Comment or/and your view/description of these four

Comment or/and your view/description of these four.

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Interesting how the fourth is the most fuckable despite being the fattest, she retained a feminine shape (wider hips and stomach that isn't hanging/sticking out)

Genes man

useless thread

Human. Human. Human. Human.

The 4 brides of Nurgle

fuck man I almost had to vomit, thanks for motivating me to lose weight. I am not that fat like pic related but still fat, but this is just super ultra fat. Disgusting. I get that there are people who have a serious illness that causes this, I feel sorry for everyone of you.
Regards an user trying to get shreddit for summer

>Purge them for the Emperor!

i have a fat fetish so 7/10; 8/10; 9/10; 8/10

This things mere existence is a fucking insult to humanity...


This but completely unironically. It should not be legal to look like this.

I imagine how hard this beast would be roasted in my country. Never seen anything close to this here

truly inspiring/truly inspiring/truly inspiring/truly inspiring

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Happy I never looked this bad, happy I look nothing close to this now. I feel bad for them. Existing was hard not even being at their size, I can't imagine what kind of bullshit they willfully put themselves through.

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I have dropped plenty of loads to cherries, roxxie, adeline and boberry. Each of them has gaines a ton of weight sonce breaking onto the scene.

Pigs ruining their entire lives for my enjoyment, while i attain perfection, is my fetish. They don't understand til they are over the cliff and staring into the abyss how bad a mistake theyve made. All so i can jerk it. Lol boys.

>Placing Cherries that low
>Placing Adeline that high

baka user, Cherries is the best model out there

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4 > 1 > 2 >>>>>>>>>> 3

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this is 100% correct

Attached: wrong.jpg (250x250, 11K)

murkan murkan murkan murkan

fat pig/fat elephant/fat pig/fat pig

True. I agree

Patrician answer