What's your problem?
(No self-diagnosed social anxiety allowed.)
stress induced depression
I'm completely incontinent. Does that count?
Are you a grill?
Is it cute?
if yes and yes, post diaper pics
Depends on whether it's a mental issue or a physical one, I suppose
I can't stop thinking about dicks and I'm not even gay.
Self-Diagnosed (fuck off OP) Schizoid harr.
I'm doing my best to talk to online frens as candidly as I can but I feel like i'll weird them out if I tell them I already have fantasies about them
Mixed bipolar
Chronic fatigue (as a symptom of mental illness)
And i have anxiety because of a looming feeling of dread and a sense that there is something, internally, very wrong with me
Is there a name for this?
... Whatever you say. In an original way.
Asperger's Syndrom.