It is an accepted fact that many who are into video games on a more-than-casual level, or anime, sci-fi, manga...

It is an accepted fact that many who are into video games on a more-than-casual level, or anime, sci-fi, manga, tabletop or card gaming have issues conforming to reasonable standards regarding behavior, social customs, little or no desire to take care of themselves (dieting, exercising, grooming, etc) and personal hygiene. This in turn leads to the development of frustrations or complexes which sometimes manifests itself into violent behaviors like mass shootings.

The question is why does it seem to lead to that?

Here's my theory:

1. Hobbies such as gaming, anime, comics, sci-fi, tabletop gaming, etc and so forth naturally attract those in search of an escape from reality.

2. Those who are generally in need of an escape from reality are young adolescents with self-esteem issues or behavioral issues stemming from environmental difficulties (divorces, traumatic events) and/or physical conditions that may be outside of their control (physical weakness, deformations, obesity, generally unattractive, etc.) People generally make the decision to become enthusiasts of these things at around the ages of 10-15 years, which happens to be the age range that most people learn how to socially connect with others.

3. Those who develop an enthusiasm for such things will immediately have difficulty developing social connections with others often due to the complexity and others' inability
or unwillingness to understand their interests. This might even manifest itself in a difficulty to even connect with their own parents or family.

3. Even if they manage to connect with others with similar interests, these individuals do not gain valuable social skills or experience due to the others' very same inability to connect with others that don't share their interests. This will eventually lead to a misled sense of social development, wherein the individual will have a warped and incorrect view on what is socially inappropriate and bad habits will be reinforced.


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4. Eventually, those who continue into adulthood will face issues such as sexual frustration, lack of job opportunities, being financially dependent on others, etc.

My question to all of you is whether you think that your hobby has led to increased difficulty in your life, or if you've known others who have.

Give examples, like people showing up to gaming centers wearing leather dusters in 90 degree weather, or retards at anime conventions. Things of that nature.

I love running my finger around the circumference of my asshole

10/10 projection OP

>comic sans

Times are hard, indeed...

You lost me at mass shootings.

>op is a fag
>op is a fag
Pick 1

Am I wrong? Do all of you enjoy a satisfying life?

That's not true, for you would not be here on Jow Forums if it were.

I'll pick both

>All weebs are smelly fat virgin school shooters
Could've just said that and saved some time bro

I'm successful by almost all conventional measures. I'm just here to laugh, motherfucker.

I believe you might be onto something.

I don't consider myself to be socially retarded, I'm well able to hold conversations in groups and have had no trouble getting laid and/or dealing with the opposite sex. However, I'm not a social person at all by usual standards, and only very rarely do I go out, usually with a friend.

I guess the hobby attracts these kinds of people, really. Just like furries or bronies are usually way bigger autists than videogame people.

I also find that extremely social people, the daily chad or whatever, often views games as something 'childish' and look down upon people who play these constantly.

But it's true.

All the latest mass shooters were typified as being loners frustrated with life and their inability to connect, and some of them were documented to be video gamers or into nerdy things.

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lol no you don't idort

>which sometimes manifests itself into violent behaviors like mass shootings.

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You're not gonna get an honest answer op, these people refuse to be honest to themselves and pretend to be successful and above it all while subjecting themselves to this miserable shithole.

Does the idea of a link between interest in video games and violent or suicidal behavior just make you so uncomfortable that you refuse to even think about it?

Wasn't he autistic? I heard his mom was going to send him across the country to some special school. So he probably had one of those japanese style breakdowns where the parent tries to kick their hikkikomori child out of the house, only for the kid to go nuts and kill the parent.

Just seems retarded to single out video games when violent media has existed for as long as media has been around. And I can think of way more killings inspired by tv shows than those inspired by video games. Crazy people are beyond help and will always find a way to do what they want regardless of what inspires them.

Any such link would be statistically negligible. You may as well try to link violent behavior to cell phone usage.

You're not reading properly. I'm not saying that video games influence violence.

I'm saying that having an interest in video games, anime, etc. leads to stunted social development which leads to frustration which then can, but not always, lead to violence.

Quit anticipating my motives with posting this and read what I typed out.

literally me, especially sexual frustration

Maybe don't make your motives so blatantly obvious
If it were true that would be the case for any niche hobby that people can't easily connect with others over. Don't make such broad generalizations and pass them off as fact

>be married to QT
>have friends
>play games when wife sleeps till 4am

>have horrible diet
>don't exercise
My friends don't even play games yet they have all these symptoms and not married also.

Have you fucking considered people will be like that regardless? And that video games is only a part of the lives of these weirdos just because how mainstream it is?

Have you considered if video games did not exist they will simply like other things and act the same?

>Branlette attempts thinking not considering environmental influences

>mass shootings is because of nerd/geek culture

>If it were true that would be the case for any niche hobby that people can't easily connect with others over.

But it is true. Violence is rare, but frustration isn't.

Some here who go to image boards may be well over 25 and can be described as "kissless virgins." Why is that?

