Social life is the worst for aesthetics

i was on a 5 week cut doing great until my old faggot friend baited me with cocaine again

so it ended up like this:

>3000 calories in booze
>falling in love with prostitutes in brothels as i always do
>dick wont even get hard cause high
>take a blue pill and nearly get a heart attack
>am hard now but cant finish
>take many benzos and ambien to come down
>at this point im not human anymore
>gamble away thousands of dollars
>finally lay in bed with short breath focusing not to die but take another line not to come down and fap 6 times to sick fetish femdom videos
>heart racing like im sprinting at this point
>5 days hangover eating like shit
>usual routine now completely rekt
>do this exact retardeded shit like 4-5 times in the last few weeks.

i feel like death bros. i literally threw my phone away. no more social contacts until i become shredded which is my only goal in life at this point.

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its my friends fault that i am a weak phaggot without discipline and principles


cry harder faggot

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you live like a god damn rock star

good luck tho


Why are there two threads with the same OP image?

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i stole other ops brabber because the right qt literally looks like the italian prostitute i met

i french kissed her like we was about to get married. hopefully she didnt suck raw before me

>kissing hookers

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Why wouldn't you kiss hookers?

Do you also name your game controllers and cuddle with anime pillows?

>why wouldn't you kiss someone who sucks dicks and swallows cum daily

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to my defense, they dont here. its a taxable job and its forbidden by law to suck raw

You have any idea of how many cocks cunts and assholes that person has had in and around their mouth?

Had something somewhat similar happen to me recently. Went to a strip club off of xans and don't remember my night at all but me and my friend were there for 5 hours.

>it's illegal so they never do it

this is "social life" to you? I also see you kiss prostitutes. I no longer care what happens to you. Fuck off and die.

>blowjob's with condoms on
Literally what's the point

Poor dog :(

but then again, they also sucked me raw when they liked me so its over anyways kek.

Hahahahaha, dude you are so fucking gullible.

what is social life user? go to starbucks? play bowling? im legit curious because when we have money we always do op and nothing else ever comes to our minds.

You know, friends who do a lot of drugs and party often don't make it easier to stay disciplined. Now that I refuse to party I see them much less.

This made me understand why some parents don't want their kids to be friends with problematic kids.

>not burning calories on a drug/sex binge

Nigga I spent a week in SPI and came back looking like a Greek God. How dumb are you?

nigga i also do look better but that comes from being dehydrated to death. your strength will be a meme after binging and it takes couple workouts to get back to your usual workload

My Latina wife is getting humped in that position tonight. Thanks for the inspiration.

Maybe you're just a pussy? I lost 7 pounds of body fat and 10 lbs of my maxes.

>have a bunch of friends who are cooks and just do blow, smoke and drink all the time
>get out of the kitchen, start uni
>make small-talk with someone on subway home after a dude puked from drinking
>she lived in my building, we start spending time together
>her friends are really awesome
>go do archery tag
>go do indoor obstacle courses
>axe throwing
>post workout meals

I stayed friends with her because I really liked having a bunch of people who didn't sit around and do boring shit. Having people around who like to stay active, do stuff like climbing and roping, can be really fun.

A social life is the BEST for aesthetics. You just have to find a group of friends who are different enough than you to be interesting, but alike enough like you to push and motivate you.

I wish you luck with however you choose to go about making it brah. God speed.

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Oh, your bull is lurking here too?

So you never kiss women?

Too bad you didn't die. The world would be a better place without people like you.


Nigger, normal women don't suck multiple different dicks every day.

You took a week's vacation to SPI
How poor are you people?

>almost guaranteed to have had multiple other men's cock n balls in her mouth, along with other dudes jizz and potentially fecal matter

Regular girl
>probably has not sucked a cock in the last few days, at worst it was last night and she's already brushed her teeth
>if she's your gf she's only sucking your schlong so who cares

this made me laugh
i wont go into detail on why it isnt a good idea but ill share that i do kiss a hooker if she is willing to do it (very rare, most wont) and very hot. its actually a good sign, sex is always great after that.
but generally speaking, stay away from it.

this isnt social life as i understand it m80

haha, good one mate, thanks for the laughs.
get ready to get heartbroken, life isnt a movie
i wish i still had your fairy tail mindset

this kek

>Have shitty friends who only want to hang with you to further their retard behaviour
>Instead of cutting them out of your life you join them to do retarded shit
>Wow life is so hard
Fuck off OP

uh huh...
good job sewing foment between the sexes and pushing casual whorishness

t. has only dated garbage damaged goods, probably because he is low tier garbage himself

they might be shitty with retarded behaviour but they been loyal and good friends all my life user. should i fold them for new normie friends? i dont think thats a good move

>hey its a gun free zone nobody will shoot the pla-

Stop making excuses you are just a faggot

So you'd rather keep a loyal venomous snake than hang around unrealiable mice? You need to analize what purpose your friends serve in your life, what things you have in common and activities you do together, and if loyalty is of any use for you. Plus if they take heavy drugs their loyalty is worthless as when high their behaviour becomes erratic.
If they actually care about you, you should be able to tell them that you're done with drugs/etc and to never bring it up to you again, and if they keep going you're more of an enabling tool for them than a person, which is not exactly bad for a friendship, but you need to understand their goals.

>if she's your gf she's only sucking your schlong so who cares

>am hard now
Stopped reading right there. Why do so many retards do this? It really rustles my jimmies and im no grammer nazi but this shit is unacceptable.

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t. 16-year-old incels

>Social life != Illicit drug use, prostitution and reckless gambling

why are you lifting if not so you can look good while you do these things?

He responded to you very politely, so I'm going to say what he should have said to you

shut the fuck up retard. nobody cares what you think noob