
I'm female. I'm in college and I have a bad past that makes me very anxious and uncomfortable around people so I literally have no friends. Never been kissed.

My parents are very conservative so I kind of grew up thinking that I would wait until marriage but threw out that idea at 18. I want to only have sex in committed relationships that could lead to marriage.

I feel very uncomfortable about being an older person with nooooo experience at all. So I figured that I would go on Tinder and make a "friend" to practice with. Not all the way sex but just oral and making out. Am I crazy? Is this outlandish? I know it could be very awkward for me but that's why I want a friend... I was thinking that I could find a submissive guy because I figure that they would listen to me.

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>i'm female
this is bait
Image is every faggot started their thread with >I'm male


That's about the stupidest idea I've heard this month

Your parents are right, you're just a dumb whore who only cares about transient pleasure.

>just oral and making out
>very conservative
Just suck my dick already, you disgusting thot.

This is a gendered issue because a man would have a harder time than me when executing this idea

Here's a better idea. You can auction your virginity to a rich businessman.

You're a generic whore. And what's worse is you know you're a whore and refuse to change.
Rope is coming for you.

I can't do that because that's very dangerous.
Virgins can't be whores.
What's wrong with it?

Origial Titts or original gtfo

hold onto your purity, the guy will enjoy your inexperience.

Make sure to tell guys you're a whore before getting into a relationship, otherwise they'll ditch you when they find out that you're complete scum.

suck my dick or die lol
who cares
relationships are fucking gay lol

How am I a whore? I am a virgin

You're a whore who just hasn't taken a dick yet. It's only matter of time with your mindset.

>anyone who won't sleep with me is a whore
it's a bait thread anyways

Blow your brains out. don't respond because Not giving you a (you) attention whore

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>im a female

Good thread

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Having sex and getting paid for it is dangerous? What?

*takes bait*
Why would you just throw away your first time like that, when you eventually meet a guy he definitely wont care if you're inexperienced

Just get a regular bf but just say you're gonna wait to fuck and actually commit to that
Don't waste your time with a practice bf

yee lets use a guy as a kiss sparring,
what could go wrong?

because the older i get, the worse it is. im turning 21 in a few months and im getting into weird territory now.

Where do you live? I presume the US since no european girl is not single by choice



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>I feel very uncomfortable about being an older person with nooo experience at all
You aren't supposed to have experience until you find your husband. Sort out your daddy issues and don't act like a slut.

what daddy issues? i never said i have them

wtf you came to the one board on Jow Forums that hates women

go to Jow Forums you dumb roastie and post this there

also be my gf

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You want to go out and slut around to rebel against your parents. You definitely have them.

I'm turning 20 later this year and I'm waiting for marriage. I'm a guy.
Men prefer any partner they plan to marry to be a virgin. Trash that and you're, at best, going to end up settling with a beta provider who can't do any better.

get a pimp already. at least you will get some money out of whoring yourself.

I'm 7 weeks away from being 23 and I've never even flirted with a girl

can u just be my gf or what

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pls respond


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>i'm female
stopped reading right there

>I want to only have sex in committed relationships that could lead to marriage
>Should I lose my virginity to some random on tinder?

pls let the nice female in peace
nevermind, fuck off stupid whore
reeeeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeee
give me tendies or i'll poop in your vagina


did u know 9/10 turtles have chlamydia that is surprising because i thought i got them all

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Why do you feel a need to give a blowjob to a "friend"?

did i say that i wanted PIV sex though?
no srry

Come meet me here in the US, and I'll take you under my wing. I'm 21, so we're similar in age. If we're near, I'd assume this would be better than tinder. Maybe we'd make something of it. I'm also experienced and didn't get that experience until I was nearly 20 years old, so I understand how awkward that first kiss is. I broke down laughing at myself during the first kiss because it was just so weird.

Don't try that bullshit on me. You suck a guys dick, you're no longer a virgin and just a fucking whore.

pls yyyyy not

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If your in UK say

okay what if i find a guy who only goes down on me?
for practice

whore. neck yourself.

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Why do you need to practice?
Practice on your future husband

And no you'd still not be a virgin if your friend licked your pussy

guys im gonna take one for the team and volunteer to be that guy

i will go down on you lady sendme your email and i will learn where u live and walk across the ocean to lick ur pussey

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Just admit you want to fuck around


i wont let you down amanda

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because im not going to get a husband i want if im someone with no experience and v insecure
i dont.

