/fat/ - Spiderjack edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/ people who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication,

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

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Other urls found in this thread:


this is the best OP image i've ever seen, congrats

Confess, brother.

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Forgive me Padre

I ate over 700 calories for breakfast today

It didn't help that I smoked weed and forgot to mindfully eat my food either

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>tfw just won a mental battle over having a soda
I feel accomplished as pathetic as it is.

Count it bruh, saying no is so much harder

My one was over cheese and milk. I’ve been getting low cal cheese and skimmed milk but it fucking sucks. I can’t wait till I’m bulking as I drink pints of the stuff

Also is Eurofat always this quiet?

Got weak and drank 8 beer on sunday evening, went hungover to work.
On the bright side i managed to go to the gym on that day despite the hangover.

It's not pathetic if you're improving yourself.

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>clothes fit like shit
>still too fat to justify new ones

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Just buy some simple, cheap clothes. It doesn't matter if its crappy quality if you're losing weight anyways.
It's much better than walking around looking like unapprochable shit

Might as well put myself out there lads. Make sure you chronicle all your progress pics

>Started out at 213lbs
>Didn't take a picture
>These pictures are a month apart
>Left: 198 Right: 195

It doesn't look like much, nor feel like much but lifts are slowly increasing and inches are going down in the waist and hip area.

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how you got no tits

Most of my fat distribution is based around my hip area. My gf has literally bore my child but I have bigger child bearing hips than her.

0.5pl8 OHP/1pl8 Bench/0.75pl8 Squat/1pl8 Deadlift for 5x5

My parents keep buying soda for the house and I can’t resist the urge to pop at least one for every meal I have


Keep it up boyo


I think when I started my waist was around 40" and It's now around 36". I started back in Feb

>tfw sit down for at least 3/4 of the whole day from school to work to vidya
>every time I hit the squat my knees give off a satisfying crack

Who fatass here like me

Going well, /fat/. Down from 130kg to 116.5 so far just by eating below my (i don't know the english word) daily intake to maintain current weight. Anyone got tips on something healthy/ spicy to snack on? Usually do movie nights on saturdays with my girl and i'd like something lean to eat.

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I like spicy things too, bought chilli powder, peppers and sauce (watch for cals).. Eat it with anything but watch out and dont forget to wash your hands after, burned my dick and eyes many times

do you guys smoke weed or drink alcohol? If yes, how often, how much and how do you control it?

I drink usually like 1-2 times a month, and I usually just stick to vodka and sugar free soda or energy drink (fuck me up famalam)
I also smoke cigarettes to curb my appetite

You must have pretty consolidated fat distribution in that one area. I’m 38inch waist at the moment.

I’m 6ft and currently 212lbs. Started at 252. (Left pic is about 230lbs)

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Yeah it's pretty shit. I can fit into size M H&M shirts comfortably. It's just my hips will always let me down when I'm wearing clothes.

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I had 1000 calories for breakfast yesterday. A simple solution is to not eat lunch or dinner

I gained almost 30 pounds in the past 9 months and now need to lose it all again. I can't fit into any of my shorts from last summer

Working in care while fasting is god-tier hardmode

>constantly having to throw perfectly good food away when residents refuse to eat
>every few minutes I have to resist the urge to just take a bit of cake instead of tipping the whole thing into the bin untouched
>stomach hurts every time I have to heat up food and I can smell it

Give me strength jesus

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>go to doctor for stomach problems
>tells me I'm too fat, cholesterol and bp too high
>you need to eat less dairy, less red meat, less sugar, less salt
Didn't think I was /fat/ but apparently I am. 6'5" 225lbs.

Is there any downside to mainly drinking sparkling water only? Weaning myself off of sodas. Find that sparkling fills me up much better than regular water as I'm cutting

I don't have access to the gym until next month. All I have is a treadmill and a pair of 45lb weights. What is a good calisthenic routine to slowly build muscle and lose fat to bide the time?


You're not fat but losing something like 20-30lbs will probably be good. since you have to adjust your lifestyle it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. Don't forget to add some cardio/lifting to the mix.

