What is the worst death possible?

my idea of the worst possible death would be being chained to a huge ass piece of cement and then being thrown overboard a ship at sea. hurdling downwards into this cold, dark abyss, the pressure popping your head and drowning

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I'll one up you. Being thrown to the bottom of the sea with cement tied to your legs. Just enough to sink you but not enough kill you from pressure change. They give you enough oxygen to breath for 4 hours. You just slowly descent into the deepest darkest corner of the ocean until running out of breath.

Probably the one where they slather your face in honey and the rest of your body is inside a barrel. Then they throw you out in the water where you float and insects come to land on your face and eat you alive or you just starve to death or if lucky you can tip over and drown yourself.

>Scaphism, also known as the boats, is an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death. The name comes from the Greek word skaphe, meaning "scooped out".

The naked victim would be firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowboats (or in some variations a hollowed out tree trunk). The victim's head, hands, and feet would protrude from this improvised container.

The victim would be forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing severe diarrhea, and more honey would be rubbed on his body so as to attract insects to the exposed appendages.

He would then be left to float on a stagnant pond (or alternately, simply exposed to the sun somewhere).

The diarrhoea would accumulate within the container, attracting more insects, which would eat and breed within the defenseless victim's exposed (and increasingly gangrenous) flesh.

Death, when it eventually occurred, would probably be due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock.

In other recorded versions, the insects did not eat the victim; biting and stinging insects such as wasps, which were attracted by honey on the body, acted as the torture.

Death by scaphism is painful, humiliating, and protracted. Historical records suggest that Mithridates, sentenced to die in this manner for a perceived insult to the king, survived for 17 days before expiring.

Probably pic rel.

>Masha, who on New Year's Eve in 2005 had wandered into the catacombs with her friends after drinking; the group of friends, he wrote, had all stayed there overnight, then left the next morning, but abandoned Masha, either accidentally or on purpose, and she was unable to find her way out.

Imagine waking up in a fucking catacombs which are kilometers long and there are no sounds or any light source. You just wander and panic until you die of starvation.

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I'd actually vote for something like delirium tremens. That complete loss of control and your body and mind turning against you is its own kind of horror. What you think is happening to you is only limited by your imagination, which can be way more expansive than reality itself.

Being burned to death, slowly.

Very few people who burn to death actually experience it - they are unconscious from smoke inhalation while they're burning.

But you could feasibly trap someone in a device that made sure they could breathe while you burned off one small body part at a time.

The drowning ones are total cake, I don't know why you'd think that was particularly horrible. Just stop holding your breath.

Holy shit. That's seriously fucked.

Black hole
>drift into black hole
>can't see anything
>can't hear anything
>probably can't move
>effectively trapped inside your own head
>you stay that way until you eventually die in your space suit, if you're granted such a mercy

That's a hoax.
Still a really scary death though.

No, if you fell into a black hole your atoms would be pulled apart at the seams.

I remember seeing a documentary of a camera found in the catacombs.
Mostly showed off different stuff about it, until it got near the end, when the person recording started running for seemingly no reason and dropped the camera after running down a side passage.

For the smaller ones, sure. I'm talking about the big ones. Like Sagittarius A.
The really big ones don't tear or warp you. They simply pull you in, and that's it. You're fucked.

you forgot the part where you're force fed a mixture of milk and honey designed to cause you to shit yourself to further attract insects to start eating you from the asshole in.

>Its a hoax!!
>t. vice

Are you retarded user
This is original

pressure would still kill you past a certain point, when a sub dropped into the narsong trench it had about the equivelent of 3 tons or so crushing from all directions if I remember right

Being attached to a spinning carousel until you will die.

I saw it too.
fake and gay

Being boiled alive would probably be the worst, the chinese literally do this to dogs before eating them.

Dying without witnessing the extinction of mankind first. This is the worst death.

Here's one.
Going for a cave dive and drowning in the dark, your body never being found.
Or having a humiliating death infront of loved ones.

Do research before calling people retarded



but to be more serious maybe licking the elephant's foot. imagine dying of an ungodly amount of radiation and see your body decay im matter of a few hours as your dna is destoyed

>being shot in the back running away from the battlefield. Being left and remembered as the coward and traitor i was.

