How do I know if women ar the gym are into me?

How do I know if women ar the gym are into me?

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They're not. Stop dreaming and start lifting

Are you attractive? The answer is the same.

Talk to them

they aren't

GIRLS *clap* JUST *clap* WANT *clap* TO *clap* WORKOUT *clap*

>How do I know if women at the gym are into me?

they aren't OP

How do I know if women are into me? I think One might be but she's also in a relationship

>GIRLS *clap* JUST *clap* WANT *clap* TO *clap* [NOUN] *clap*
What on earth did you mean by this?

All of them are

Not like I fucking know, but once I was warming up with trap bar deadlift, miring myself in the mirror (like usual), and I got a real funny feeling to look to my left instead of completing another lift.

To my shock, a 7 was two platforms over straight eye-fuggin' me. Due to the randomness of my sudden glance left, she was caught off guard and quickly went back to looking at herself in the mirror.

btw this didn't amount to anything and I am still alone. I'm just saying, try out random glances mid-set to catch 'em mirin

>manlet: "H-HEY ARE YOU SINGLE??"
>cutie: *keeps walking*
Witnessed this gem the other day, on my way out of the gym.
Dude stood there for a few seconds to hold the door for everyone, including the girl he sperged at.

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Women ar to gym into your when they fuck you.

Women aren’t into anyone at the gym simply because they’re at their worse. No make up, no fancy clothes and incredibly weaker than most people since it’s a place to work muscles and not tricking someone to think she’s special.

Post your face + body and you will get your answer. Gym shark here.

The point is to get into them


>excuse to wear yoga pants and tight clothing
>do exercises that show off your body

they wear the yoga pants because they're very constrictive, and hold fat to muscles securely - making legs look better, the ass firmer, and feeling a bit more athletic (due to the support). The exercises that "show off the body" are just coincidentally the only exercises the women are interested in: lower body lifts, with glute isolation.

>How do I know if women ar the gym are into me?

Throw flour on the bench after they leave, if there is a wet spot they REALLY like you!

They keep glancing at you and smile back if you show a friendly smile yourself.

BITCH! *clap* YAASS! *clap* WE *clap* DONT *clap* CARE *clap* ABOUT *clap* YOU *clap*

Dude, it’s one in a thousand women you know it.
Most women there are barely above 5 and are very insecure or they wouldn’t have to go to the gym in the first place.

If you can't tell if they're into you, they aren't into you.

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Don't bother, the usually jelly roasties or total unironic faggots are the ones who always bitch about women wearing yoga pants and doing exercises to make themselves more attractive and strengthen themselves in ways that arer pertinant to their day to day lives and fits with their persoalities.
Let them feel superior for being gross/wearing a burqa/lifting like the boys lifting to look like the boys.

>wearing a pant that makes legs and ass look better
>girls are at their worse

>implying hot girls dont work out
jesus christ switch gyms. Most have plenty of hot women.

Also if your lifts are good you are among the top guys in the gym making you attractive. Just be normal and don't look like shit

Great pic

Actually the best advice

this doesnt make sense

>How do I know if women at the gym are into me?

He went for it and got shot down, that happends, at least he went for it and if he keeps it up he will land one :^)

They aren't.

Unironically just hope they get near equipment THAT YOU WERE ALREADY PLANNING ON GOING TO, and walk by them, look them in the eyes, give them a slight smile, keep your headphones in, grab the weight and walk away and do your workout.
If they want it after you do that theyll walk up and talk to you if you do it confidentlty enough

they have a red ridge around their neck that becomes erect in the presence of a eligible mate kind of like those lizards, if you don't see it then she's not interested so stop staring and leaking precum

>think girls are into you at the gym
>remember there are 50 other dudes there who are taller, more jacked, more handsome then you are


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>go to a ymca so theres only 5 guys bigger and 3 are more attractive
Feels good.

>if you don't see it then she's not interested so stop staring and leaking precum

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one time a girl asked me to spot her and I did and she said thanks and them something else I didn't hear and I just said "haha yeah" and nodded then she just smiled and looked at me like I was expected to say something else or continue the conversation then just said "well thanks"

I probably fucked up but I was pretty dyel and still am i dont think she was actually interested

lmao, if you think i walk around thinking there is any dude out there that is more aesthetic pleasing than me i would be a soying sad kunt

think high of yourself, unless you not planning on making it

This. You might think women are subtle but they're really not. If they really want your attention they'll go out of their way to get it

YASS QUEEN #resist

If you live your life by this assumption you have a much higher chance of success with women.

>you aren't, they aren't
>you are, they are
it's not that hard to get

>No make up
>no fancy clothes

Confirmed for having never set foot into a modern Gymnasium.

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I have been on both sides of this, and I can confirm that this is the basic jist of the system.

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t. brainlets
What user meant is that if you arent good looking gym thots wont find you attractive. If you are good looking, then gym thots will find you attractive. The fact that OP had to make a thread about it means he's an uggo and therefore gym thots aren't attracted to him

delet this right now