Those pangs and urges are where the battle is won and lost. That is the front line charge.

I would do 1 workout every day alternating cardio and lifting, or upper body exercises and using the treadmill on the same day. For dumbbell exercises check dumbbell-exercises.com/workout-routines/

>start 350lbs
>go down to 190
>various health condishuns arise from starving myself to get there
>weak as fuck, fucked up shoulder, fucked up posture, fractured spine that the doctor tells me is the result of a combination of being fat, being a lineman when I was a kid, then lifting with shit form while I was losing weight

>get depressed as shit
>balloon up to 240lbs

Well, shit. I done fucked up real good.

On a related note, what's a good calorie limit for a 5'10, 230lb fatty?

I'm currently working out at LEAST 3 times a week for an hour a day. That's the bare minimum that I can never do less than, or my ass is going to get fired from my job.

I was trying to do 1500, which is what I did when I was first losing the weight, but back then I didn't do any PT at all.

Think 1800-2000 cals would be a decent amount to try and go for 2lbs a week, if I was doing the 3 bullshit cardio sessions a week and lifting every other day/doing actual cardio on my off time?

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gotta keep the guys motivated with memes

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>Finally reached 70kg
>Mum asks me to make spaghetti for dinner (my favorite)
>tfw already had four bowls
>in physical pain, my stomach is hurting
>want to have another

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Haven’t gone to the gym in a little over a week. I want to go today though, I need to get back to it. I went from ~220 to ~200 so far this year.

1500 calories, fat fuck.

Just realized I forgot to make lunch for today and I have an extra long school day

It's possible to fuck yourself up with a poor diet and not look especially fat. Also meat and cheese is not bad for you in moderation, it's more important to stop eating refined or processed foods (including sugar, corn syrup, trans fats, etc) and eat more vegetables.


I haven't been successful in my diet for longer than 7 days since 2016 july.
I eat out of boredom, loneliness and generally as a comfort thing.

i gave up a few times on the way, I started at 126kg
dropped as low as 105kg without doing exercise

now i'm weight lifting 2-3 times a week and swimming 3-5 times a week (depends how bad aches are)

I don't really know what to do, I jsut know if I can get to day 10 or 14 of eating right that I can continue it.
And then some shit comes across my youtube feed about how exercising makes your body compensate by making you more hungry and other shit.

Any tricks?
I only really have two kind of food in.
Chicken breast, breaded chicken breast and battered chicken breast --- and Porridge (I usually just eat the sachets without water/milk) but I just see the porridge as a craving accellerator and i'd rather use those calories on some chicken instead.
I do have brown rice but doesnt really satisfy me.

I think the worst thing is that I've had so many maintenance/overeating days that my muscle gain has outweighed my fat loss on most weeks.

>want to make crunchwrap burgers since I've never done it before and it looks like a fun meal
>don't want to risk loving it so much that I make extras
God damn it I need to hurry up and lose weight.

forgot to mention i lapsed and gave up. Went back up to 119kg.

>chronic diarrhoea
>blood test and stool sample couldn't figure out what is wrong
>need to go to the hospital and get a camera stuck up my butt
Wish me luck bros. If I don't die I'll lose weight for sure

I was 122 at the start of September last year.
95 kg now. It is possible. The thing that really made a difference for me was doing OMAD. I was getting burned out on obsessive calorie counting after the first three months and then only maintained during December and January, before I switched to OMAD at the end of January. I don’t stuff myself and I am conscious of what I eat, but I find that this method is much easier to maintain and I plan on eating OMAD forever.



OMAD is really great I think, my issue is finding the rihgt time of day to do it, finding a way to get to that time of day, and then not giving in to ordering a burger from the takeaway..
I have gotten past the point of buying snacks from stores as a "i feel bad buying it, i constantly have to "resist" it and i feel bad after i eat it"
I used to say it was a treat i could "ration" or something, fuck that shit.