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Even if you think you can make it past the event horizon in one piece (kek), you'd get torn apart some time before you reached the singularity because the fucking laws of physics break down in there, flesh and blood surviving is a non issue
If you'd have said something like being stuck on the event horizon from your perspective for all eternity due to time dilation fuckery you'd have a point and even then you'd still die in your biological lifetime

buried alive or placed inside that ancient bronze bull and be cooked to death inside. yuck

I think the worst possible death is being boiled alive.
You will die after almost an hour.
Imagine the pain. Imagine the suffer. You can see your muscles, your nerves, your blood vessels going away from your body while you are still screaming inside.

Boiled, burnt alive, whatever is based around extreme heat. I can't even stand washing the dishes with the sink water set on hot. I avoid touching anything that's really hot. Holy fuck, god please let me die in any other way

Forced to watch the view or keeping up with the kardashians.

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You would prolly die from the pressure before you drown or get hypothermia so its not the worst way to go.

Me likey. With enough willpower and a few bottles of water I bet I would fin a satanic cult or something down there. I lowkey wish to go see that place, Paris catacombs are amazing.

>The image isn't a middle class white 20 year old male in a maga hat

Being gradually crushed to death doesn't sound appealling

That's exactly what Americans do to baby chicks by the million literally every single day.

Fried alive in big frying pan. (Temperatures of around 350-400 F)

Being sucked into one of those underwater tubes that are really high pressure.
There's a filter inside too so you get sliced apart.
Here's a video: youtube.com/watch?v=fzRb2vMfGyk.

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thats what I was gonna say. imagine the fucker who thought the whole thing up. he must have gotten some perverse pleasure out of it to imagine executing people like this

something about that shark getting sucked in is satisfying..

That one video where these Mexican cartel dudes drug this guy so he can't pass out then begin to hack off each of his limbs while stabbing him in the face/neck/shoulders with the barrels of their rifles. Horrifying.

One in which you don't get to fade out of existence and instead in some manner or another continue existing. Be it an after life, immortality, reincarnation. All hellish.

the flayed man with no hands getting his head cut off with a dull box cutter while Funkytown plays in the background is a cool one too

Probably burning alive or any variant thereof.
There was a woman in my town a few years ago who set herself on fire in the school fields, she ended up surviving for a week before dying of her injuries. A boy from my school was one of the first people on the scene, and he said he couldn't get the smell of burning flesh out of his nose for months.

Yeah, but being sucked in yourself would be very shitty.
You wouldn't even be able to process it before you were dead.
It kills you too fast for your mind to realise.

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My worst possible fear of death is being buried alive. Imagine someone knock you out cold and put you in a coffin and bury you 5 - 6 feet deep in the ground. You wake up from the feeling of hard to breath just to find out you are trapped in a tight coffin that you can't even turn around. The only thing you can do at the point is wait for your impending painful death of suffocation.

Attached: buried_alive_by_tothfrantisek-d7trp96.jpg (1024x710, 238K)

The thing is that the closer you get to a black hole the slower time gets, because of the immense gravity and time dilation. So it would take you an eternity before you got crushed to death. You'd probably die of old age before that happened

Imagine being born into a world where your people are slowly going extinct, and could easily stop this if they all came together and rose up, but they don't because nobody wants to be the first person to fire a shot. Imagine a world where your people have their rights stripped from them slowly over the course of several decades, and nobody does anything about it. Imagine a world where your women's baseline standards are to be a male model and anything even slightly below that is considered human trash. And imagine that in this world we've imagined, the outcasted, frustrated men that it's created come to an imageboard to pass the time between now and death as they watch their world crumble around them, and it's as if they're the only ones who can even see it happening.
That is the worst death possible.

Ah, my bad.
Would you be able to see the rest of history then? Like in Problem Sleuth?

it doesn't get slower for you mate. are you dumb? even if you're joking man that's fucked

continuing life is the worst death.

haha ya totally

>it doesn't get slower for you mate. are you dumb?
Actually it does. This is how physics works.
You should try reading a book some time.

Sounds like an okay way to die then.

At leasy you can move a lidl bit. I'd bust one last nut b4 perishing.

>not one mention of Nutty Putty cave
what are you mongs on about? even the name is fucking eerie, for some reason

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getting chills just imagining that

This one is, objectively, the worst possible way you could die.
I mean really imagine being...
>Left out in the direct sun for DAYS. Your skin would peel off completely from that much sunburn.
>The putrid smell of your own festering shit.
>The constant need to vomit, because you are full of nothing but milk and honey.
>Then: the insects come. You can't use your hands to brush them away. They crawl over your face, into your nostrils, and deep into your ears.
>They crawl into the boat, into your festering shit (which by now is making your skin break down), and start laying legs in you.
>Insects crawling into your shit-soaked festering wounds, and turning your body into a hive.
>They go for the rotting flesh first, because it's easier to eat, ensuring that you stay alive being eaten inside from maggots for days.
>Days...maybe even weeks.