So, uh, how do I fix this?

Did you know that wizards have existed since before pong actually?
Shocking i know

>you would not be here on Jow Forums if it were.
Found the newfag.

Ha ha me too

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eat a bullet and start over

Here's my theory:

1. Most people are incredibly stupid and insensitive, they prioritize style over substance, and they do not think for themselves but rather repeat what they are told to think.

2. Society is built for people like this, and interacting with these people and their society is painful for someone who lacks their characteristics.

3. Escapes from this are necessary for the psychological health of good, empathic, and intelligent people.

Video games saved my life.

Shove your sense of superiority back where it came from, and do it to everyone else like you while you're at it.

Have you tried not being a disgusting pleb?
it takes 3-5 minutes to shower and wash. Another 10 seconds for a spritz of deo.

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>Have you considered if video games did not exist they will simply like other things and act the same?

Sure, but not at the same rate. I get it, even if this was the 1940's or 1950's, the thing that would be associated with social withdrawal and deviant behavior would have been pulp comics and sci-fi novels.

Guess what was targeted during the mid 20th century as badly influencing youth, perhaps more so than rock and roll?

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Why are girls so mean?

You only made this topic to make people feel insecure.

>"Boy, everyone is stupid and vapid and I'm one of the only people in this world with any sense of intelligence or substance."

Hello, sociopath. How's the bedroom life?

>not at the same rate
Where are you getting these statistics?
You have yet to post a single source for any claim you've peddled as the truth so far

I think you missed the fucking point...

Most is not everyone. Read before shitposting.

>Reddit spacing
>Pfff.. Everyone else is to stupid..

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There are no such things as sociopathy and psychopathy. All humans are capable of empathy - some merely restrict it to the worthy. Jews do not like this so they invented stigmatizing mental health labels for people who restrict empathy to their in-group, as is healthy.

*To make disgusting people feel insecure.

If you want statistics, google them yourself.

This isn't high school debate, and not every discussion needs to be held to the same procedural standards.

Anyone who spends their time bullying autists is pretty disgusting themselves ngl. Guess thing aren't really so great in that ivory tower when they feel the need to waste time in this shithole

>tfw I have nothing physically autistic about me, I'm just mentally a retard

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>Resorts to casual antisemitism as justification for beliefs.

Yes, sociopath. I see you. Hello. Are you going to hang out with friends tomorrow night?

I'm completely socially retarded and even I know something as simple as washing everyday.

I don't even have anyone to impress but I still do it anyway because being dirty and smelly is fucking gross and makes me feel like shit.

You know reddit spacing meme was created to spot retard newfags like you right? I've been here since 2006 and people have always posted like that.

Not saying your wrong that he's a retard. But you are so also. (Le Epic spacing line XD)

If you exchange 'reality', which is a weasel word with no real meaning, for 'societal pressure to conform', I'd agree with you. The problem lies in society's tyrannical attempt to make carbon copies of people instead of trying to find a place for its citizens.

Otherwise I think you have a decent idea.

Oh cool
Then I'll just make up shit too
Acksually: less people are autistic neets today thanks to video games
You want me to provide a source? Fuck off and find it yourself

But that would be assuming that absolutely anyone who's into nerd or weeb stuff is autistic.

Having an intense preference =/= Autism.

Anyone who's too lazy to spend 5 minutes a day in the shower yet spends half of his day here and the other half asleep deserves to be made fun of.

OP is what happens when you try to prevent natural selection by being inclusive of all.

Retards wouldn't exist if they all died out before they reached 10 years of age.

The ultra rich need a workforce of slaves, but they overextended and are now paying the price.

M12 made a long term goal to reduce the worlds population to 500 million by 2050 way back in 2006. Do you honestly think they won't succeed?

>If you want statistics, google them yourself.

That's not how this works
Everyone can imagine some correlations or causal relationships, you actually have to back them up with something if you want to argue about things
And no, you don't get to tell the guy you're arguing with that he has to look up your claims

I actually work in toys and games and I do the work out of my house, so it has made me something of a shut in.

I know plenty of people with the same hobbies, and we are all clean and normal, but the isolation from working with it gets me hard sometimes.

My neighbors think I'm nuts cause I walk my dog and talk to him about engineering problems and stuff out loud when I do it, cause I can't talk to anyone else about it.

A lot of people go to Jow Forums to let out their bile so it doesn't spill into their real life you dingus.

Stating relevant facts is not antisemitism. And no, I did that tonight for the survivor finale. Go back to /leftypol/, normie-loving Jewsucker.

Except this isn't an argument. It's a discussion.

If you're so eager to be right about something, fuck off somewhere else.

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>Except this isn't an argument. It's a discussion.
That doesn't change a single thing about the burden of proof being on you and just rambling into white space being a waste of time for everyone involved
>If you're so eager to be right about something, fuck off somewhere else.
the fucking irony

>Retards wouldn't exist if they all died out before they reached 10 years of age.

Off topic, but that's sort of a null point considering those who are mentally retarded cannot reproduce due to obvious difficulties.

