Things that fill you with rage

What makes you legitimately angry, fit? I'm trying to get hyped up with rage for extra strong lifts today

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Dissatisfaction with my life.

Watching animal/prison fights get me pretty pumped

People who trying to improve themselves/do something with their lives/get laid being shamed.

Having to be around my ex cause I live in a shit hole small town

People fooling around in the gym, talking about sports and being a waste of space in general.

the fact that i'm not where i want to be. gets me fucking pissed as shit and i just go in like a wild animal and tear the shit out of the weights. i also sometimes like to pretend i'm darth maul. i'll run around the gym screaming "KENOBI!!!" and then i do some juicy fucking deads. home gym master race!

People that use multiples of the same plates when it's unnecessary (eg. 4x10kg instead of 2x20kg etc)

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>that one massive fat bitch who goes with her boyfriend because he wants to make it
>takes up a bench for 45 minutes on her phone the entire time while her bf busts his ass

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Knowing my future self is watching me through my memories, and knowing I'm letting him down

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Asian people get me pretty riled


People who put clips on

Mmm...hello Guts.

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Hi. I'm nice now.

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>the group of females who sit in a circle in the corner who only do 2 minutes of a core excercise then bullshit on their phones and laugh really loud putting in 0 effort for the next 30 minutes

weed will not be legalized in my country because of old faggots

this. there's always these sloots in there 40s standing around the shit I need to use, not using or even planning to, just talking.

and also not being able to military press 120 kgs

hey thanks for posting that you made me remember I had a dream last night where I was fighting darth maul but then became friends with him and started going to jedi school in space but then got burnt and shit by my friends so joined a group of rogue cunts in space

that is sad cos i thought you were eating tuna and oats like the rest of us

Try being a brainlet and failing algebra all 3 years of highschool and be in your senior year failing still but literally not being able yo graduate if you fail again so you sit there for hours and hours getting your math problems wrong on mathlab and then end up crying because youre a fucking retard so you decide fuck it youll not graduate, instead youll get jacked as fuck and become a model

Hmm...yes. Indeed you are, Guts. Indeed you are...

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People who achieve success without working as hard as me
Not being as successful as I want to be. I want to be absolute bets in my field.
Any time I plateau at the gym.
Fat Positivity when I encounter it IRL
NEETs who spend their time obsessing over alt-right politics and circljerking nationalism without actually contributing to society or learning or challenging themselves
People who don't contribute to society in general
>inb4 why would I be a wagecuck

Lift, learn, get a good degree, work hard, make lots of money, retire around 40 overseeing your own business. Stop making excuses.

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seeing nature destroyed, seeing rich kikes and arab oil barons buying land and cottages in the countryside only to cut down the forests and stay there for two weeks a year, seeing that the Normans still own all the land in this country and most of the Anglo Saxons are forced to live in cities where we're being replaced, seeing gypsy cunts and chavs leave rubbish in my forest.

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My lack of mobility due to vidyas.
Not talking about years wasted etc just my mobility jesus christ, my hams tight af, posterior pelvic tilt etc, working on it tho

It's always the goddamn PL or xfit crew at my gym. They stand around by the heavybag which I need anyways, talk, look at each others instagrams, film each other doing unimpressive amounts of weight, and stay in the gym for 2+hours. This one bitch will do 3 squats, leave, go talk to someone for 10 minutes, come back. We have two power racks. Go fuck yourselves.

They alwasy move in packs at the gym

I'm american but I support your views

Also, fuck anyone who uses bumper plats during squats when others need them for DL, cleans or snatches.

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you are being a total sad cunt

>all these beta fucks too timid to ask people if they're using equipment/tell them to fuck off if not

kikes, thots, obesity, zog, not making gains


Don’t give up. When you feel like quitting think about how proud you will feel after you do something that you thought was impossible

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This one nigger always finds me and asks to work in my sets in the power rack, ir squat rack.

I left my home country with my not yet white who I married about a year into living in the US.
I sincerely and devotedly loved her. We lived with her brother, but he had an industrial accident not too long after we got married, at which point I caught her sexting on Facebook with an exboyfriend.
I was going to kill her but I decided I’ll make it like I’m over it while I planned how I could chop her head off and rip her heart out, and then kill the dude and then kill myself.
I was working on a piece of shit job because I hadn’t received my green card yet, and knowing full well I could leave and move back in with my mother (who I had lived with up to the point of moving out with this woman) at any time, and I would be welcomed back.
I got fired from that job eventually, and I found a job at a concrete supply store. I’ve been working here less than a year but I’ve had three promotions. Turns out I was actually a wonderful worker and my previous boss was just a psychopathic piece of shit.
It’s been almost two years and for the most part I’ve coexisted with my wife as if nothing happened. She has expressed a lot of regret and deleted all of her social media, and only goes on Facebook on my phone (that I know of), and I think I’m happy, but I’m not.
I’m burning inside all the time. I’m not as naive anymore to trust her or anyone, but I still feel like I need to do something. Like I need to skin the dude and break my wife’s neck. It sucks because we’re not a bad couple and she’s a good girl and had I not been such an autist when I met her it wouldn’t have caught me so off guard. But the thing is that I trusted her. I actually trusted her when I caught her and it actually hurt me, like nothing had hurt me up to that point.
I have so many fucked up fantasies of the things I’d do, and the moment I’m showering or just thinking, I’m assaulted by the anger and the fantasies. My resentment owns me and I don’t know when or how it’ll stop.