Why even pretend that it serves a higher purpose?

yes you very clearly do lmao

>because im not going to get a husband i want
literally makes no sense. you are saying he's going to divorce you when he finds out you have no experience? you are just a roastie looking for excuses to fuck around like all the others

fucking around would be me wanting to have sex with tons of randoms on IG
I want one fwb but no actual sex (piv) so i can be more confident and not so inept

>because im not going to get a husband i want if im someone with no experience and v insecure
Are there men who an experienced whore?

Don't worry about it. If you're in a committed relationship your bf is probably not gonna care you're a virgin even if he doesn't prefer it like me. If he does he's not worth being with anyways

>I would go on Tinder and make a "friend" to practice with
>tfw this idiot gets her dumb ass raped by some Tinder dude

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i can't get in a committed relationship if im a weird prude sperg and not with someone husband material. i don't want a very traditional man too because SAHM life isn't for me

Why do you need a friend?
You can blow me
Tell me where you live and we can 69 each other


Rule 30. There are no girls on the Internet.
Rule 31. Tits or GTFO.

No Girls on the Internet is a catchphrase used by netizens to imply that there are no female entities actually participating in online forums and conversations, especially in anonymous-friendly settings like chat rooms and message boards.

Tits or GTFO is a reinforcing statement of the preceding Rule 30 ("No Girls on the Internet") that suggests the burden of visual proof rests heavily on the individuals who claim to be females.

the rules aren't made for nothing

It's a retard plan. It probably won't work because someone will end up catching feelings, especially being the first. One of you will get pump and dumped and that's an asshole move to which ever party that is. Just find yourself a bf that may or may not turn into something much more serious. If it doesn't, end it on good terms and move on. Don't go in with the mindset of it just meaning nothing to you. Beside, you're a girl and you're not that old, it's really not that big of a deal.

What do you mean?
First of all, if my mother who is more autistic than me can find a man who's willing to look past her weird spergness then anyone can

If your future bf cares more about your sexual experience than the rest of you that relationship isn't gonna last

I don't think I could develop feelings for some tinder guy who would agree to being practice. i don't know how to find myself a bf, im too socially retarded and awk
and your dad isn't a loser?
i think a little experience makes sense at almost 21. im 20 and have done nothing because im anxious and just weird

>and your dad isn't a loser?
Roastie once again refusing to accept anyone who isn't Chad

Why do you need experience?
Are you just compensating for lost time while all of your friends were fucking around?

what state you in fembot? tinder is for stds, I'm clean and could help you out

i dont need chad but i need a husband
i need experience because it's just something that people get as they age.

>. im turning 21 in a few months and im getting into weird territory now.

Don't forget this.

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My dad isn't Chad but he played football in high school and rode a motorcycle
And he had a steady job which isn't something I can claim

>letting the whole world know you are a prostitute.

not worth the money.

Can't help you then sorry. I'm on the best coast, shame. I know people in NY though and they say DO NOT use tinder there. They live close to the city though so ymmv

Yeah i live by the city but im in college in nj so it's usually just college students

>I'm in college and I have a bad past that makes me very anxious
>So I figure I'll go on tinder

I'll let you study my dick head for a tuition that I'll decide depending on the quality of your fellatio skills

There are only whores and whores in training, guess which one you are?

no thanks

anyway guys i tested my idea once and ended up matching with a guy who is a drug dealer who agreed to just giving me oral so it's possible but idk i am conflicted ;-;

You're clearly overthinking this
I think people should wait until marriage but something I can agree with sex-positivism is the notion that sex should be an experience not a burden
So fuck if you want to fuck and wait if you want to wait
Don't make yourself fuck just because you're worried about what your future bf thinks
Be your own damn person

Please don't put yourself in danger ffs

OP, real talk from another fembot.

You are a woman. You have ALL the fucking power. Know your worth. Don't think you have to "practice" with someone. Guys in their 20s are all terrible at sex. You can be terrible with them, too. Have awkward, messy sex with boyfriends until you figure shit out gradually. Don't ask for some rando to fuck you into being "good" at it. Figuring out how to have sex within the context of a regular relationship is the best avenue. You don't need to treat it like a secret skill to develop separately from a relationship. And def don't start with a submissive dude because they won't know how to initiate or do anything to please you. jfc, do you really want someone like these dudes on r9k fumbing around with your clitoris?

