>not drinking a cold glass of milk before bedtime
holy fuck this shit puts me to sleep like a corpse.
>not drinking a cold glass of milk before bedtime
holy fuck this shit puts me to sleep like a corpse.
yep, you right af mane, something about milk that makes me feel so calm.
here are some good sleep-helping recipes btw
Why cold tho.
For sleep aid I take chamomile put it in my milk and on the stove and add little honey to taste.
Sounds soyboyish but Its great.
But that's bad for your diet. If you don't follow the 9-12 hours rule, you waste time working out.
>drink agglomerated utter excretions that requires massive digestive energy to utilize
no wonder you sleep you fucking retard. stop drinking that garbage.
I like to fuck my GF vigorously for about 35 mins before I hit the hay. Puts me to sleep every time.
My method of falling asleep is to go on a four mile run, take a cold shower, and listen to jazz. You think it would have the opposite effect, but it works for me
what is the 9-12 hours rule?
>drink agglomerated utter excretions that requires massive digestive energy to utilize
Maybe if you're a shitskin rofl
Also, pre-sleep dairy protein has been shown to help muscle growth.
>eating corpse ready to rot
>eating parts of a being
>eating reproductive parts of a plant
Food is gay as fuck desu senpai
> Manuka Honey
Is this a new supememe?
Spotted the butthurt vegan
>agglomerated utter excretions
you missed your calling as a poet
Hey, I'm a shitskin and I still drink milk like crazy. That guy's just a faggot
drinking milk alone makes me want to vomit
I think he's referring to the 9-12 hour eating window.
Nigga that doesn't explain. The fuck is a 9-12 hour eating window? You eat for 9 hours straight?
I believe it means to not eat for a 9 to 12 hour window everyday, during sleep
Whats up with that? Why people do this?
does mommy's milkies count?
I only have one insulin spike a day, so, no, thanks