you could get away with 18-20% bodyfat if youre muscular enough)
>at the very least ottermode levels of muscle mass but most women are definitely into built/bearmode if you pull it off right
>decent fashion
>not smelling like shit
>good posture
>height is obviously important, but a well-dressed swole 5’9 dude will absolutely and mercilessly mog the fuck out of every 6’2 lanklet nearby if theyre dressed shittily and act autistic (as most lanklets do, because they think their height can buy them everything in life)
but confidence trumps 100% of everything listed above
go outside nerds

Look at what they do, not what they say.

If they say they like muscular guys then they risk appearing shallow. Also, the more insecure/less attractive girls may say they don't like muscular guys as a coping mechanism because she knows they aren't attracted to her, and being around someone in really good shape may make her feel insecure about her appearance/lifestyle.

Younger (teens and early 20s) girls prefer skinny guys, that's about it.

you forgot FACE, which makes up about 80% of attraction

They say that because they think that’s what they’re supposed to want. Their body always say different.

Fit girls feel the same about chubby chasers. We don't mind tho because liking fat woman already says something about yourself

How about YOU fuck off to reddit you fucking simp faggot cuck nigger.
It's true, you're a brainlet.

college girls in my experience all go after muscular guys, given the opportunity

So what happens to a man if his face gets burned off with boiling water by a vengeful psychotic girlfriend in his sleep

Asking for a friend


Is that how your face looks now

burn the girls face and then an hero

Typical reddit faggot. Doesn't have a discussion or addresses any of the points made. Just says something retarded so Tyrone can let him watch next time he's banging his sister.

objectively incorrect
innate genetic traits in a facial structure do little to help a man unless he strongly resembles the coveted male celebrity of the month
however, being Jow Forums leans out your face, making your jawline more prominent, and Jow Forums people generally hold eye contact more strongly, which women find dominant and sexually exciting
fuck off with your lookism shit before i find you and throw you out of a helicopter

That same girl says that she likes muscular guys when she's talking to a skinnyfat/lean guy


Post pics

post your asshole first, twink

if FACE is so important, how do niggers, who objectively have the most repulsive and oddly shaped facial structures, get so much white pussy?
>this short-circuits the incel

Personally I find guys attractive as long as they aren't too much shorter than me, and healthy, so I like skeletons, skinnybuff guys, and muscley guys.

t. Femanon who will now gtfo


Just like fatasses saying they don't mind being fat

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And then immediately after saying that, they start dating a fit dude.
Go figure.

>as long as they aren't too much shorter than me
So you date guys who are little bit shorter than you? Way to fuck the genetic pool

>probably personality
personality DOESNT MEAN SHIT

Somebody post that screen cap of girls DMing zyzz on facebook and him literally calling them fat ugly pieces of shit who arent good enough for him and them trying to ignore it and continue pursuing.

You think women wanted zyzz because of his personality? Bullshit. It was his looks.

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>femanon admitting theres a broad range of ways a man can be attractive
better than hyper-autistic incel lookism self-defeatism desu

This triggers the Jow Forums autist.

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I come from a really tall family, I'm 5'11" I don't care if I date someone an inch or two shorter than me, but any more than that and I just feel like a giant.



Or, alternatively, Dallas.

Zyzz got with 6/10 festival sluts and, probably lady boys
If you want to keep a girl that is girlfriend material you need one

I'm actually close to Dallas, but I have a boyfriend.

What no one is grasping here is that she doesn’t mean muscular guys. She means the juiced up roid monkeys seen in supplement magazines. If you’re 180-200 with 13-17% bf this is golden zone for almost all women


Fair enough. I'm moving there to work for IBM, any good gyms nearby? Will heading there from jew york be a culture shock?

How's downtown?

>"I'm more into skinny guys, I don't like guys who are too muscular"
>t. 16 year old skinny fat bitch that doesn't know what she wants
Jow Forums is for adults OP, please see yourself out

Its because women start birth control younger and younger these days. Gets them into soy boys

Dallas is pretty full of niggers, avoid Arlington at all costs. Not sure about gyms, I mostly do stuff at home or go bike riding on some trails for exercise. As far as culture shock goes, you should be fine, dallas is pretty liberal like new york.

>taking anything the niggers of gender say seriously.


If you show off your muscles they hate it, if you act humble but confident they love them. That's the whole "wii fit and zumba" thing.

You've discovered the blackpill, user. Its all about face.

Only white trash women go for black people

Translated to English: "I don't like how Ronnie Coleman looks, I prefer Brad Pitt in Fight Club"

>lifting for validation from women

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Pls get me a job, im in CompSci top of my class and still dont have an internship for the summer, I'm really bad at networking

Girls want fat guys so they don’t run away from them

It’s terrifyingly accurate

This is actually true. Most girls who say they don't like muscle are just either
>Trying to appease their skinny/fat boyfriend or friends
>Not appear shalow or "like all the other girls"
>Not confident enough to go after fit guys
Let any of these women dig their fingers into a strong back or hard stomach and they'll come back for more, guaranteed.

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Girls actually do not like muscular guys. The worst part is that their definition of muscular is all over the place.

Here in Chinacouver, Asian girls have told me I'm very muscular, when I'm actually barely out of DYEL.

However, white/black girls seem to prefer more muscular guys.

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Maybe like one out of ten girls think this otherwise why would lumberjacks and firefighters have their stigma

I feel like one when I'm next to someone 5'6"

Or they're just not into you.


Truth is that they want a muscular guy to cheat on their husband/bf and even bare their children but rather stay with their chubby guy to raise the children and the money.

Muscular guys are allowed give their gens to the next generation but not to have a happy family with all their one night stands.

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They say shit like that to see how you react. It's how they identify betas trying to disguise themselves as alphas. Needless to say, you did not pass this test.