Damn this kind of stuff makes me glad i played sports as a kid. Basically it was one big permabulk. I weigh more, but i look better.

I have no experience doing OMAD but I'm losing 1.5-2lbs per week by just eating more protein, less carbs, approximately 1800-2000kcal a day with 3 times cardio a week. Good luck user!

Damn son. Youll have balls of steel if you make it.

Dropped from 208 to 205 within the last week. How long does it usually take to plateau?

how much do you weigh, nerd?

Push ups, pull ups etc for body weight, and weighted lunges for lower body.
I hate lunges, but they work.

197lbs now at 6'2'' faggot

Thanks, you fucking queer.

[spoiler]Nah but seriously though thanks. I'm the fag earlier in the thread who was asking about calories. Thinking of uping my calories from 1.5k to 1.8 and PTing harder.[/spoiler]

to add to this user, look up Bulgarian split squats for legs as well, they're damn good

Upping your calories is probably not too bad as long as it consists of protein and stuff as they'll make you feel more full for longer.

Foodwise I always stay 500kcal below TDEE, but due to cardio and walking a lot I usually end up 800-1000kcal below TDEE without ever feeling hungry. Also try to have early dinner (6pm) and don't eat anything until breakfast.

went from 147kg to 121kg in around 4 months doing [spoiler]keto[/spoiler]
its alright but i just want to eat fucking pasta holy shit i would punch someone in the face

245lb fatass here, aiming for 200lbs.

Started working on my diet last week and so far im doing okay with it.
Pretty much stopped drinking alcohol, not everyday anymore.
Also cleaned up my bike and did about 5 miles of it yesterday.

Used to be 200lbs and able to bike 30-40 miles a day but work and commuting took over my life for 4 years. Working on getting my shit together now.
If i keep doing 5 miles everyday and can get my breathing down then ill be able to start biking 10 miles a day by next week.
Also theres a Jow Forums lady that friends wife is trying to hook me up with so theres more motivation right there.

Were gonna make it guys.

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Is the pic supposed to be that kid that posted before and after photos and one of the photos was him in a tight ass spiderman hoodie? lmao

did you also get fat in a week? jesus

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You have to sever the ties between emotions and eating, user.
Also you have to get rid of that "The damage is already done, I can go full in" when you busted your daily calorie limit.

You have to get aware of those situations and then stop whatever food you are preparing or are going to put in your mouth. Ask yourself "Why Am I eating right now?" when you are eating. If the answer is "I'm bored/lonely/seeking comfort/already fucked up today" then stop.

Realize that if you fuck up now you push back your end goal. Realize that the frustration you experience from being fat doesn't go away from eating but it'll actually come back worse.

Get motivated from the gradual weight losses. Get motivated from streaks of success from staying under your daily calorie limit.

Weight loss for obese people definitely needs change of psychological perspective besides the change of diet and exercise habits.

You have to be also aware that you have to control what you eat for a long time to come (perhaps lifelong), because if you could just trust your body you wouldn't be fat in the first place.

I went from 200 to 210 in a week or two, so yeah


>5 ft 6
>heaviest ever 250 in december
>weighed 238 Feb 27 (got weighed at the Drs office)
>have lost more weight, maybe 220 now?
>no scale
>cardio daily since beginning of marsh
>also lifting since april
>can see muscle changes even under the fat
>eat 1,000 cals a day
>47% bf according to the shit

I want to weigh 130-150 but I literally cannot imagine myself being 100 lbs lighter. who wants to see my fat body and continue my shame?