By the end of it when you puke, you'd be puking up eggs and maggots all over skinless face.

Being buried alive.Just imagine yourself panicking,kicking the casket and what not.

It does but in a relative way which means that for you time will be normal but the normal time is faster from your point of view which will not exist anymore as the acceleration at this point will be too high for you to think about physics or to live

I once dreamt I was stuck in Nutty Putty and woke up absolutely drenched in sweat. Still not worse than scapism, or burning

getting raped by the handle of said frying pan until your still attached sausage and eggs are roasted ready, which you have to eat before you're allowed to hop into the pan

that fucking picture is what made me realize I'm claustrophobic
that and an episode of iCarly where the brother gets stuck in a vent, but that's less dramatic

Burning is 20 seconds or so of intense pain and then your nerves are toast. That cave shit is so much worse, man.

How bout knowing after you're fried, you'll be served as chicken wings and eaten by a bunch of nigs

Great,original and funny meme.Great work,user

What meme? Im being serious

that one mexican cartel webm seems kinda bad. you know the one. where they drug him so he doesn't pass out.

Here's another one


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...and soon be reborn as nig yourself, become trapped right after your birth in a bottle of water, released after weeks just before you dead again, vomited upon and drowned in a toilet

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suiciding and being reborn as a nig

What about loving someone that doesn't love you back? ironic answer.

Good. let the roastie cunt suffer.

Stake in the asshole, taking days to die
See: Vlad the Impaler

The Ace Attorney fangame in pic related somehow addressed this topic and made me scared of the thing
If any /v/idya fan and Phoenix Wright fan happen to be here give it a try

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Death by Scaphism en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism

dying this way for so long the soul can't hold their shit anymore and ends up posting it everywhere

Being locked in a coffin full of centipedes

Large massive objects falling on me crushing me. Like a huge block of marble or concrete wall.

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keep a person intoxicated with something like the toxins from the "suicide plant" ( if it is possible ) for great pain, give them anxiogenic ( anxiety causing agents ) for great mental pain..
find out all their fears and use them against them... basically torture somebody both mentally and physically until they cannot stand it, become crazy, lose their mind

Makes me glad that shit's just an Orwellian fairytale. Back to channel surfing I go.

The worst death I can imagine is dying inside of a burning submarine. Your two options of death are either drowning or burning to death (the worst ways to die), and the whole time you're trapped in this suffocatingly claustrophobic space that you can barely move in with a shitload of other people screaming in agony.

Why the fuck do people even do this

What a dumb fuck, who even thinks that going into unmapped small tunnels when you're an amateur is a smart move

Buried alive with a snorkel, which you can breath through, but for 30 seconds 2 or 3 times a day, he puts his hand over the hole so you panic, you can't breath. Then after 7 days he cements the hole up and walks off.

Brazen Bull for Sure, I'd rather drown 100 times than be victim for that monsterous creation

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Duo to a cicada like riddle which i did in 2015, i had to research different horrible accidents and torture methods. Sadly my normal home pc is broken right now, which is why i don't have acces to my infinit library, but here are some things i remember from the back of my head

1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_eagle (some old nordic torture method)
2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism (some user might have posted it already, but basicly being eaten alive by isects that crawl in your body)
3. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byford_Dolphin (diving bell accident, or more like, dying of fuckton amounts of pressure)
4. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaying (skin removing while alive)
5. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo_torture (a bamboo shoot grows through the body of a victim)
6. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_torture (kinda related to Scaphism)

Thats an example of the worst ways to torture a someone, we're talking a direct death cause here

Living for 80 years in complete isolation and then dying alone

Some other interesting stuff are of course psychological factors, like letting them suffer through mental pain. Great examples are:
>100% isolation
>possibly combined with total darkness
>taking all senses before killing them slowly (Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Touch)
or the other extreme:
also another one would be:
>victim is deliberately but falsely made to feel that their execution or that of another person is imminent or is taking place

Humanity was a mistake. A big mistake.

I'm literally the only one that would laugh at that if it happened to me.