>go to a party >meet a girl and start drinking and talking to her >we have a lot of the same interests and she isn't completely normie >she seems really into me and starts talking about bdsm >she OFFERS her number and kisses me
After 2 days of texting each other and making plans to hang out, she ghosts me. Why do women do this?
You showed too much interest over text, and she lost interest herself. Next time keep it short and sweet, and text only to set up a meeting later on.
Ryan Peterson
Her instinct saw no $$$ or Chad in you when sober. Sorry m8. Roastie gonna roast, especially ones that go out drinking and making out with a stranger you just met. She just wanted to feel better about herself that a dude would show interest in her. Look for girls elsewhere.
Owen Kelly
>2 days of texting this is where you fucked up you are going nowhere when texting her all day long, as a man, you are supposed to have better business to care of let it go and send a message to give her a date next week, if she still doesn't respond, forget about her
Daniel Rodriguez
you weren't stimulating enough for 90 IQ brain
Jose Garcia
is it really such a bad thing to talk for a while before setting something up though? maybe i've just been a shut-in for so long that i don't get this shit, but i'd rather get to know someone before doing stuff with them. i see what you guys mean though
David Ross
>These are the type of mind games you have to play with women.
>i've just been a shut-in for so long you need to hide it user, if you show how much you care to a girl, you lose all value, you become a groupie read other people stories on this board and take the best of it don't worry, you are new to this, I was acting just like you as a teen and painfully learned my lessons
actually I was 13-14 during my beta orbiting phase, I just became a shut-in right after the blows I took things are only getting better right now and I'm already 21 years old there are many ways to fuck up but as long as you can learn from it, everything is fine, stagnation is the real danger to your brain
sorry for the deletes, my hands are a bit shaky
Jaxon Stewart
It's hard to not show too much interest when you rarely ever get a chance to talk to a potential gf. do you have any tips for me to not fuck it all up before anything even starts?
Camden Sanchez
Yes, it is. But no you aren't crazy. Your logic is sound and makes sense. Women are just that fucking crazy. The more interest you show in them, the more likely they are to put you on the backburner - they can always come back to you after trying their chance with chad who keeps ignoring them, right?
It is how it is.
Nathan Wilson
this is a test you fucking retard. Dont talk to her until she talks to you. I guarantee if you hold out for 2 more days she will be blowing you up. If you dont hear from her in a week just text her or call her and say hey sorry i havnt reached out Ive been super busy. Then plan a date. Works everytime. Grow up faggot.
Asher Phillips
she didnt want to hurt you
Aaron Miller
>girl agreed to meet me for a drink tonight >stopped responding after I tried to set a time I don't know man. Women are fucking flaky.
Connor Turner
This happened to me several times and I'm glad it's not just me.
Chase Morris
It's bullshit. Just don't agree in the first place, or at least send a 'hey sorry, I can't make it'. I don't understand why they string you along.
It's happened to me multiple times too and I don't know why I keep trying.
Jayden Wood
it's a long shot but try to read some books, two authors gave me confidence about this, Carl Gustav Jung and Clement Rosset, I'm not sure if the second has been translated in english the two were sceptical in different ways about the consistency of human personality, Rosset even more radicaly (soul) for Jung, we are always wearing masks and a different one for every person we are meeting that's what he called persona think about it that way, even if you are not aware of that, you are never truly yourself, so, what do you want to be? try acting like a man with self-respect and see where it leads you
Asher Garcia
>giving in into high-school tier roastie mind games and become manipulative yourself
>growing up
Chose one and only one
Daniel Stewart
I've tried this before, but I just keep getting the same result. At most they'll send me a few messages and it ends there
Joshua Perry
>>she seems really into me and starts talking about bdsm >>she OFFERS her number and kisses me
Classic BPD signals
Jose Rivera
Yeah this, and it's not a mind game. The girl rightly thinks that if you have nothing better to do than talk to her for two days straight then are you really that interesting at all?
Jason Allen
Women are literally waiting on you to make aggressive sexual advances towards them. Don't spend two days texting back and fourth, whip out your cock on the spot.
Ryan Rogers
>i'd rather get to know someone before doing stuff with them.
No, doing stuff is how you get to know someone.
Nolan Morales
That's something I gotta work on. I'm not too comfortable with going on a date when I don't know the person