Jow Forums test levels

Decided to get tested. I'm 30, 5ft11, 185lbs. I've been lifting pretty consistently for 3 years. 2.5 plate bench, 4/5 plate squat and dead. I eat like shit, and I have done shift work for the past five years, so I often sleep during the day. I also edge to porn for hours at a time, pretty much every day.

My results were 19.6 which I think is about 580 by the U.S measurement. Studies from the 1990s pegged average test at more like 600+. And here I am lifting heavy for years and still below that. Pretty dissapointed desu senpai but it's made me keen to sleep and eat better. I'll test again in a few months and see if there's a difference.

how about u fags

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350 ng/dl or whatever it is. Fucking soyboy confirmed

If you can grow a beard you don't need to worry about your test level or whatever new meme comes up to sell you shit

If she were still alive, I would have gone vegan for

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I'm starting to think it doesn't matter. I got the high 900s and I can't squat 4pl8s yet after 5 years of lifting. So whatever.

i don't grow a full beard, the middle of my chin is bare as a babys bum

This picture made me realise I'm a necklet. I've seen a thousand neck threads and never felt the need to do neck curls until this moment.

Genetics. You can still have low test and a beard

At the Dr right now waiting for the results of my blood work.

Pray for me my friends.

405 ng/dl and I look jacked by normie status and buff ottermode by fit standards
turned 22 years old 2 months ago

is this bad? I did have surgery in november so no idea if it affects

Free testosterone is more important than total testosterone, because it indicates how much T your body has available, while total indicates how much testosterone is bound to other hormones like SHGB and albumin. Free T is 'bioavaliable' to your body

how's 10.9 pg/ml

>10.9 pg/ml

Males (adult):

20 -

I'm on the 20-25 age range

looks I'm average, doctor said my T levels were fine(only took free and total)

I guess, I read my bloodwork last month so I might have confused nanograms with picograms

Getting my results on Monday

31 y/o here. 5'10'' 162lbs
Natty lifting for 2 and half years. Can bench 225 for a couple reps. Squat 295, deadlift 365.

800 ng/dL, can't remember the free test number

Actually I do remember, I think it was 16.5

330 if i cant get it up i'll have to get on trt
gonna try every natty method i can or supplements so it keeps creating test in my body and keeps the dick factory workin

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21 here, 230 ng/dL, i want to find the real cause of the illness dont want to live like a test diabetic for the rest of my life. I'll probably start taking it once a month if doc approves

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How's 17 nmol/L?

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19 y/o here. Got tested 3 times, 273ng/dL, 213, and 148. Did an MRI and my pituitary is fine, my testicles are fine as well.
Taking clomid for a month and getting bloods done tomorrow morning. Let's see if it did anything. I did notice a deepening of my voice in the month or so.

You're definitely low. Find a doctor who will give you the shots.

You should try to crash test, and get guaranteed TRT. Docs will always try to put you at the upper bounds of natty with test

what kind of doctor is best to talk about testosterone levels and the likes of it