"SS is a bad program" - Jow Forumsfitness

Thoughts on this?

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Their right.
SS and SL are toy programs that have no longevity and don't teach "the movements" well. Not enough volume.
It even sells them on the idea that the only thing that matters is that new PR to keep them interested in lifting while spitting on litterally everything else to do with lifting and pure physical fitness.

>waahhhh it feels like a punishment
Soyboy reasoning

best beginners routine there is, only thing I add it 3x5+ weighted dips at the end of each day

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>drop down to 3x5
>artificial progress

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I can't do chin ups, what else you got

Rippetoe is rolling in his grave

SS and SL are shit, so is this "routine". Since it's basically just a "wah wah I hate SS, but wanna do something that is basically the same".


You don't wanna do any of this 3-5 sets of 5 bullshit.

Fuck you, made me check

it's great for getting the highest squat possible in the shortest amount of time, worked decently well for that and my deadlift was also not bad but i'm fairly talented at deadlifts, had poor results for bench and ok results for ohp

if you're interested in looking good you should probably not do a program based around lowbar squatting 3x a week at the beginning of every workout, and you definitely shouldn't do a program with an average of 4.5 working sets of bench a week

>I can't do chin ups
Let me guess, you're wh*te?

Jow Forumsfitness is a bad community because it just parrots what's popular in that forum and doesn't allow for serious discussion. You'll find routines posted by redditors being praised and shoved in your face while proven routines and regimens are shunned because of biased opinions. The fact that the mod team even saw fit to police what routines people should do and even threw a few bones to internet morons instead of Ripp just proves how bad a resource it is.

because motivation is CLEARLY overrated and only for plebs

>it allows you to set PRs when deloading

If you're setting PRs when you're deloading, you're not fucking deloading, the whole point of a deload is controlled deconditioning to enable recovery and adaptation beyond stress

If you're angry about deloading, you're lifting with your ego fucktard

i made tons of gains on this program. GSLP is solid and works. Chins and rows are more useful to the recreational lifter than powercleans.

you're wrong and you know not what you say

A reoccurring theme that I've seen is that no matter how many times everyone tries to kill SS, it still remains relevant for novices. Probably because it works.

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Literally the justification for AMRAP sets Johnny Pain uses in the Greyskull book, but OK I guess everything is soy now?

>Johnny Pain
>bald head

Smells like soy...

It doesn't work as well as good programs though

And yet none of you fucks can all come to an agreement as to what program is better than SS. Just shit slinging everywhere.

>r/fitness on reddit
literally the only place on the internet with a worse population of know-nothings than the people with questions on the qtddtot thread

johnny pppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn
you can still find his stupid n00b questions on the archives of the ss forum btw
you can still find his /fraud/ subforum at his old site, what was it called, strength villain?
legend of he-man named after a kid's cartoon castle and you take his program seriously?
>take ss
>drop the cleans
>press first
>amrap on resets
>deadlift every wednesday

chins are part of the ss program you fucking nimrod

AMRAP sets for novices is retarded because they cannot maintain good form and will build bad motor patterns

>Develop zero work capacity
>Develop next to no muscle
>Express pre built upon strength for the most part
>One rep scheme
>No accessories to develop underdeveloped muscles
>No conditioning
>No core work

Reminder that if you dropped the reps of 5x5 to 3x5 to handle intensity, you didn't get stronger.

Reminder that if you drop 10% and work back up you have done nothing to build additional muscle or strength unless you add sets or reps.

Reminder that if you moved up in weight but now it's harder, you have not gotten stronger.

SS is for off season football players. Build a real base, do a real program

What in gods name makes you think that putting novices under the heaviest strain possible with the least amount of volume needed will build good motor patterns?

At least amrap teaches them to listen to their damned body, which is the first step to personal mastery.
Telling noob lifters to SHUT UP AND SQUAT PUSSY is the stupidest fucking bullshit on the earth.

How can one person be this wrong? Is it for the (you)s?

Tell me then, what do I want to do instead?

SS is good for 1 month max. Even then its pushing.

There's simply not enough volume there to get optimal growth.

>Reminder that if you dropped the reps of 5x5 to 3x5 to handle intensity, you didn't get stronger

5x5 is for babby weight, nobody does 5x5 at intermediate and advanced stages. Your logic is saying you don't get stronger past beginner phase.

Is PPL program good for beginners?

post body

too much volume desu, you'll get burned out real quick

Every workout routine is shit according to anons

Better for what?
There is no such thing as a better program, just programs that are good for you and your goals.
Even then some prorgrams will get better results then others.

Shit. I been doing this PPL for ~2 months and still can increase weight every workout. Should i switch or continue until i cant make linear gains?

program - reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/37ylk5/a_linear_progression_based_ppl_program_for/

Thanks for help!

SS is great beginner program
you don't need high volume or heavy weight as a beginner
people who don't understand this are pretty dense
SL and GSLP are just ripoffs of SS
and you don't have to follow the program strict
I clean the bar when I OHP, instead of dedicating time to power cleans, also no bumper plates at my gym, and do rows instead of cleans

>mods on reddit having a superiority complex

Color me surprised.

continue until you can't make linear gains
eventually when you start to lift heavier, you'll need more rest, or start roiding.

Fuck this sucks i love lifting almost every day.

I lurk Jow Forumsfitness during work because Jow Forums is banned.
Their number one favourite routine is 5/3/1.
Fucking retards making huge blogposts about their complicated 5/3/1 routines.

