sick of being a fat sad cunt so signed up to the gym and I've been going for a few weeks and have been really enjoying it, feeling confident, more alpha etc.
Gonna take this shit seriously.

I got some protein and creatine.

What supplements are essential?


which ones offer best results and which are bullshit?

currently 170lb 5ft11 and am in 3/10 shape. around 20% bf
Goal is to be a lean 160lb animal. something like mma fighter mode

What progress can i expect in 4 months

Attached: supplements1.jpg (644x428, 195K)

You have the essentials. All the other stuff is supplementary

fish oil, melatonin, whey

what else could a man need besides test-e and dbol

the only acceptable supp is whey protein powder. Anything else is a scam that doesnt do anything but waste money

If you’re taking creatine you’ll also need fin to counteract the balding effects

fish oil and melatonin are legit


melatonin isnt a dietary supplement

is this really true? or only when loading?
im only taking 5g per day

Zinc, Vit D3, Fish Oil, ZMA


fucking brainlet

What does melatonin even do except make you sleep

sleep is important to gains idiots

Shit, didn't catch that.

Will Zinc, Magnesium, Melatonin and Vitamin D have that much of an effect if I take all of them every day??

does bcaa powder do anything

pls reply

Why don't you try it out? For me it helps a little bit, but if you think it's gonna be a world of a difference you're mistaken

YO help me out, I’m looking for the most stim powered preworkout that has citrulline but NO creatine

Bro just sprinkle some gnar pump on top of all of your meals

I just started today. I have shitty sleep all the time so I guess it could help with gains lost to poor sleep.
But what about zinc, magnesium and vitamin D? Is it true they raise your test?

Most adults in the US at least are vitamin D deficient. I take it because I don't go outside enough or eat enough mushrooms. You prolly should too.

Zinc and magnesium are good if you can find smaller doses to round out these micros if you don't get enough through diet or ejaculate a lot. Be careful supping these because the part Jow Forums didn't tell you while shilling these is that their safe upper intakes are relatively close to their RDAs and you will get toxicity that results in a bunch of awful shit if you take too much. Magnesium for example can give you heart issues or straight up kill you. Use cronometer to track micros it helps a lot.

Melatonin works great for me when I need to go to sleep for a big event the next day or if my schedule is all fucked from the weekend.

I think these are good to supp as long as you are counting micros in your diet. Otherwise vitamin D is pretty safe (be sure you get d3) as is melatonin. Zinc and Magnesium are relatively safe and should be supped when you don't get enough through diet. If you take too much of these two you will fuck yourself up and feel like shit. They both cause muscle fatigue and drowsiness in the lower toxicities which then escalate to death in the higher levels.

Nobody here remembers TYVD killing a motherfucker on this board because he convinced him to megadose minerals and fat-soluble vitamins and other dumb shit to get superpowers lmfao...

I worked in one of those stores for 6 months they are all scams you get everything from your food unless you eat that hyper produced factory shit the only supps that do work are steroids and their derivatives. Anything you buy in a supp store is the cheapest crap you will ever find peddled by merchants don’t believe me look into your bccas there’s a good chance they are made from feathers from ducks in China. Save your shekles.

Coffee followed by hotrailing ephedrine mixed with addy.

read this 3 times, OP

>YOU have all the essentials.

What's the consensus on BCAAs?

whey iso or concentrate?

Marginally, yes

Absolute meme

C-can I just follow the label on the vitamin bottle and be safe?


I can sleep without supplementation lol

Don't listen to him. If these faggots don't see results in 2 days they say meme. Leucine is what triggers protein synthesis, but it has to be burned in the muscle. So train fasted and take it intra-workout.

Literally any whole protein source in your diet will give you more than enough leucine.

I really think it's the meme du jour. I tried it then said fuck it, my whey protein already has BCAAs in it, they're just trying to upsell the entire fitness community that can already get giant tubs of cheap whey.

I am currently doing IF for funsies and because it makes my energy levels more stable throughout the day... but I know the research does not support training fasted as overall better for fat burning/protein synthesis.

What the fuck are pro hormones?
Any good?
If so, which



Explain plz