There's no point to lifting if you're over thir-
There's no point to lifting if you're over thir-
we need to amend the “over 30” meme
there’s no point in starting NATURAL lifting over 30. just hop on juice once you hit 1/2/3/4
>there's no point in starting NATURAL lifting over 40.
>just hop on juice once you hit 1/2/3/4
Nah, senpai you need to be double that if you're thirty. You'd better be fucking dedicated to roid past your 20s cause this shit is 10x harder in your body at that age. Any old man on gear is probably retired and focused on lifting and avoiding an injury
>tfw over 13
its already over
can someone please explain what 1/2/3/4 is? Is it:
>1 Plate Press
>2 Plate Bench
>3 Plate Squat
>4 Plate Deadlift
1 wife
2 kids
3 close friends
4 bedroom appartment
>not 1 house, 2 wives, 3 cars, 4+ kids
never gonna make it
Fuck off achmed
Having children will save our race. Fuck off, Xir Genderqueerius
>with 4 bedrooms
That's like, a large condo. Just buy a house.
0 wives
1 dog
2 houses
3 bitches
4 million dollars
>the dream
>tfw out of the womb
It's all about that pre-natal T
This faggot literally dyes his hair and beard white. Pretty sure He's not even 40. Fucking pathetic
you can still make it bro
>Coping this hard
Just admit that you still love with your mom user
Dude my dad is fucking 70 and is in better shape than 80 percent of the photos of you faggots. Fucking beta males with shitty bodys, shit hair, shit teeth, no game, no money, the only thing they can cling onto is age lmfao. Pathetic
great movie
I think it's over 40. And that's just an excuse people make.
This is actually my plan.
Depends how much you're taking. Going Rich Paninini mode would be too much, but nothing wrong with a bit of test to boost your levels.
Said no one ever.
>you dad didn't ice his balls
t-thanks for the low-t dad
huh... im 43 and going on 4 months of lifting. at 0.75/1.25/2/3 right now.
>1 dog
>3 bitches
So 4 dogs then
tfw 0 wife 0 kids but ~10 close friends
At least I'm not a friendlet
Why are you here
What went wrong
have sex and have 3 kids with one of those friends.
I've just been here for too many years... well /b/ mostly... but not in the last few years...
I'm not saying that you are wrong, but that is just some 20 something guy on gear who bleached his hair and beard
tell me, oldfag. does it get better? did you make it? Have you found happiness?
Why do guys like this never just dye their hair
bruh our race has been monogamous for like 1700 years at least, polygamy and polyamory is degenerate
no, ive only started when i was 30
things aren't bad. I was pretty close to homeless about 15 years ago. paying rent on a credit card is sketchy.
>tfw 1,6/2,6 and 4 plate
>tfw stuck on 2,8 plate squat
Why. Why are my legs so weak.
Keep going mate. For a guy at your age those are actually quite decent beginner lifts.
He is 29.
tfw mom didn't inject tren while pregnant.
tfw ~30 close friends
>tfw fully socially developed adult who had many friends during and after college
>tfw connect easily with other people because of so many interests, I can talk about most topics
This guy is 31 though
No, killing the niggers does. Having more kids than they do only overpopulates us more. In case you haven’t noticed, the cities are the worst parts of the country.
>1 dick
>2 eyes
>3 nipples
>4 hands
>tfw you make a shitpost and come back a day later and the thread is still alive
wtf is wrong with you people
How much does one plate weight? Because its really dumb to measure progress in plates instead of total weight.
A plate could be a 10kg (fuck the imperial system) or 20 or 30.
one plate is 20kg
or 45lbs (so slightly heavier for Muricans)
Actually killing people that post like this is the best way to go
Kid, this site is older than you.
What’s really pathetic is 30 year olds taking advice from teens on the internet
So 1 pl OHP is 40 kg?
I can barely get up 1 rep of that :(
did you forget to add the bar, retard?
you arent hip driving properly is my guess
or your deadlift form is snap city-tier
>needing the bar to OHP
dyel teens....or basement neckbears in their late 20s, my man.
More like
>make sure you find a good hormone TRT doctor or even better know how to blast and cruise
Great body though despite the need for drugs to make this facade of youth sell
You do not have 30 "close" friends by any rational definition of close friend.
Yeah I know 30+ people I could hang out with and have a beer, but they are not close friends.
Close friends are the ones who know you flew that Philippino fling to singapore for an abortion