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High volume routines aren't bad for beginners because they get burned out. They WON'T burn out any quicker than anyone else doing them. But a beginner will benefit more from higher frequency which requires you to adjust the volume lower.

>work decides what you can and can't browse

Because we all know that rebbit is known for promoting programs that have withstood the test of time and produced many intermediates, not flavor of the week programs

pls no bully

I'm also interested in bypassing work firewalls
my current workaround is to turn off the wifi on the company phone and browse there

How the fuck is 5/3/1 even close to enough volume?

A VPN is the best solution but costs a bit money.

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according to my vast knowledge of Jow Forums posts, spanning multiple years and topics, it helps to not lift baby weight

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Not to mention most of these guys can barely squat 300lbs but are talking about advanced programs lol

>here’s my review of sheiko! I went from a 275 squat to 315!!!

>i feel intimidated by new paradigms that question my views

>absolute-novice program doesn’t have longevity
Stop the fucking presses

A program that demands that you're at the point of training where ANY thing can work is not a good program.
It's a fucking toy.
If everything you know about and come to expect from lifting is built around a mindset that comes from that kind of shit then you're fucked.
Pure and simple.

Lat Pulldows and weight loss until you can

Heh. Jason Blaha's ICF is still on the page.

The best routine is the one you'll do.

This isn't rocket science until you're an elite competitor, just get to the gym and have fun with it.

Starting Strength is fine, but it's only going to be the first 4-6 months of a long gym life

>fucking up the upper body push/pull balance


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>less volume

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what should I combine with dips then? My chest needs more initial development than my back

SS is "starting" strength and is for novices and is supposed to be followed only for a few months. You are not supposed to handle a billion stalls when you're doing SS.

I got back into lifting two weeks ago. I am doing Phraks GLSP from reddit. Should I switch to other routine?

I think they are good programs, but I really can't argue with the shitty way they handle stalls. When I stalled I basically had to just go find my own way around it because deloading alone isn't the right solution.

I bet it doesn't.


I did it for a while. Eventually it caught up with me in terms of recovery and I had to switch off. I started feeling like shit every day and quit making progress. I'd say if you are going hard at it like you're meant to it'll last about 3 months if you aren't a complete beginner before you hit a wall.

r/ftness has become a place less about getting strong and fit and more about providing a 'safe and inclusive enviroment' for all manner of fuck-ups.

Rippetoe is politically incorrect as heel, therefore his progam cannot be advocated.

Yeah, Reddit sucks. I think their "ayy lmao alien" fucking sucks too. Also gay they ban source subs. Fuck Reddit.

>alternating chin ups and rows
Fucking why?

Isn't this the website that bans you for calling fat people unhealthy and unattractive?

>less volume and higher intensity isn't progress even if results in new prs

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An inexperience lifter has no fucking idea what their body is capable of. I can't count the times I've ground out what I thought was an agonizingly hard, slow set of squats and then looked at the video and realized they were fucking fine.

Anything else.


>spending 20minutes in the gym

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>more intensity

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I do 3x5 sets of pull ups with 25 lbs plat and can only do dips with a 5 lbs plate. I can row 125 lbs vs 120 lbs bench

>An inexperience lifter has no fucking idea what their body is capable of. I can't count the times I've ground out what I thought was an agonizingly hard, slow set of squats and then looked at the video and realized they were fucking fine.
So you're retarded, glad we cleared that up. Putting a noob under heavy load with questionable lifting technique at best and hilarious diet advice is the reason SS is ridiculed on the net and unknown in good lifting circle upwards.

id just add curls laterals and pushdowns at the end of each day

why not?

motivation is overrated. You should not be motivated to go the the gym, you should be dedicated to go to the gym. motivations can run their course, but dedication sticks with you

>5x5 is not enough volume
What are you guys even saying
It's more than enough for strength gains, SL is great for that. Once you can lift a decent weight then you can focus on more volume to get more pumped.

lel enjoy having a sub 250 squat for the rest of your life

>t. never pushed himself

fuck these guys. do whatever you want.

Starting Strength (read the book)
Madcow 5x5

take a look at a few different routines, factor in how much time you have to dedicate to lifting, add in how many days you can train, what equipment you have access to and most importantly, what seems like the most interesting/engaging workouts.

consistency and dedication are more important than the program, you can do it for a few months and change it up. its really not that big of a deal breh

SS is quite good program. To exterminate jews.

serious question tho, how much do you squat and deadlift?! Be honest, don't be scared.

Did you do any other PPL programs?

90lb squat and 110lb dead so way more than you weakling.

I thought SS was for newbie dyels to build general strength in order to be able to branch out to other exercises or routines?

Nice strawman


Been saying this for the longest time

Are you sure you even lift?


Would add frequency method push and pull ups to this

>longevity in a beginner program

Lots of people seem to think SS stands for Advanced Asthetics and then complain when it doesn't work that way.

AMRAPs are fucking shit for beginners, and the lazy man's way to add volume. They're 100%, categorically shit in training and should be avoided by almost everyone in almost every situation.

You're just getting rid of fatigue, you're not actuall getting bigger or stronger, you're just recovering.
This is what makes people spin their fucking wheels over and over again, they think doing less makes them progress, it really doesn't.
If you wanna make gains you need to work HARD and more consistenly overtime as a natural.

Confirmed for having never read starting strength.

Seriously if you aren't strong you have no business saying anything about strength programming.