That's true
I'm just so insecure about my age :/
it's just that i dont think ill be in a real relationship anytime soon because people with problems shouldn't date. a self proclaimed fembot isn't a normal person and i dont want to dump my insecurities on someone who could prey on me which is why i concocted this idea to improve my confidence but i do understand what you're saying

People prey on each other. Men will prey on you for sex, we women will prey on them for validation. It is common to be a virgin in college. I literally did what you did when I was like 22, had sex with a 30-something guy like twice just to lose my virginity and have some "experience" so I didn't feel out of my depth if I ever met "the one."

It was dumb and only gave me a pretty warped view on sex. Let your future boyfriend help you figure out what sex is, and you discover your likes/dislikes/preferences/techniques with each other. Also, good sex with an experienced person you don't care about now will make a sweet, well-meaning kid your age seem unsatisfying.

Normally I'd say just go out and fuck anyone you want, be a hoe and be unapologetic about it, because you only learn about sex and preferences through direct experiences, but that doesn't seem to be what you want.

You're not as odd as you think. What you're feeling is pretty typical of a lot of girls.

You're just 20
You're nowhere near being a Christmas cake
In the mean time work on yourself if you're scared of being taken advantage of

I'm in college too.
Here's a quick protip: If you want ez pz chill casual sex go find some dude that doesn't act like a douche and is kind of introverted but doesn't have any sort of confidence issues and can hold a good conversation about whatever you want. Make it clear you don't want a relationship but you are down to be friends. If he's cool with this, there you go, couple weeks later ask if he wants to fuck and maybe he'll help you out with this. I have a bunch of really great female friends that I met like this or by studying together, some of them wanted casual sex down the line and because I knew them already and we communicated where both of us wanted to keep the relationship everything is cool between us. Things irl aren't how they are portrayed on r9k.

Why would you try to convince anyone to willingly be a whore?

I'm not OP but that disgusts me

>that disgusts me
Well no shit, it's pure degeneracy. Not saying it's moral at all, it's just a relatively common thing on college campuses.

I see. Thanks for the advice :)
I will.
I don't want casual sex desu. I just wanted a practice friend like described in OP or a relationship

Because life is a meaningless cesspool, and sexual gratification without shame shouldn't belong exclusively to men. You have 60-90 years of being a sack of meat, why bother wringing your hands worrying over ideas on purity and appropriateness?

You find out how to have sex and what kind of sex you like by having sex. To girls who consider themselves feminists, are uninterested in traditional gender roles and power dynamics, I'd tell them to go fuck whoever they want, and point them in the direction of birth control and condoms.

>completely ignores the fact that her excuse about not getting the husband she wants is complete bullshit
nah u just want to fuck around , doesn't matter the reason

if i wanted that, i wouldn't be plotting and planning. i would be on tinder rn and just ask guys to come over.

>I don't want casual sex desu. I just wanted a practice friend like described in OP or a relationship
t. didn't read my post. I described how to make a "practice friend".

Okay. Yeah that makes sense but i dont have the confidence to ask or suggest. im too anxious which is why i like online/tinder better

See I address this by advocating we shame men for being promiscuous as well

We shouldn't treat sex like it's something be ashamed of but we should weary of being like

>betas will thirstily reply to this terrible bait
This board is fucking dead.

Oh okay. Anxiety sucks big time. good luck out there
be safe pls

Meh. Marriage shouldn't be the end-all be all-goal that dominates your entire existence and gives you meaning. A relationship ending doesn't mean the entire thing was a waste, either.

I've known people who treated relationships like seasons. They had a long-term partner for their youth, another to raise their kids with, and another they lived into retirement with.

Whatever works.

>I'm female.

stopped reading lol

So wait are you gonna suck that guy's dick or not?
Because you can find plenty of practice friends on here

thanks xx
probably not if i met him on tinder but if i met the dude irl and respected him maybe

That's pretty screwed up
I'm afraid of your mentality spreading

Sure maybe there's some happiness
But most marriages breaking up stem from both partners being too selfish from fixing their problems
So we're just increasing in selfishness