I fucking hate it when people apologize to me for stupid shit. Like I'll just be sitting down or some shit and a person sitting next to me will just barely touch my foot with their foot and say sorry as if anything significant happened. I wanna shout at them "HAVE SOME FUCKING SELF RESPECT AND DON"T BEND TO THE WILL OF ANYONE IN SIGHT FOR JUST BARELY TOUCHING THEM OR BEING IN THEIR WAY STOP BEING A BETA PUSSY BITCH STOP SAYING SORRY YOU WEAK WILLED FAGGOT."
Also there's this fat ass weeb video game faggot dude in my figure drawing class who sucks at drawing and after EVERY SINGLE DRAWING he fucking throws himself a pity party and puts his head down all dramatically on his drawing pad in despair for the remainder of the model's pose. FUCKING PRACTICE MORE YOU RETARD YOU WON"T MAGICALLY GET BETTER IF YOU GIVE UP AFTER EVERY DRAWING LIKE A BITCH. AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR FAT DISGUSTING BODY MAYBE STOP TAKING BREAKS WHEN YOU SHOULD BE DRAWING TO GET SKITTLES IN THE VENDING MACHINE TO EAT THEM DURING CLASS YOU FUCKING PIG.

Had to get that out of my system. God damn that faggot pisses me off so damn much. Fucking beta bitches.

I'm surrounded by stupid faggots. Just being at uni pisses me off.


This and my buddy's ex girlfriend giving me shit for visiting my dying grandfather

off topic idiot

this guy was talking about keto and it changed to elves okay

Thinking about all the people who’ve wronged me and mocked me in the past is usually what gets me going. I look back and think about specific moments of times this has happened, like when Aaron mocked me for trying out for the middle school basketball team even after I made the cuts by walking towards me and saying something along the lines of, “are you serious? This kid made cuts?” Or that one time my degenerate drug user of a cousin robbed me of $30 for weed and hasn’t contacted me since. Or another good one I think about, and this is slightly different, is thinking about my old high school crush and how I never had the courage to even talk to her and now she’s dating a literal nigger. Always guarantees to stir some sort of emotion in me.

mabey we live in simulated reality where words are not real

think about it

the only thing retarded about you would be giving up on graduating. You're fucked in any field if you don't graduate, even if you want to be a zoolander-tier model. Find a tutor or a nerd to help you.

>getting mad at forest being cut down makes me a sad cunt
gtfo paki

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think about it if we are a simulation...

then god is real right?

you gave me something to think about, I'll probably remember you my entire life, user

fuck you too

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Kill her user, we believe in you

In other countries, your the government just texts you your tax returns, and you say "OK" or you make some changes if you think they fucked up somewhere.

Turbotax lobbies for the complicated tax forms we fill out today, and as a consequence is more reliable than other tax sites, so we pay them to make our lives more complicated.

fuck you

Turbotax pretty much holds your hand all the way through, though. Takes like 30 miins to do my taxes.

Leave her. Don't murder her or the dude. Just completely cut ties. You obviously will never forgive her (good choice), so just leave and go get a better girl that won't fuck around on you. Just think, murdering someone will just stop you from making it. The sweetest revenge will be making it without her. need to be angry Guts. Soon you will have a dream to act upon just as I did.


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That’s the thing. I want to forgive. I don’t want to leave her.
I want to be with her. I love her.
I just really need to section the dude in question over the course of several days and cannibalize him, after I made him eat parts of himself and burned his feet off.

shut the fuck up faggot, he made some reasons to be pissed. Mudslime much?


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nb4 Jow Forumstard

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>being a brainlet
>sit there for hours getting your math problems
>end up crying
iktf bro
Never failed a math class, but came close a few times. Don't give up though. You might have a hard time without a college degree, but you'll be completely assblasted without a high school diploma.

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Why are (((they))) for porn when the Torah is clearly against it?

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>Shit that pisses you off thread
>Says something that pisses him off
>Off topic
You're retarded

Because it disrupts goyim society by weakening the male goyim.

it's an easy source of pleasure to keep the goys distracted and underachieving.

Another thing that pisses me off is when people say 'goys' instead of 'goyim'.

I have started to look at pics of me and my ex before my set on my main lifts. The one who told me she wanted to be with me the rest of my life...the one who I confided everything in and had the next 5 years planned out with, I was even saving up for a surprise trip for us at the end of college. Now when I look at these pictures it fills me with rage, and while I'm in the set I remember all the empty promises she told me and it pushes me harder.

Sorry not trying to sound like an edgelord but it's true, it has fueled my gains on this cut

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why would a nonjew be pissy about jewish grammar though?

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>I-I hope youre not accusing me of something, goy
But seriously, it just seems weird to anglicize a yiddish word. If you hate these people, why would you want to adopt one of their words--especially one which is derogatory toward you?

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reviewing income inequality charts

pretty girls ignoring me.

i'm angry 24/7.

go back to ur mom user, she’ll never betray ur trust

feel you brah, dw we will make it