Which girls do you consider fat?

And if you think some of them are fat, where do you see most of the excess fat?

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from that picture, all of them. disgusting!

All of then except first from the right and first from the left.

Really? All of them?

these land whales
would fuck all of them, and forget them the next day

Yes, they are all fat

All of them except for 2nd one on the left


Only 1 on the far left is fat fat
Then there are some chunkers but would still fug

All but second from right and second from left. i'd bang all but the left tho

Far left girl looks pretty cute for being fat. I'd date them all.

all except the second

2nd from right and 2nd from left only two non fat.

Far right looking chunky

Every other bitch is fat. Fat stomachs and legs which is normal fat deposit area for women.

Why is the far right chunky and not just non fat?

second girl from the left is skinny-fat. the rest are all disgusting landwhales, unironically.
what's more, they have in common the same shitty hips-to-shoulder ratio. that and the fatness causes their bodies have the shape of a fridge.

t. Fat fuck

The one on the far left probably thinks she’s the hottest

left to right:

1, 3, 4, 5, 6

7 and 8 are borderline, i would need a better angle to tell

which one are you, OP?

Why do you think she's skinnyfat?

Tbh I wouldn't say they're landwhales. Maybe landmanatees. Dead-on about the ratios though, their hips:waist ratio looks closer to a man's.

The only correct answer

Why are 7 and 8 borderline?

Only non-fat is second from the left. Second from the right has nice legs (in that crowd), but fridge mode torso and fat face mess it up.

Most of their fat is in the thighs, and bellies. Some horrible guts there (3rd from the left looks like Ronnie Coleman in his last years, I would never say that just looking at her face/legs). 2 middle girls are bulit like male dwarves. 3rd from the righ has disastrous knees/calves.

Overall, irredeemable bodies. Would not fugg/date. Ands what's with the fucking navel piercings, you think that makes your distended gut look more attractive? Fucking hell, the more I look at it, the angrier I get, what the fuck...


She just is. Slightly bloated stomach and thicker thighs.

>White women in 2018

Fuck me, how did I end up in this timeline?

Fat: 1
Chubby: 4, 5, maybe 3, 7, 9, hard to tell
2 and 8 are best looking, 9 is decent

All of them of course, you blind?

i bet their ego is big as them


1 = fat
2 = not fat
3 = chubby
4 = fat
5 = fat
6 = chubby
7 = normal
8 = chubby

correct ans


Count again mEIGHT.

They all have the bodies of young alcoholics. It's not "just a little extra thiccness" it's "I drink 12 beers on the beach and a bottle of rose fridgebody. Disgusting desu.

Does #3 have roid gut?

That's so strange. There is no "first from the left/right", the concept doesn't exist. It goes "far right/left" then, "second from the right/left"


B is second from the left here


This. All of them have a fupa or one developing.

this. Americans should travel more.

Fuck you, get it right

more autism.

All of them

Post body

Shit, dno what i was counting. Agree with listing, except I'd list 4 and 5 as chubby and 8 as borderline normal.

1 3 4 5 and maybe 8 but i need to see her from another angle

7 has a completely flat stomach I think she just looked fat because of her boxy shape

2nd from the left and 2nd from the right are within acceptable limits, rest are overweight to different degrees

Mirin arm genetics on the far right (based) chick

Would give my love to all of them.
What's the problem virgins, you wanna get married?

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>just the left girl
but that belly would fucc bellybutton/10

>American women

Do you ever see those girls that are riding the line between fat and skinny? Where they look a little chunky with clothes on but when they're nude they look perfect? What is that called?

all are fat except 2 and 7
they are just skinnyfat

oh wow, I kinda wanna beat you up

that was when I was carrying you

What makes them look skinnyfat?

Where do you see most of the excess fat?

Not all of them ..

Which degrees do you see?

1,4 and 5 are fat
3 and 6 are chubby
8 is heavy chub
7 is average
2 is noice

all of them except 2 and the last 1

What makes 1, 4 and 5 fat and not just chubby?

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just general size and body fat %
not really any actual criteria, just my personal first thoughts

Fucking disgusting, not gonna roll for this. Ignore my number.

Cottage cheese thighs.
Flabby gut, that says their abdominal wall has given up.
Second chin visible.
Also 4 is literally showing off her baleen while inhaling plankton.

only the second from the right is not fat

maybe 7 too

They are all fat but I am into that especially far left unf

>They are all fat but I am into that especially far left unf

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>no chubby harem
It hurts

That's too fat for me but I'm in love with the chub.

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all of them

Are you actually retarded? First from the right/left means you go all the way to the right/left and then the other way one girl.

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A taller woman could get away with some chub, but on short girls like that, it's pure trash.

prime breeding material

shoot the load deep in their wombs

The only one who is close to fat is the far left, everyone else is perfectly thic

Ugh look at all those belly-button piercings

Left to right
fat,slim,fat x 4,alright,fat

2 is the only one that isn't fat.
1 3 4 and 5 are the most disgusting.
None of them are attractive.

rolling; just fuck me up

This. Also Check 'Em.

Attached: Old faggot with a gun.png (640x620, 402K)

i'd say number 2 isn't fat, although she probably has a bit of an ass in jeans. all the others i wouldn't consider as potential mates re: long-term family.

Only normal one (not even fit) 2nd from the left.

not him but
"first from the left" means go to the leftmost girl and it's the first one, i.e. the far left one.

This desu


Belly, arms and legs.

not either of them, but first from the left means you go to the leftmost girl, then go one down from then, so the second girl.
if you said first ON the left, then its the leftmost girl


all of them lol

they're all fat.
2nd from left and 2nd from right are the least overweight.
i still think the one on the far right is fuckable.
all of the others are disgusting. i'd have to be drunk to fuck them, and i don't think i'd be able to get drunk enough for the one on the far left without getting whisky dick

left is chubby, rest is thin in my books

As Spanish? All of them are at least pudgy, minus the, from the left and right, second ones.

Why do you think 7 is fat?

raise your standards brah

What makes her fat compared to the others?

What would you consider them then?

ding ding ding
And the two mentioned have a belly going


No not all of them ..