90% of biztards got a score of 7-25

will fit fail me aswell?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nice fartbox there

24. Not surprised as I'm pretty autistic.

im not a fucking autist m8

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What the fuck

27 out of a possible 80
I probably just too apathetic to care about others desu

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Get a load of that poop producer

congrats user, you likely don't have aspergers or autism, you can leave Jow Forums

Am I a normie now?
Am I free?

I just like making fun of other people and in some cases I'm an egoistical asshole

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But I think I should be way higher though, I help out at homeless shelters, I’m majoring in fucking environmental science, and I even went to Puerto Rico to help out. This isn’t a good test for empathy


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I do think I’m an autist or sperglord at most I think I may just be a sociopath

im jealous.

wonder when this test was first made, I think people were a lot more empathetic before the internet and mass migrations to cities. Smaller, close knit communities made people care about each other a lot more than modern day so the scores might need adjusting.

24 I actually thought I would get higher

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it's got to be those animal question that boost people, nobody hates animals, well except the Chinese

this is probably just as bad as a single digit score since im sensitive as fuck, especially when it comes to other people
or the quiz is just bs and im autismal. either one

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the key is to get really, really good at acting. i'm a complete detached ass but perform army-tier politeness like i came out of the 50s when talking to people. people eat that shit up

Gas the kikes unironically

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On Wikipedia I’m seeing references that go back to 2003

Same. I got a 32, but mostly I feel it's because I don't care.

who else here /ghandi/?

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hey man can you spot me some $? I really need to make rent next month

no surprise


Am I a woman now?

beep beep im a robot I guess


I got a 13. I get along fine at work, I go to church every week and have plenty of friends. I expected to score way higher. I was raised to be polite and generally just don't talk much unless it is someone I know well.

How is this possible

the 4 points I'm missing are all about being not emphatic towards broke ass bitchbois

49/80 seems pretty good.
I'm bad at reading people but good at empathizing.

brehs stop with this images i swear
i can't take this holy shit just stop post fitness things not these sluts

don't be edgy

41 here. Lots of sociopaths in this thread

Wouldn't say I'm autistic. I just really don't give a fuck about people apart from my friends and family.

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41 and I feel like a big softie wtf

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Yay im a normie now

11. I mean sure I'm autistic, but is my empathy really this bad?


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this test is retarded. how could someone know if they "can easily tell if someone is masking their true emotion"? what if you only catch someone doing it 1/10th of the time and the rest of the time it goes over your head? etc

i scored 36 btw

13 wtf I thought I answered pretty normally

I was expecting a bit better desu...maybe I am an autist

. . .

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Lmao I got same score as you, and I've been accused numerous times of being a sociopath especially by my ex.
I know other people's feelings and intentions, I just don't give a fuck about their problems.

didn't used to be like this though

you were raised to keep to yourself and not bother others, which is great, but the quiz is about being sensitive to and aware of how others are thinking and feeling the need to help those in need. not a big deal though, since just being polite is already better than most people

"Your Empathy Quotient score was 7 out of a possible 80"

not sure how this is so hyperbolic for me i thought some of my answers were empathetic

dont you want high t user?

I got 38.

I'm socially awkward, but i have plenty of empathy, it's a dumb test

I'm finally free if this place, later fags

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Who else here /40/

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I'm in no way surprised. I've suspected I have much lower than normal empathy levels for a long time. I'm pretty coldly logical about most things and very efficiency focused. I often don't understand why the fuck people get all emotional in many situations so par for the course there.

One thing I really wish I could know is is I experience emotions with less intensity than other people. IDK how the fuck you would measure that though.

.. I worked as a teacher in inner city school systems though

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come back take me with you

People with down syndrome experience everything like it's the first time, that could explain your "intensity"


To be fair I'm just really introverted and the test doesn't really account for that.


o-oh... i get super annoyed at people crying on TV, and I don't understand social situations because i'm fucking retarded. conversely, i am personable and chatty in casual, fleeting situations (i am a customer service worker and do well because i will never speak to that person again)

26 out of 80, holy shit I am an emotionless wreck

28/80, nothing new here.


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Thought I was completely normal but i scored 26. What. The. Fuck.

Hint: nobody normal browses Jow Forums.

EQ is bullshit made-up by jews to trick retards into feeling better about themselves.

It's exactly same BS as learning styles.

No, Timmy doesn't get bad grades because his "learning style" is tactile, he's just simply a retard.



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This quotient is initially calibrated on the answers of autistics kids and "normal people" (psych/soc. Students). Test is extremely skewed because of this, and also the resolution of answers is less than 5, which alters what the results can look like even more.

Your Empathy Quotient score was 76 out of a possible 80.


fuck me senpai, fit is performing quite better than biz

56... working in software project management and before that softwaredeveloper, dunno if that has anything to do with it


. I find it difficult to explain to others things that I understand easily, when they don’t understand it the first time.

>>I find it difficult to explain to others things

Slightly strongly yes.

I want to get off.

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>>>I find it difficult to explain to others things
That just means you are retarded, asshole.

41/80, I’ve gotten less autistic over the years.

Your Empathy Quotient score was47out of a possible 80.

Scores above 30 are generally not indicative of an Autism Spectrum disorder.

Higher scores indicate greater levels of empathy.

Pretty good desu

Your Empathy Quotient score was 54 out of a possible 80.

Scores above 30 are generally not indicative of an Autism Spectrum disorder.

I agree I don't think I'm a sperg either.

i got 34, not really autistic i can tell what people feel with near perfect accuracy, i just dont really give a shit about them

I know how to cheat on these can have whichever result i want...

I guess that makes me psycho. Im proud of it. I do understand people's emotions well... It just i dont care or consider them weak...

No. Just a faggottino

You're like women



Not a tisty boi by the looks

lmfao i remember when i was 12 like you as well user

>I know how to cheat on these can have whichever result i want...
Woah dude can you teach me your magical powers so I can do the same thing??

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23. youch did better than i did 2 years ago though. also the antidepressant ads were pretty funny

>all these people who scored 30 or less not actually realizing they are autistic and thinking they just dont care about people

trips of T R A U M A

40 here, seems about right.Like most folks here, my empathy is circumstantial - I care about a very few people's feelings/problems, but genrally am not interested in people I don't know, and I don't give a shit about whether they are happy or sad.
I didn't know autism was considered lack of empathy, I thought that was being a psychopath/sociopath.

>I'm bad at reading people but good at empathizing
I'm the opposite. can read people pretty well but don't really know how to respond to emotions.

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31 here

Nah m8 i just have ADHD and psychopathy

there's a reason I'm on this website so often

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15. Didn't think it'd be so low, but still i am pretty autistic in a lot of situations

I got 49, that looked low until I saw this thread. We can still work at it and get better. We're all going to make it.

According to those results you are.
Fucking autist