Post pic. I need to fap. Not really but it would be better to hold yourself accountable during your progress.

shame is motivation for fatties that would otherwise continue to live in blissful ignorance and indulge in their shitty habits. youve already been working hard to improve yourself, so getting shamed now will only be detrimental
you can motivate yourself by looking back at your progress and your small goals
>already lost a lot of weight in 5 months
>starting to regularly lift
>seeing muscle changes
after you reflect on your progress, you can set more small goals for yourself rather than just worrying about the single goal at the very end
>regularly lifting for a whole month
>running a mile in shorter amounts of time

my diet

post workout or pre-workout if i have to workout at night
>2 scoops protein powder

1 meal at night
600g marinated chicken
entire packet of frozen vegetables (500-800g a packet) with sweet chilli sauce

whatever the fuck else i want AFTER I finish the meal

the idea is that i CAN eat whatever i want except it has to be AFTER a huge healthy meal

user you are very kind. i took a pic but it's really embarrassing. i will keep it for future reference and motivation. today i will purchase a scale and hope i am at least near 220, there's no way i'm under it. maybe... 230... at the highest... or i'll kms
but, 8 pounds in a month is ok right? and i've put on muscle especially in my legs

i dont see the point in gauging your progress by weight when youre working to lose fat and build muscle. if you gain 5 pounds after a month that might seem bad, but you might have actually lost 5 pounds of fat and gained 10 pounds of muscle
just keep eating at a deficit, lifting regularly, and watching the gains come in the mirror

Let's see those B&A pictures, boys. Started at 255 which isn't pictured here. Last pic are from this morning. Ignore the ninja turtle shit, it's my nephew's.

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you're right, and I do these things most of the time
but the one thing i cant do
is *stop* when I've already started.
My mother raised me with a "dont waste food" and "one wont hurt" mindset.
It's cooosntantly fighting me
I look at it like "i have a limit, but if i really cant stop myself then 300 backup calories" and say "more good days than bad days, its just 1 day setback"but i forget about the previous fuckups that week/day in the moment
tons of bullshit, really.

I did mushrooms a few times this last few months and i've been using it to explore/therapize my eating habits sometimes.
I'm not sure exactly what is going on but I am acutely aware that food is a comfort thing for me, and most likely a replacement for intimacy.
I'm good at controlling what I eat, until I'm not. Cravings, people baiting me with junk food (my brother is a CUNT with this, constantly mentioning takeaways and shit so i order in and he gets a free burger and fries)

>tfw you look like me but white
Get swole so I can know what I would look like at that point

How not to cum too fast when you're on nofap?

Smashed the gym so hard I’m having to move my head towards the fork to eat

How tall you silly shit, please tell me short for christ sake.

Work your arms so much in the gym you can’t lift them

I feel you, but my vice is alcohol
5 days sober

Dude i gained 20kg the last 9 months. I went from 85kg to 105kg.

I'm thinking about doing the waterfast for like a month.

his hips are at the toilet bowl.. if i had to guess he is 5'6 maybe 5'7

nigger im 6' lol

>mfw you think you've hit your deficit limit for day but you've bought strawberries and think you can't eat them but then find out they are low enough in calories that you can eat 200 grams of them.

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Tell them to either stop buying it or at least diet as training wheels



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>Tfw lost enough weight that it's not enough just to eat less of the things I like
>Tfw plateau'd at 90kg
>Tfw have to give up my daily croissant for breakfast at the cafe near my work

croissants are for weaklings anyway, eat grits like a real american you pussy

Not eating a full English like a proper bloke

I'm fasting twice a week on tues/thurs.
How do I pass the time? I want to eat already Im hungry

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this is literally me in every aspect except i dont do cardio as I'm a shut-in so I just have a home gym. Same stats basically but not 47%, get some calipers? My goal was 150 and I'm at 170 right now but I'm still fat as fuck in the upper body meanwhile I've gone down from 38 to 32 (which are starting to fall down on their own, the slimmest fit they had). Still have tits and huge stomach and fat arms and I hate it

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get out of here with that meme shit

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forgive me father for i drank sweet shit and ate some snacks to get me through an all nighter. deadlines piling up and are fucking shortened. god knows i need this

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also limiting myself to 1700cal the rest of the week. I just want to have abs again

Shut the fuck up you ugly fat cunt I bet you do CICO


Hot tea feels ok. I'm gonna make some right now while I vape.

>not embracing the /FAST/
Enjoy your 1lbs/year weight loss rate, you gigantic faggot
Only pussies can't handle the /FAST/