Yet retards are still born, though. You cannot breed out genetic anomalies.

If only video games never existed....then I'd never be autistic.....

Genetics and environmental factors make these problems retard.

As far as school shootings games have existed for years. And I would say they were much more violent in the past when there was barely a age restriction.

Have you fucking considered there is a new trend creating these problems?

There is a reason even fox News isn't blaming games. They aren't that stupid to see there is no correlation. Everyone plays games now retard.

So /v/ how often do you:
>Put deodorant
>wash your clothes
>Brush your teeth

I know most of you slack off on at least one of these. I know I do

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>Antisemite who complains about Jewish manipulation of human ideals.

>Yet admits to watching CBS, which many like him would argue is under Jewish control and manipulation.

Either you're confused or you're a joke.

If you happen to believe you're a mentally and socially secure individual with such beliefs, you'd be mistaken

>I can't read.

Blah blah
You're yet another dumb normalfag

Well I had everything going for me till I turned 21 and got a disease that destroyed my appearance and self esteem. I played allot more video games and did allot of drugs after that. Maybe you on to something. I've been sober for two years now and on anti depressants. I play allot less video games than I use to.

Every 2-3 days
After showering
After showering
Morning and night

Come at me

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I agree, Ban rap music

I seriously don't understand how people can actually let themselves smell bad. I'm a huge fucking neet loser that almost never leaves the house, and yet even I shower every day and brush my teeth. I don't want to stink up my battlestation.
How the fuck do you people who don't do this little live?

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Anyone who would unironically use the term "normalfag" is exactly the type of person I'm referring to when I talk about socially frustrated individuals.

Eventually the frustration turns into a resentment towards other people who are not like them. Some may develop sociopathic tendencies and would even suggest that, because they are the way that they are, they are actually "better" or "superior" to those that they cannot connect with.

Do you floss? I imagine many people generally neglect flossing despite how important it is. Floss everyday, anons.

>Shower every two days wash myself everyday
>My beard grow slowly so it's every 2 week
>Every morning
>Every two day

Never. Only steers and queers floss.

If I have zero interaction with others and not going out I do almost none of those. By the way I'm 30 years old and married.

My wife is away at the moment to take a university entrance exam for the week.
I have not:
Used deodorant
Brushed teeth

Yesterday I went out so i
Used deodorant
Brushed teeth

I have not shaved in 2 weeks. But I have a full beard. It doesn't look like shit like most people's half beards.

As someone whos striving towards a scientific career field these "conclusions" bother my figurative autism.

>tfw shit sense of smell so I can't tell how awful it is to not shower until it's been a week

I haven't showered, brushed or changed clothing in two years.
I regularly walk outside and go as close as possible to any femoid i can find to make them gag. Serves them right those dumb whores

All I'm sensing from this thread is it's desperate need for Gamer Joker pics

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I despise pushy normalfags like you that think they know everything. Just because people don't want to be or can't be normal does not make them vicious sociopaths.

you clearly have no idea what you are babbling about,do you have a son you cannot connect with or something

I unironically think my sweat smells pretty good.
But I'm not delusional enough to think anyone else thinks the same.

>Washes clothes after showering


I dump them in the bin and grab new ones.

I don't literally start the washing machine every time.

>Just because people don't want to be or can't be normal does not make them vicious sociopaths.

You're right. Just like a terrible diet of high fats and empty calories doesn't always lead to obesity with some people.

But it definitely can lead to it.

That's a False equivalence if I've ever heard one

>food analogy
Come on

I can't really argue with that. Good luck.

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My wife says my sweat smells like weed.

Twice a day, morning and night.
People freak out when I tell them this but it's like I take long showers or shampoo twice a day. My morning shower is usually just to wake up and wash my face and takes like 3 minutes.
At least once every few days. I don't grow facial hair quickly so I'm lazy about it. I always shave before going out though.
>Put deodorant
Every day after I shower.
>Wash your clothes
I do laundry like once a week but I don't wear my clothes for longer than a day.
>Brush your teeth
Morning and night, usually in the shower.

I used to slack off a fuck tonne with remembering to brush my teeth before bed. I'd be so tired I couldn't be assed to do anything.
Now that I shower before bed though, I haven't been slacking off. Showering before bed is the best, totally recommend it.

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Every day
Every few days, I don't get a beard or mustache but I get random hairs on my face
>Put deodorant
Every day before I go outside
>wash your clothes
Every week
>Brush your teeth
Every 2-5 days. I just can't form this habit for some reason. I know it's important but I just can't for some reason. Help

This, I can't smell shit unless its gagging bad for most people. I'm moderately self aware but my cleaning habits are entirely for image.

I've never had any complications with my teeth so I've never seen any reason to.

videogames are more time consuming

Not everyone watches multiple 2-hour movies back to back, or does sports for 8 hours straight.
However you can easily play half a day with eating breaks on a day off with a good game.

That's fine. In fact, I'm now reading there's no scientific consensus on if flossing actually works. Do what works best for you.