>when someone tries to give you a handshake
When someone tries to give you a handshake
>when someone tries to give you a handshake
>but it's with their penis
I hate shaking hands because mine are always cold and clammy as fuck.
The autist I hang out with in college will extend his hand and then leave it firmly petrified in the air, if I grip it he will not grip my hand but instead will allow me to try to make it move, but it's fucking frozen in place, it will not move. He gets offended if I ignore the handshake offer. Fuck that guy, every time he extends his hand my anxiety spikes.
does he let it go deadweight while you move it?
You guys are a bunch of faggots.
>living in Europe
>had to kiss every fucking person who I meet
No, he holds it in place for a few seconds during which he expects me to try to shake it, then it goes limp.
you kiss everyone but we are the faggots, fuck off frenchie
You are a faggot cuz you can just handshake someone but I have to kiss him, it's more painful this way.
>tfw the homie handshake doesn't connect
I have no idea how hefty I should be when people offer handshakes so my arm goes limp and they do all the shaking. Pretty depressing really.
I want someone to shake hands with.
>tfw no French friend to kiss
you kiss men but im a fag for not wanting to touch them
>firm grip
>up and down twice then release
its not hard you fucking retard
>when someone tries to hug me or says they love me
mine start sweating when i know a handshake is going to happen
>mum went to touch me on the shoulder earlier
>violently recoiled
>my side still hurts from the way I snapped my shoulder out of her touch
What is with men these days, I gave like 5 handshakes to random guys yesterday because I was meeting them for the first time, really limp wristed and the weakest handshakes in the world, I've literally shook hands with women with stronger grips.
You guys have it easy
>live in Africa
>have to rape everyone I meet
Be gentle. I have a weak handshake.
I say this to basically everyone who offers me a handshake. I've said it to every single person since I started doing it which is just a few people. I'd just been refusing for awhile. I work around a bunch of politicians, lobbyists and lawyers so I get some really strong handshakes. I've had multiple sprained wrists and even a bruised hand and that was from a fucking woman. I really think the only ither thing I can do at this point is the spring squeeze hand exercuse thing which Im not gonna do because I don't get asked to shake hands very often.
I've never hurt someone with a handshake, that's just being cruel, I just don't want a handshake I could get from a literal 8 year old, at least put a little bit of pressure.
>gives you handshake
>30 sec later picks nose/puts finger in ear
>guy you hate keeps trying to hug you
>tell him to cut it out
>calls you a homophobe because you don't want to hug
>if you're a homophobe you must also be gay (???)
>calls me a fag
>gets everyone in on it
>he still keeps trying to hug me to push his narrative further
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Are you a manlet? wristlet? Estronaut?have some kind of bone disorder?
>qt HR interviewer offers me handshake after interview
>refuse with the "push away" gesture
>don't get the job
why the fuck are women allowed to work
There are a surprisingly huge amount of people that still don't wash their hands. If you don't wash your hands after doing any activity at all please consider cutting them off.
I have a condition, if I washed my hands more than 7x a day they would be peeling and bleeding in pain even with my medications. After the bathroom, blowing your nose, and before mealtimes is SUFFICIENT.
>sitting down
>2 things in my hand
>in a conversation
>boss comes up to give daily handshake to everyone working that day
>have to stand up and put things down
>he interrupts and ends my conversation
This just feels rude to me, I'm clearly busy don't interrupt everything
>this ungrateful autistic cretin can get an interview and I can't
I dont think so. Can you not imagine that politicians etc have really strong handshakes? It's part of the whole culture.
Every man is suppose to have strong handshake, you're suppose to be able to compete with their shake. Just squeeze the shit out of it and do a short hard pump, it's how you get a feel for people, are they week betas, or are they strong men?
Nah that's ok and I think my system is kinda alpha anyways. Takes a real man to admit your weakness. Also I'm immediately taking control of the situation and ordering them around. At least so far its been working out. Still a relatively new system.
>Takes a real man to admit your weakness
nah nigga, you're just playing yourself.